Does anyone have the Fitbit Aria scale ? Do u love it ?

Wanting to get one but so expensive. But they sound cool-your reviews please ?


  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I've been using mine since early December. Since I'm maintaining, I am happy to have a daily entry of my weight. I've got it synced to MFP and Garmin Connect, so all I have to do is step on the scale every morning, and by the time I'm in the shower, I'm updated across all my services.

    Just recently, though, MFP and Garmin Connect have had some syncing problems. But I'm sure they'll have it sorted out soon.
  • hiker_chick
    hiker_chick Posts: 16 Member
    I have one and was using it last year. It is nice to have it log your weight automatically (accountability yay!) but I found it was inaccurate. I would WI at a meeting and be three pounds less than what the Aria was saying. I don't know what I was doing wrong, but it would basically tell me I was losing no weight when I would be losing 2, 3, 4 pounds over a few week period. I put it in the closet after that.
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I have one, I like it, but I am a bit of a techie so it is something I am into. Easy to use as you step on it and it records it automatically, even though I only log my weight once a week. Works very well, no issue with it so far. I have had it for about half a year now.
  • Been using mine problem free for over a year and half now. I've only had to replace the batteries two times during that period. I also sync it with MFP and ditto the recent syncing issues with fitbit. I've had to disconnect and reconnect everyday to get them to talk, however for some reason my wife's account has been fine.
  • terem00
    terem00 Posts: 176 Member
    I have one and every time it showed I lost weight, my body fat % went up. I think it needs new batteries too because my pants are falling off yet the scale says I've lost nothing :neutral_face: I wish the scale warned you when the battery was low similar to the fitbit watches.
    Asides from that I guess it's ok
  • lborsato1
    lborsato1 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I just got mine a couple of weeks ago.... So far so good..... I really like knowing that my Body Fat is going down, even when my weight stays the same sometimes....
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I have one. I got it last Christmas on sale. I like it because it automatically links to the app on my phone. The body fat % I found to be very hit or miss though.
  • stedel
    stedel Posts: 1
    My wife and I have had one for at least a year now and we both love it. It was easy to set up, and it syncs both of us directly to our FitBit accounts. It recognizes both of us every single time and has recognized guests as guests. Very easy to use. I don't think we've replaced the batteries yet, either.

    My only thing to be aware of, is the body fat % readings. I've never had my BF% measured accurately, so I really don't know how accurate it is, but my gut is that it's not accurate.
  • lavenderphoenix
    lavenderphoenix Posts: 48 Member
    I got one a few weeks ago and I love the ease of use/wifi syncing. As far as accuracy, it seems to do total weight just fine but between it and the body analysis machine at my gym (have no idea what it's called) there is a 20lb difference in my lean mass and a 4% difference in my body fat %, although I have no idea which is correct. At my size it's not a big deal because even if the numbers aren't the same, either way I have a long way to go, but for someone closer to their goal they may have an issue.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    I got it for Christmas and I love it. I like that it shows your body fat and weight. So times I'm up in weight and next time I get on I'm down. I have it synced to MFP also. So far I'm down 3lbs. When I got it my weight was up 3lbs from my scale I was using. Now I'm weighing what my Doctors scale tells me. So its great!
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    I am going to take mine back. The body fat feature is a joke. It is several points different every day.

    I do like the automatic syncing with mfp, but it is hardly worth $150 to save me a few button pushes.