Tattoo Etiquette Question



  • redromad275
    redromad275 Posts: 884 Member
    I think all the reasons given are valid. Especially the PITA charge. I apprenticed in a shop many years ago and there were always those people that were a PITA. We never had a deposit policy as the ownership didn't let the artists do it. We were mostly a "walk in off the street" type place.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    If he is doing custom artwork for you with the potential for a few revisions, then I don't think it is out of line for you to have to pay a deposit. You are paying for his time spent working on the drawings.
  • MARK77090
    don't lock your self into something you haven't seen, its not worth it, if he doesn't like it get a new artist
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I have found deposits to be the norm in my area. I didn't pay a deposit on my first (I was a walk-in with a design already set, and she happened to be available right then) but I think I have for every other one. For those, it's been normal to come in with inspiration pictures and chat with the artist about the tattoo. (For one, I had to make an appointment just to do this part b/c the artist was so busy and I wanted him specifically after reviewing his portfolio.) By the end of that meeting, we have a good idea about the tattoo, and I am expected to pay a deposit and schedule time for the tattoo or potentially to review it again before we start. The deposit was always put toward the tattoo price. As others have mentioned, it's to compensate the artist for their time prior to the actual tattoo and for any time wasted waiting for a no-show.

    The ultimate decision as to whether you want this tattoo and are willing to pay for it is up to you, but if the artist has already done multiple revisions, he deserves to be compensated for his time.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Most of the time when an artist is asked to draw a custom piece they ask for a deposit in advance. They get people who ask for something and then never show for the appointment. This means they spent time on a project they'll never get paid for. Asking for a deposit isn't odd. If it makes you uncomfortable you can try to find one who doesn't need a deposit. My artist does beautiful work if you are willing to make a half hour drive to get yours done.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    USMCMP where's your artist? Just curious. I think I'm sticking with Mike and will do it like we always do. I just get nervous about seeing the art the day of the inking. I'm one of those neurotic types who likes to mull it over a bit before it's permanently stained on my body. Weird, I know.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    My boyfriend has an artist that asks for deposits. I can understand the thinking, because as an artist they are still putting time into a deisgn that takes away from other work they could be doing. I feel it's fair, as long as terms are agreed on. Tattoo artists often don't make money unless they do a piece, so putting in the time to make a custom design is basically like working for free. This is the downside to being an artist of any kind.

    My artist has not ever asked me for a deposit but I suspect that's due to how well I tip and that I'm incredibly nice to her. If she asked for one, I would pay it, because she's put a ton of time into the art on my body. It's a service she's rendering, I'm not asking her to work for free.

    I understand wanting to review the work and make changes. That's your right, it's your body. It doesn't make you neurotic. But it's also their right to be compensated for helping you acheive your vision.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    USMCMP where's your artist? Just curious. I think I'm sticking with Mike and will do it like we always do. I just get nervous about seeing the art the day of the inking. I'm one of those neurotic types who likes to mull it over a bit before it's permanently stained on my body. Weird, I know.

    Munster's Ink in Nampa.

    Here's links to the cover up he did for me.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    That's some gorgeous art. I will have to consider this place.
  • barongaston
    ask for deposits because people don't always show up, but the artists time is set aside for you. For example the first devil I got took 3 sessions to complete and at 3ish hours each and if I bailed, his time was booked and he wasn't making money. Mine was refundable if I called and cancelled, and was 100% used towards the total cost of my art.