gym newbie.. routine advise..

Hi tomorrow will be my 1st real gym visit by myself, ie I had induction on.Monday, yesterday. I had a Pt to show my a few things mainly form.
So tomorrow is first time own. So I'm.trying to get as much advise on.a smoothflow
TThanks in.advance


  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    try getting the book New Rules of lifting for women, it will give you advice on work out plans and proper methods on lifting. most book stores have it or try the library.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    What are your goals? Do you have a preference - machines vs free weights vs ?
  • MichaelaFry29
    MichaelaFry29 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you Mellow. I'll look something like that up.

    I'll try either Jackson...
    atm is working on dropping body fat and increasing lean muscle and I know that takes time so I'm willing to try allsorts.
    Short term is to firm up my thighs arms and start loosing fat so I can wear skirts/shorts in summer
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'd start with squats, bench press and rows. Free weights are generally more effective, but machine/cable exercise can be perfectly fine. You can add in other exercises if you want, but those 3 will plenty to get yourself going. Paired with a good diet (reasonable calorie intake and fairly balanced macros) and you'll be off to a good start.