Lost 3lbs in a week. Looking for friends.

Yup I've been eating the right healthy stuff and I've been working out for over a week now and I'm already losing the weight and feeling great. I am looking for friends here on MFP. Let's make this fun and let's learn from each other. Motivation. Determination. I have both.


  • yazorg
    yazorg Posts: 9
    I need the motivation! !! Just started on Sunday
  • Hey my name is katherine (kat) if better. I hear u lets make it fun it can be hard lost 50 pounds with my first bby and now bby 2 have to lose 40 more log my foods and try to get in mini work outs whenever i can best thing ive done is standing abs while brushig teeth so it three times a day for 2 mins it adds up my fav workouts r turbojams standing ten min it works
  • m3lq_k
    m3lq_k Posts: 59
    I just lost 3 pounds also in a week! :# add me! We can go on this journey together!? :)
  • turning151
    turning151 Posts: 9 Member
    I Need motivation Too. I just started today. I need help building a habit!
  • meeshasingh
    meeshasingh Posts: 8 Member
    cees650 wrote: »
    Yup I've been eating the right healthy stuff and I've been working out for over a week now and I'm already losing the weight and feeling great. I am looking for friends here on MFP. Let's make this fun and let's learn from each other. Motivation. Determination. I have both.

    Oh my god add me please i would love to lose 3 pounds a week i need motivation! Dont know how to add people :(
  • Victoriamrs
    Victoriamrs Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome one and all wishing you every success on your weight loss journey. Happy to offer support and encouragement so please feel free to add me. Good luck! :)

    @ meeshasingh to add someone just click on their name and you will be brought to his or her profile, click on Add as a Friend, kick back wait for them to accept, job done!

  • cees650
    cees650 Posts: 32 Member
    m3lq_k wrote: »
    I just lost 3 pounds also in a week! :# add me! We can go on this journey together!? :)

    I would love to add you but my phone isn't letting me do it. Would you mind sending a request?
  • cees650
    cees650 Posts: 32 Member

    Oh my god add me please i would love to lose 3 pounds a week i need motivation! Dont know how to add people :( [/quote]

    I would live to add you but my phone app isn't allowing me. Just click on my profile name and there should be an add button. I would love to help you. =]
  • m3lq_k
    m3lq_k Posts: 59
    My phone also is a iPhone 5s am not able to add anyone! It's so weird.. But it will accept friend requests :(
  • cees650
    cees650 Posts: 32 Member
    Yea I can add people when they ask me. Idk. I'll have to go on my lap top tonight.
  • OMG220
    OMG220 Posts: 2
    cees650 wrote: »
    Yup I've been eating the right healthy stuff and I've been working out for over a week now and I'm already losing the weight and feeling great. I am looking for friends here on MFP. Let's make this fun and let's learn from each other. Motivation. Determination. I have both.

  • OMG220
    OMG220 Posts: 2
    OMG220 wrote: »
    cees650 wrote: »
    Yup I've been eating the right healthy stuff and I've been working out for over a week now and I'm already losing the weight and feeling great. I am looking for friends here on MFP. Let's make this fun and let's learn from each other. Motivation. Determination. I have both.

    I lost 20lbs...gained it ALL back and now I'm back at it. Determined to lose it and MORE and keep the weight off this time.
    I would love to keep in touch and motivate each other.

  • kateraichu
    kateraichu Posts: 39 Member
    I'd love to help motivate/be motivated by other lovely people :) I lost about 17 pounds since July, but hit a massive plateau and started getting into bad habits again. Motivation is much needed!

    My personal motivation is telling myself that once I hit a goal, I can treat myself to a facial/massage/something not food-related that feels awesome. I tell myself, which would I prefer, popcorn now, or an awesome spa visit in three weeks? ;P
  • cees650
    cees650 Posts: 32 Member
    kateraichu wrote: »
    Wow good for you! Those are some good rewards to give yourself.
    So far I've put in some good work but no rewards yet. Soon I'll give myself a fat reward =]
  • w0den
    w0den Posts: 84
    Whoop whoop (party) 3 lbs is AWESOME! If you'd like, add me! :)
  • sharlamor
    sharlamor Posts: 3 Member
    cees650 wrote: »
    Yup I've been eating the right healthy stuff and I've been working out for over a week now and I'm already losing the weight and feeling great. I am looking for friends here on MFP. Let's make this fun and let's learn from each other. Motivation. Determination. I have both.

    I've been off and on tryn to loose wieght but now I'm ready to make it my top priority. I'm looking for friends too. I think the support will encourage me to keep going when I loose focus of my goal
  • msthang2k6
    msthang2k6 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on this on and off, i'd love to add you as a friend! I hope i stay committed this time around
  • cees650 wrote: »
    Yup I've been eating the right healthy stuff and I've been working out for over a week now and I'm already losing the weight and feeling great. I am looking for friends here on MFP. Let's make this fun and let's learn from each other. Motivation. Determination. I have both.

  • I'm looking for friends to my email is barbiei00@yahoo.com if you want to add me it would be great ! I start 3 months ago by myself I didn't follow throw so start again yesterday and wanting to stay on track this time
  • cees650
    cees650 Posts: 32 Member
    HOpefully i've added everyone who needed a new MFP friend!. I am at the end of my second week of eating healthy and working out. My weigh in day is on Friday and i can't wait to be honest. I've been working hard, hopefully to get results! Thank you everyone for the support and if you need anything from me let me know and don't be a stranger! btw don't forget to drink your water.