Big deficit?

so... (please be gentle, I'm new to this!). Had a baby Nov 14. In jan I decided I needed to shift the extra pounds, and I wanted to lose around 35lbs. MFP says I should eat around 1500 calories a day to lose 1lb a week. I've been eating around 1300-1500 (not exercising yet), and I've lost around 14lb in 4 weeks. I'm 5'7, and 160lbs.
Is this probably water weight do you think? Is it unhealthy that it's dropping so fast? I mean, I'm pleased it's going, but I am surprised! I'm not hungry, but should I eat more?
Thank you!


  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Most likely water. Are you breastfeeding? You should bump your calories up by a few hundred if you are to make sure you have enough for baby.
  • katerinawaller
    I'm not able to breastfeed, I tried. (I tried everything, including pumping every 2 hours day and night for weeks
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    It could be a mix of water/pregnancy weight and genuine weight loss. Even if you are not exercising, babies take up lots of energy! How is your energy level? If you are feeling great and losing, I say you are most likely doing fine. Keep taking good care of yourself, momma!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    I'm not able to breastfeed, I tried. (I tried everything, including pumping every 2 hours day and night for weeks

    I wasn't ever able to either. Three kids, lactation consultants, last leche league, pumping, etc etc. Sometimes you just can't. That's what formula is for. :)

    I think you are ok. If you are still losing rapidly, and are hungry, you may want to up your calories a bit. But other than that, well done!
    And, congrats on the baby!
  • katerinawaller
    Thank you. I have enough energy to run around after my baby and toddler. In fact, I feel better than I did when I was scoffing biscuits all day. I should do some exercise too when I find the time.... My tummy is very squidgy!
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    Unless you've noticed a difference in the way your clothes fit it might be mostly water weight...but surely you've achieved some actual weight loss. If you're not working out then that calorie goal seems fine (this without knowing your individual stats).

    If you start to notice that your pants are starting to fall off after only like a month then it's probably too fast of weight loss. But it's good that you don't feel tired or lethargic. This is all trial and error anyway so you do something until it doesn't work or you experience ill-effects and then you try something else. Congrats on your little one and good job!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I would eat more, especially when you establish an exercise routine. It's always best to lose weight while eating as much as possible. It helps to set you up for much better long term success, and CONGRATS on the new addition to your family :smile:
  • Saphira291
    Saphira291 Posts: 54 Member
    After baby it's fairly normal to have a larger loss for a little. I had it after my two little ones but then my weight jumped up again. I wouldn't worry too much about that much loss yet but if you keep seeing too fast of a decrease then I'd adjust your intake higher.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    WTG on the 14 pounds. Yes some of it will have been water, but some will be weight. Keep up the great work!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I wanted to lose around 35lbs. MFP says I should eat around 1500 calories a day to lose 1lb a week. I've been eating around 1300-1500 (not exercising yet), and I've lost around 14lb in 4 weeks. I'm 5'7, and 160lbs.
    Is this probably water weight do you think? Is it unhealthy that it's dropping so fast?
    At your height, 119-160 is a healthy weight based on BMI.
    Since you're already at a healthy weight, it's better to go slowly.
    1 lb a week is probably a bit much; don't worry if it slows to 0.5 lb or less.
    And losing 35 lb would put you toward the lower end of a healthy weight range.
    Have you considered aiming for maybe a 10-15 lb loss, then increasing your weightlifting? You might be happy at a slightly higher weight if you were trim & strong, which is what weightlifting can do for you.

    To some degree this is a guessing game with the fine-tuning of "how many calories can I eat?".

    This calculator says that if you're active less than 1 hour a day you need 2291 cal/day to maintain your current weight and 2219 to maintain at 145. So cut 500 from that to get 1700-1800 and you should be losing 1 lb per week (which again, with so little to go would be a big loss). So it looks like you could eat a bit more if you want to, slow the rate of loss a bit.

    This calculator says that if you're active less than 1 hour a day you need 1842 cal to maintain at 145. So the 1300 you've been eating (500 cal deficit) would put you at 1 lb lost per week. (That will also show you how many servings of which food groups you should be eating.)

  • katerinawaller
    Thank you all for help. I think I might up my calories a bit, and see what happens.
    I've got a small frame, so I look better when I'm on the lighter end of 'normal' bmi. I've never lifted before.. I'd love to give it a go.