hi everyone :]... please answer me

usually no one answers me when i ask questions...

I'm 15 years old and 192 at 5 feet 8 inches. yeah... i know too young for this site.. yeah.. yeah.. whatever. if i get in "trouble" for trying to lose weight with this site then whatever. you know? i need to lose about 40 pounds. my goal is 150 which is where i should be. (my doctor is mad at me lol)

well I've been on a diet for about a week and using this site to record everything. I've been eating around 1600 calories a day; some times more/ some times less. I've started working out 4 times a week on the treadmill (Monday- Thursday). just for 30 minutes at around 2 miles per hour (i play with the speed because i read it helps burn more). i tell the site I'm burning 250 but the treadmill says 160. i say that because i swing my arms and dance a little while on I'm there.... walk on my toes and heels and other stuff to burn more. so yeah... i usually drink 6- 10 cups of water.

my questions are: what should i do to lose weight a little quicker because it seems like I'm not losing anything.


  • fitnesspb
    usually no one answers me when i ask questions...

    I'm 15 years old and 192 at 5 feet 8 inches. yeah... i know too young for this site.. yeah.. yeah.. whatever. if i get in "trouble" for trying to lose weight with this site then whatever. you know? i need to lose about 40 pounds. my goal is 150 which is where i should be. (my doctor is mad at me lol)

    well I've been on a diet for about a week and using this site to record everything. I've been eating around 1600 calories a day; some times more/ some times less. I've started working out 4 times a week on the treadmill (Monday- Thursday). just for 30 minutes at around 2 miles per hour (i play with the speed because i read it helps burn more). i tell the site I'm burning 250 but the treadmill says 160. i say that because i swing my arms and dance a little while on I'm there.... walk on my toes and heels and other stuff to burn more. so yeah... i usually drink 6- 10 cups of water.

    my questions are: what should i do to lose weight a little quicker because it seems like I'm not losing anything.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    usually no one answers me when i ask questions...

    I'm 15 years old and 192 at 5 feet 8 inches. yeah... i know too young for this site.. yeah.. yeah.. whatever. if i get in "trouble" for trying to lose weight with this site then whatever. you know? i need to lose about 40 pounds. my goal is 150 which is where i should be. (my doctor is mad at me lol)

    well I've been on a diet for about a week and using this site to record everything. I've been eating around 1600 calories a day; some times more/ some times less. I've started working out 4 times a week on the treadmill (Monday- Thursday). just for 30 minutes at around 2 miles per hour (i play with the speed because i read it helps burn more). i tell the site I'm burning 250 but the treadmill says 160. i say that because i swing my arms and dance a little while on I'm there.... walk on my toes and heels and other stuff to burn more. so yeah... i usually drink 6- 10 cups of water.

    my questions are: what should i do to lose weight a little quicker because it seems like I'm not losing anything.

    follow the plan that you started at the beginning. I have and I have lost 18 pounds. you can't expect to loose it all at one time. you are still young and your body might be telling you that this is what it needs right now.
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    It's better for you to learn this now.... Slow and steady wins the race.
    Keep exercising, eat your exercise calories, and eating healthy. That's the only right way to do it. As long you eat the amount of calories they tell you to then you'll loose weight.:flowerforyou:

  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Typically, the quicker you take it off the faster it comes back. I would say take it slow & and make the necessary changes that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Take your time, set up a good system that works for you as far as exercise & meal planning, and set realistic goals.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    slow and steady wins the race :drinker:
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    Personally, I don't think you're too young to try and be healthier. As long as you have a grasp on what is clearly unhealthy-anorexia, bulimia, etc-and you are trying to lose weight in a healthy way. Since you're eating around 1600 cals, it seems you are doing this healthily. I'll just add one thing, though. Just because some chart or calculator says that for your age and height you "should be" a certain weight doesn't mean a whole lot. Everybody is different and everyone carries their weight differently. Just putting that out there. :tongue:

    My suggestion is to take your measurements in addition to weight. It's generally a better indicator of change. Also, strength training in addition to walking on the treadmill could really help you. When you have more muscle you burn more calories throughout the day doing every day activities. And, strength training doesn't mean getting bulky. You can get results just by lifting 3-5 pound weights and doing squats and lunges. But also, you can't expect to see significant results in a week. You certainly didn't gain all of the weight you want to lose in a week! You have to give your body time. :wink:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • nwfamilygal
    Take one day at a time, Writing everything down has helped me. That way you can see what you are putting into your body. Now is a very good time to learn how to eat instead of my age. I've yo yo'd all my life and this the first time I feel good about how I am taking off the weight. I started in Nov 2008 and I have lost 15 lbs. By walking 4.2 miles everday that I can and watching what I eat. I love this sight it is a great tool. Slow but sure. That is the key
  • fitnesspb
    wow this site really does give a lot of support, thanks :D

    any more suggestions?
  • fitnesspb
    :(. i started nov 08 too and i've lost 3 by doing what i said i've been doing lol
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    I know it's not a good time of year for it right now, but when school starts back I deffinately recomend joining a sports team. Something like track or swimming. It really helped me be fit/healthy in high school! An hour long workout daily really burns a TON of calories! Plus you get to meet/hang out with people you normally wouldn't! I was never great at track (or even really good at it), but it was a fun way to get in shape! Being around other people helps keep you from quitting (like I do with aerobics classes now...I don't want people to think i'm a wimp so i push myself more than i would if no one was watching!)

    Like others said, don't cut calories too much, you are still growing! Just eat healthy, exercise, and enjoy life! :drinker:

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  • crazybigchick
    I agree with the previous poster. Slow and steady is way better. 3 lbs since November is wonderful.

    Track team! I was a little heavier than I should have been at the beginning of high school. Track was a load of fun. Really great supportive people (even the ones that I was sure were total b****). I was so embarrassed by my weight, that I ran in track pants despite it being the middle of August in Florida. The point is it was hard. I was nervious and scared to even try, but it turned out 1000x better than I could have ever imagined. Running, weight training and having a whole team to support me was amazing. the weight fell off and I could eat like a football player without gaining an ounce.

    Until then try skating wow great for toning up the legs and fat burning cardio.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good job! I would suggest you do go over all this with your parents (ok, I am a mom-I HAD to say that, right!!!???)

    You sound like you 'get' it! Calories in , calories out. Moving more on the treadmill is perfect!

    It will come off slow, but it WILL come off! Take your time, and learn all that you can. When you make changes for health, they will stick for life!

    Good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    You are seeking education for yourself to create a lifetime of food-awareness, rather than the 'dieting' mentality of our modern culture. I'm proud of you for that, science is providing YOU with information that some of us didn't have a long time ago - consider yourself at an advantage - just remember that yours is a body still in progress, and what you need is sensibility now that you have opportunity.

    Be sure to be getting plenty of good whole clean food in proper amounts. Work with a Doctor if you can. Glad to have you here, and just take care of yourself.
  • fitnesspb
    yeah my parents know. i come from a long line of big breast and hips lmfao. ugh why me though? (big C to small DD for me :grumble: ) btw, I go to Early College Academy of Columbus (Columbus, Georgia). we don't have sports teams.. and if we did: I don't have time to do them because they give us at least 4 hours of homework a night (i'm a fast worker and it still takes me that long!) I work hard on school so it's ever harder to work out but yeah. I thinking of adding jump roping to my exercise once i find it.

    (and another thing sorry for typing errors or poor grammar and whatnots.. I'm not at school.. i'm typing on a forum so no smartie smartsy typing for me :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue:
  • fitnesspb
    here's my last 7 days:

    nevermind >.<

    how do you get pictures on here?
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    being in high school theres TONS of options. if I were you i'd make it my goal just to get out and DO something every day. whether it be "exercise" or work or gardening or a social club through school or church or anything... just get involved. it will really help your self-esteem which helps in the whole "better for your body" scenario.

    second, I wouldn't add more calories burned onto your calculator unless it comes from a heart rate monitor... because you may be eating to compensate for calories you never really burned! and then you're just over eating. making small daily smart choices is going to set you up for a healthy long-term lifestyle instead of a crash diet. :smile:

  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I just read that you live in Georgia... there's your problem! lol i'm totally kidding but i'm from the midwest and i'm moving to the Georgia/Florida border in the next few months and i recognize the lifestyles are VERY different. (i.e. lots of fried foods and lots of sugar everywhere!!!!) so stay strong in your choices! we're here for ya! :wink:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member

    second, I wouldn't add more calories burned onto your calculator unless it comes from a heart rate monitor... because you may be eating to compensate for calories you never really burned! and then you're just over eating. making small daily smart choices is going to set you up for a healthy long-term lifestyle instead of a crash diet. :smile:


    I completely agree. If you really need to have those extra calories available to you during the day, just stay on the treadmill a little longer, or up the pace a little. One of the best ways to fail is to convince ourselves that we are doing more than we really are. Also, try eating volume but not calories in the morning. Like a cup of low-fat yogurt and an apple first off, then a few hours latter have a banana with a bowl of cereal. You can keep all of that under 550 if you're careful, but healthful.

    :tongue: Just be real with yourself. :bigsmile: :happy: