am i eating too little?

Ughhhhh another weight loss question!

I love and hate the internet. It's helped so much with nutrition information, but also confuses with so much conflicting weight loss information.

I'm 5'6, 136lbs, and 28 yr old female. I'm trying to tone up and get rid of the college beer...situation. Generally, tighten up. I've been doing the p90x lean routine. I'm currently on week 7, day 1. According to my stats on, I burn between 400-500 calories per workout. Yea,yea, maybe it's overestimating, but according to how much I'm dripping sweat and panting, I believe it's close enough. And I'm still a lil sore from my workouts, so I know they're working something, somewhere.

So, now I'm confused. Firstly, my maintenance calories (according to the googles) apparently is 2100-2300 since I work out 5-6 Times a week. So, if I subtract 500, I could eat 1600-1800 a day and lose 1lbs a week right?

So I set MVP to 1300 NET CALORIES right now. So everyday I'm under 1300 calories when I input my exercise calories. Meaning, I consume 1450-1750 calories before I subtract my workouts. Should be a huge deficit right? Ok, cool...EXCEPT I've only lost like 4lbs since December. Wtf?

Am I calculating wrong? I usually stick to ~20% protein, ~35% fat, ~45% carbs. I eat very clean, carbs from fruits, veggies, oats. Fats from PB, nuts, avacado. Protein from eggs, meat, legumes, Greek yogurt

Rarely pasta or breads. Like, ever. But I leave room for weekends glasses of red wine, and maybe a cookie. (You only live once right?) But I don't eat after dinner and no desserts.

I'm so confused why I haven't lost more. The more I Google, the more "wtf" I'm thinking.

Suggestions? Ideas? Am I being too impatient? Or am I eating too little?



  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    If you are not losing you are eating TOO MUCH not too little. Also bread and pasta have nothing to do with weightloss.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    You are *measuring* wrong and eating quite a bit more than you think.

    How are you measuring?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    How is it possible to eat too much when I have a such a calorie deficit from my maintenance level?
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    You don't have much if any to lose, losing the last few pounds can take a while. Eating 'clean' has nothing to do with weight loss.

    Are you weighing and measuring your food with a scale? As you get close to goal, it becomes more important. Tighten up your logging if it's lax.

    You'll get there.
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    I use cups whenever I messure, or grams. Whatever the nutritional info is in, that's how I measure, be it tablespoons, cups, grams, whatever.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I use cups whenever I messure, or grams. Whatever the nutritional info is in, that's how I measure, be it tablespoons, cups, grams, whatever.

    You need to weigh everything except liquids. Additionally, you've lost 4 pounds since December, so a pound a week? That's fantastic! With so little to lose, half a pound a week would be great.
    To answer your question, eating more will not help you lose weight.
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks you, I'm logging everything. I thought eating the least amount of processed garbage was a huge part? 200 calories of cookie isn't the same as 200 calories of berries, no?
  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    How is it possible to eat too much when I have a such a calorie deficit from my maintenance level?

    Stop going by Google and track your own data. It's a fine starting point but individuals will vary. Like I'm supposed to maintain at my activity level on 1700 but I dont. I maintain at 1900. Maybe that's user error but it can go both ways.

    Also if you are not losing at your desired pace, yes, it means your intake needs to be adjusted. It's calories in vs our for weight loss. Macros for body composition and micronutrients for health.

    Do you weigh your solid food on a digital food scale? Do you use measuring cups for liquids only?

    You even admitted your calorie burns may very well be overestimated.

    There's a lot of ?? going on.

  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    edited January 2015
    I use cups whenever I messure, or grams. Whatever the nutritional info is in, that's how I measure, be it tablespoons, cups, grams, whatever.

    Use a scale for solids.Cups, tablespoons etc for liquids only.
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you for the kind encouragement guys! The internet is so conflicting about this stuff. For such a simple concept, it sure doesn't seem simple
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Thanks you, I'm logging everything. I thought eating the least amount of processed garbage was a huge part? 200 calories of cookie isn't the same as 200 calories of berries, no?

    The berries are more nutritious of course, but the cookie tastes better :p and it's irrelevant, so long as you're in a deficit, you will lose.
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    How do you get a super accurate reading on any of this stuff? I've even read hrm are not always accurate. Is that what you guys use? I far as the scale goes I don't have one so no I don't use it. Do you use it for everything other than liquids? What do you use as your reference guide to make sure ur weight vs calories is accurate even mfp sometimes has different calories for same sized items

    Has anyone had more success without all this counting calories *kitten*? Or are those ppl mythical like healthy sundaes and unicorns?
  • grandslam2015
    grandslam2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Options shows calories as well
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    How is it possible to eat too much when I have a such a calorie deficit from my maintenance level?

    Stop going by Google and track your own data. It's a fine starting point but individuals will vary. Like I'm supposed to maintain at my activity level on 1700 but I dont. I maintain at 1900. Maybe that's user error but it can go both ways.

    Also if you are not losing at your desired pace, yes, it means your intake needs to be adjusted. It's calories in vs our for weight loss. Macros for body composition and micronutrients for health.

    Do you weigh your solid food on a digital food scale? Do you use measuring cups for liquids only?

    You even admitted your calorie burns may very well be overestimated.

    There's a lot of ?? going on.

    So how did you find out your better with 1900 not 1700? Trial and error? It's such a teeny difference!

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Thanks you, I'm logging everything. I thought eating the least amount of processed garbage was a huge part? 200 calories of cookie isn't the same as 200 calories of berries, no?

    Doesn't matter. That's still 200 calories. 3,500 of them equal a pound. What would the difference be? Maybe one will keep you fuller longer and keep you from eating over your deficit throughout the day. Maybe not.
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    edited January 2015
    Maybe I'm confused, but what do people mean when they say eat back the calories? As long as your net calories are 500 under what your body needs to function at your activity level, isn't that a sufficient deficit?

    I've never understood that "eating back what you burn". If you create your (average) 500 calorie deficit through eating less and exercising more, then you'd have to eat like over your maintenance level to eat it back?
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    I've heard so many people including trainers say if you eat healthy whole foods, you don't need to count calories.

    Does anyone here do that? Just eat super healthy, work out everyday and forget about the counting? I'm curious
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    Options shows calories as well

    Thank you! Very helpful
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I've heard so many people including trainers say if you eat healthy whole foods, you don't need to count calories.

    Does anyone here do that? Just eat super healthy, work out everyday and forget about the counting? I'm curious

    Some people do IIFYM. They track their macros instead.