weight loss journey after babies



  • karrieflowers
    karrieflowers Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is karrie! I'm 25 yrs old and I'm a mommy to 2 awesome little boys. My youngest is almost 2 yrs old. And it's time to get my body back! Time to stop making excuses, and time to fit back into my "skinny jeans". I'm about 160 lbs right now. My pre pregnancy weight (in 2012 right before baby #2) was 125lbs.
  • My little one is six months. I'm back at my pre-pregnancy weight and want to use this momentum to drop another 30! Mommas, feel free to friend me. :)
  • Feel free to add me. I have 5 children ages 20, 12, 9, 3, and 3. I lost the weight after the first 3 and got down to a size 2 but have been so busy since the twins that I still need to lose about 40.
  • I have a 16month old daughter who afterwards I instantly got my body back and now 17weeks pregnant. I just want some tips on how to keep from gaining a ton of unneccesarry weight and healthy choices I could make during my pregnancy. Please and thankyou
    (Oh I am new to this app, just got it a few mins ago)

  • I am three weeks from delivering and want to start as quickly as practicle. I have gained 12 kg so far so will most likely need some tummy tone going. Feel free to add me :)
  • I have a 12 year old and a 13 month old. Really need help staying motivated. Feel free to add me!
  • vsowens
    vsowens Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 6 weeks post partum with my second in 2 years I got the green light to start exercising and such from my doctor and I have about 60 pounds to loose to get back to my pre baby I have no friends on here but would love to have people to relate too add me

    I am right there with you..I have a 2 year old and a 9 week old! :) trying to get back down as well
  • shanaet
    shanaet Posts: 15 Member
    So nice to hear from moms out there I lost 80 pounds after my 3 year old than pregnant again and gained 65 she now 15 mths and I have gained 10 more so I have a long weigh to go. Work school dance class for kids seems like the challenge is hard but I'm taking one day at a time trying to be more focused
  • I have two children as well, a 7 year old and a 3 year old. I gained a lot of weight with my first I was almost 250 around delivery. I lost most of the weight over a few years in my own, I went down to about 178. I was smarter with my second and only gained about 45 pounds, but gained a little more after I had him. I was back to about 220 or so. I was joined this site and it's helped me lose almost 70 pounds. I'm down to about 153 - 152 and in 5'8 I believe. Just looking around the site I found all these moms similar to me. It's great, sometimes I need a little extra motivation maybe just someone to have on my side of this journey. Even now somedays it feels like an up hill battle. Add me if you want someone on Your side or just someone to talk to thanks guys and good luck to all of you!!!!
  • Kassy291
    Kassy291 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! I have a 4 year old and a 14 month old, started my weight loss journey in August last year hoping to lose 20 kgs (starting weight of 80kgs). Have so far lost 13 kgs but have been stuck at that since before Christmas and school holidays and endless birthdays came along!

    I am so happy with my progress so far I just need to get the motivation to start going again. Feel free to add me :)
  • thanks ladies! Ive been adding you all :) way to find some mommies out there for support!
  • MaryJI2015
    MaryJI2015 Posts: 45 Member
    Add me I'm 4 months pp so I have a four month old,5 year old and a 12 year old