Do You Have Treat Days? Yes Or No?



  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I have a day off every week :) I've kept all this weight off for several years by eating in moderation and eating healthy most of the time. Once a week I get a break where I don't log calories and I eat what I want. It gives me a great boost and sets me up for success throughout the week. What I have seen personally is those that stick to a stringent diet and never allow themselves to step outside that box will eventually give in and when they do it won't be one donut, it will be one dozen. I had to learn some of this the hard way but these kind of failures were a good thing because I learned so much from each one!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't do treat days because I don't need to. I eat whatever I want within calories, so there's no need to treat or cheat or any of that other stuff.

    I don't log on major holidays (because it's really only a few days out of a whole year and it's a pain to try and figure out what's in all the stuff other people are cooking) but I wouldn't consider that a treat day. It's not like I go hog wild on those days - I just don't happen to bother logging. I've been on maintenance at goal weight for almost 4 years now, so I must be doing something right.

    But I have known plenty of people who do fine with treat days. Others feel like cheat days encourage their tendency to over-restrict and then binge. Try it and see. Do what works for you. :)
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Every once in a blue moon I'll have a "zero counting all bets are off day" for special occasions like my birthday or what I consider major holidays (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, to name a few). It's less than one day a month that this happens.

    Sometimes if a special event comes up (like my work Christmas party or the Superbowl this weekend since the Patriots are in it & I'm going to a party), I won't do a "cheat" day, but a "cheat" meal. I'll eat light for breakfast & lunch (leaving ~1000 calories for later) and will eat without tracking for that meal. But I still keep tabs on myself and don't binge. It's usually one serving of stuff (including dessert) and that's it. Even if I wanted to, I can't actually eat that much in one meal anymore. I don't do this often (I only did it once last year for my work party & I've been tracking since May) and it's only for special occasions that I really don't want to stress over tracking. Most of the time I will still track (family bdays, out to eat, etc. I still track) and will stick to my calorie goal if possible, but don't freak out if I go up to maintenance.

    Other than that, I fit treats into my life on a daily basis. I save enough calories on most days to have a treat in the evening when I watch tv. Usually one serving of ice cream, chips, or some candy (still working through my Christmas candy right now).

    Basically, I don't believe in the weekly "cheat" meals/days that some people do. Some people who keep large deficits and can't eat that much in one go have success with it, but I think most people can do too much damage (eat too many calories) and will wipe out their deficit. I think the better approach is to work it in when you can during your "normal" life. I also believe in living life even when trying to lose weight and on super special occasions (like big holidays) you should be able to let loose a little more. But, these special occasions should be decided on in advance (not "oh well, I've blown it today. I'm going to make this a special day!") and should be a handful of times throughout the year.
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    I don't see the harm in having a meal at a restaurant that doesn't fit into your daily deficit, or whatever floats your boat. There's no need to binge completely- that's obviously not very helpful. However, it's probably best to have these types of days only once or twice a month. I've been known to have a day like this once a week, but I stopped treating it as a one-meal indulgence and more as a free-for-all, so I'm on a strict deficit and then I'm limiting myself to twice a month.

    However, I still lost weight even with the once-a-week indulgences. You go with whatever makes you happy :)
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    When I started my diet, I decided Valentines would be my "treat" weekend. But now, I am doing so well, I just don't want the momentum ended. Having a large fancy meal with dessert just is not even appealing to me any longer.

    But, I might eat a few extra dark chocolates, just for health reasons...of course.
  • GoingBrowntown
    GoingBrowntown Posts: 23 Member
    I don't have treat days on any kind of regular basis, but I did take time off for my recent birthday weekend. It was kind of a test for me to see if I could easily slip back in to the diet plan on Monday - I managed it and I've never really been able to take a break and return to my plan before. So I feel good about it and have no regrets. Not something I'd do on a regular basis though - kind of contradicts the 'not a diet, this is a lifestyle' ethos.

    I'm looking for new motivation buddies at the moment, so if anyone wishes to add me they're very welcome
  • qpmomma1
    qpmomma1 Posts: 220 Member
    For me what I have found is if I tell myself I cannot have something and then I crave it it will be all I will think about. I will obsess over it! What I am doing now is if I crave something I will let myself have it. This morning I was craving a chicken biscuit from Chick-Fil-A, so I went and got one. I just got the sandwich though, no drink, no hashbrowns. I got my "fix" and I didn't ruin my day and I don't feel guilty.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I do not have treat days. I do, however have the occasional day where I overeat, but I do not plan for it. I plan the best I can for special occasions like holidays, birthday dinners, book club (those nasty little M&M's are always calling out with that siren song) and don't sweat it if I go over a little.

    To me (and this is how MY mind works, not necessarily anyone else's) treat days or treat foods make it sound like you are having something illicit and makes the cravings for that food stronger. I would rather eat normally and work everything in to my macros, and accept the fact that I will sometimes not be able to control my impulses but work with that.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    nope but if i want a bit of something and i have the calories for it then ill fit it into my day
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    all weekend,, I work my butt off hard all week and eat well, but come weekend, ITS PARTY TIME!
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    How you create a treat day will determine if it helps or hurts you. For me, I eat slightly under my cals most of the week, and then on a Friday, my treat day, I eat over by about 300 cals. I still end up at a slight deficit for my weekly cals, which feels great to me!
  • hdrenollet
    hdrenollet Posts: 147 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have "reward" meals about once per month where my family and I go out to our favorite restaurant. Never a "treat" or "cheat" day, and not very frequently. I still log what I eat and try not to go over my maintenance calorie level for the day but I normally don't end up with a deficit for these days. I do eat the foods that I love when we go out, just in moderation. By sticking to my maintenance level at least I'm not un-doing what I've done all week, and I get back on track the very next day with my deficit.

    Also, some studies have shown that a "cheat" meal can actually help give your metabolism a boost and help you get over a plateau. However, this should be done very infrequently.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    No I just eat - some days I'm over, others I'm under. That being said, I don't eat a lot of desserts or candy.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I sure do! I'm good with being in the red a couple of times a month. It's never because I just feel like gorging on some Chinese food at home on a Tuesday (for example) or because I'm feeling emotional or stressed. I save those times for when we have friends over for a gathering, or Superbowl, or a rare dinner out with my sweetheart, or if I can convince him that a Friday night is the perfect time for a dungeness crab and margarita feast. And when it's over, no guilt, just get back on track. Works for me, and I've never had a week of gaining just because of one day (or sometimes weekend) of fun.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Every day is Treat Day.

    Eat the foods you love, every day.

    Every. Day.

    Nothing else is sustainable. You simply cannot deny what you like every day and expect to be successful. Tens (hundreds?) of millions of failed diets start out in denial of perfectly OK foods for very ignorant reasons.

  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    all weekend,, I work my butt off hard all week and eat well, but come weekend, ITS PARTY TIME!

    Yep me too, I'm strict during the week then slack off at weekends, don't get me wrong I don't go mega nuts as I don't workout enough to compensate but wine and pizza usually happens :smiley: and recovery breakfast on Sunday lol I usually lose a pound a week

    Having said that everyones different, over the course of a week I'm obviously at a deficit since I lose, so large enough deficit during the working week and probably maintain/slightly over at weekends. If you want to add a cheat day just log and make sure you're not cancelling out your deficit from the rest of the week. Good luck x

  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    Nope - I just don't worry if I have a day where I use up all my deficit or even more for a half decent reason - so long as there are more deficit days than not, things keep on going in the right direction - for me that works way better than eating extra just for no reason other than it is designated treat day
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Or Do They Ramp Up Your Metabolism??

    No, exercise increases your metabolism.
  • kmayers143
    kmayers143 Posts: 56 Member
    All the damn time... lol I have found that if I want something, then i'm gonna have it. Cause if I try to eat something else to satisfy my craving, it usually never works. I just end up eating what I was craving anyways. Now keep in mind, I don't go overboard. I still track my calories, and make sure I only eat a serving size. It's okay to have a treat every now and then. My trainer even tells me to have a cheat snack everyday. (Which I don't, just becuase If i'm not craving it then i'm not going to eat it) But I look at my cheat snacks as an award for doing so great with eating right and excercising 5 days a week. Just remember, "bad meal" isn't going to make you unhealthy, just like one "good meal" isn't going to make you healthy. CHEAT!! Lol
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Not really. I don't think of food as treats or cheating. It is all food. I just fit what I want to eat into my daily calorie goal. Advanced planning is really helpful for this. Smaller portions of higher calorie foods.
    I've been losing steadily that way without feeling hungry, deprived or guilty.