Not going over my calories, but.....

My sweet tooth is out of control. I am looking for helpful tips on overcoming the urge to eat sweets. Any ideas that might help?


  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Incorporate IIFYM and enjoy the sweets you like.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Eat them in moderation. Whether that's every day or once a week.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    Cut them out completely for a little while and then the cravings should subside. If you're having too many sweets you will crave them all the time. But if you're staying in your calorie limits I don't see why it would matter in the first place
  • kegglemax
    yeah i used to crave sweets but i just stopped eating them, now ill have an urge like once a week which is fine by me
  • _BellaLuna_
    _BellaLuna_ Posts: 8 Member
    Substitute with two or three really sweet strawberries (or another sweet fruit to your liking). I too have a sweet tooth... And a chocolate addiction... So I have substituted rather than removed all together. I have found it has really curbed my sugar cravings and they are now almost non-existent. Good luck! :)
  • MikeSanchez2323
    MikeSanchez2323 Posts: 30 Member
    I have the same issue, especially late at night. I just whipped up a new recipe. Frozen bananas mixed with peanut butter. Has the same consistency as ice cream and way less cals. Try it!
  • dittofallen
    dittofallen Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks _BellaLuna_ you understand
  • dittofallen
    dittofallen Posts: 9 Member
    Lesteidel I am trying very hard to cut sweets off completely, but it's a challenge for me. I am staying under my calorie limits. I still know that eating 1 brownie instead of a health meal for lunch can't be right. I was hoping for a magical recipe, tea or pill lol
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I was hoping for a magical recipe, tea or pill lol

  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Lesteidel I am trying very hard to cut sweets off completely, but it's a challenge for me. I am staying under my calorie limits. I still know that eating 1 brownie instead of a health meal for lunch can't be right. I was hoping for a magical recipe, tea or pill lol

    Providing you can stick to one brownie and that you arent leaving yourself hungry then there is nothing wrong with eating a brownie instead of any other food whether we perceive them as healthy or not.

    The big question is would you be less likely to stick to this if you cut out those foods you enjoy
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    join the cheesecake group and enjoy low fat no sugar cheesecake ... i make them sometimes ones a week to help control i desire for sweets ...
  • thepurpleleopard
    thepurpleleopard Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same issue, especially late at night. I just whipped up a new recipe. Frozen bananas mixed with peanut butter. Has the same consistency as ice cream and way less cals. Try it!

    This sounds awesome!!
  • jessicagrieshaber
    jessicagrieshaber Posts: 167 Member
    There are plenty of "healthy" versions of all of your favorite sweets online. However, I find that for me, a glass of water and brushing my teeth generally helps subside (at least partially) my cravings.
  • dittofallen
    dittofallen Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks everyone
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I had to cut them out for about a week and a half before I could handle moderation. Now I still have an insane skittles love, so instead of buying a large bag or having them on hand, I make them fit in my day, walk to CVS, and buy an individual bag. More expensive over the long run, sure, but it satiates my need for sugar without turning me into a sugar binging monster.
  • dittofallen
    dittofallen Posts: 9 Member
    I had to cut them out for about a week and a half before I could handle moderation. Now I still have an insane skittles love, so instead of buying a large bag or having them on hand, I make them fit in my day, walk to CVS, and buy an individual bag. More expensive over the long run, sure, but it satiates my need for sugar without turning me into a sugar binging monster.

    I can totally relate, I am doing my best to change my lifestyle. I will be fine for weeks, and then I bing on sweets. It's getting better with time.