High protein breakfast that's quick?



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It is more moderate-carb than low-carb, but my favorite breakfast is cottage cheese or Greek yogurt + fruit. I pick fresh fruit in the summer and freeze it myself so that I always have good stuff on hand.

    I also like Spanish tortilla (fritatta) without potatoes for breakfast. Usually that is sausage, red pepper, garlic, green onion, mushroom and 2-3 eggs.
  • As many eggs as you can hold in your hand (whilst they are still in their jackets) scrambled with a big lump of coconut oil. Season to your liking. Nuke for 45 seconds, stir, Nuke until cooked. Deeeeelicious, quick and the fat keeps you going for hours. Well, it does me.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    edited January 2015
    2-3 egg omelette with ham and/or turkey and cheese.
    Just crack some eggs in a bowl or glass, whisk them a bit with a fork, add cream, salt or onion powder if you feel like it. Put in a hot pan with plenty of butter, add cheese and meat.
    Takes like 10 minutes. Longer or shorter depending on the size of the frying pan, the amount of eggs and how cooked you like it. Thinner layer of egg meant shorter cooking time.
  • moto450
    moto450 Posts: 334 Member
    Oatmeal with protein powder mixed in instead of sugar. Sounds gross, but I like it.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    A few yogurt cups (greek), protein shake, protein bar or a few hard-boiled eggs cooked night before and refrigerated for AM.
  • Thank you so much everyone!! Really appreciate all your help xxxx
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Eggs - boiled, scrambled, over-easy/hard, poached, microwaved in a mug -- any way that you like
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Orange juice with vanilla protein powder. Tastes like an orange smoothie.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Orange juice with vanilla protein powder. Tastes like an orange smoothie.

    Orange juice has an enormous number of carbs...it's basically like drinking sugar.
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    Eggs - egg whites if you need more protein without all the calories - toss in some roast chicken w/ veg and you have an omelet. I tend to alternate my breakfast between oatmeal with flax and chia one morning, then two eggs with a slice of toast and fruit the next.
  • JoannaLouden
    JoannaLouden Posts: 70 Member
    This would be easier if I liked Greek yogurt. :neutral_face:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Hi I was wondering if anyone had any low carb high protein breakfast ideas? I work early so needs to be as quick as poss preparation time! Thanks in advance x
    Hard boiled eggs wrapped in bacon.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    Last night's leftover wether it be pork,fish,beef w/e.
  • shaunsmoot
    shaunsmoot Posts: 37 Member
    This is a fantastic protein shake packed with vital nutrients that only takes 3 min to make. This is one that you will make daily if not weekly.
    Spinach, banana, peanut butter, protein shake
    2 handfuls fresh baby spinach
    3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1/2 banana
    1 TBSP Natural peanut butter
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    Ice to preference
    Blend together.

    Gets a few other ideas:
    Cottage cheese w/ fresh fruit
    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    3/4 cup mixed fresh fruit
    I like 1/4 cup of each of the following: pineapple, blueberries, strawberries
    Serve with whole wheat toast

    String cheese w/ 2-3 slices of (packaged sandwich) honey ham wrapped around the cheese.

    Oatmeal w/fresh blueberries & sliced almonds or walnuts
    Serve with whole wheat toast

    Omletes are always a favorite as well
    Hope these help out.
    GOOD LUCK on your new journey!
  • capecodgirl1
    capecodgirl1 Posts: 24 Member
    My go to favorite is Isopure strawberry + cream protien powder 50 mg put in a blender and add my fresh brewed dark roast coffee. Omg makes an awesome cappuccino like drink. I look forward to it every morning! First read about how beneficial adding hi protien to your morning is in aiding a women's metabolism. No carbs no sugar no gluten no aspartame. The froth you get from blending it is amazing.
  • Thank you all so much! What a fab app! Xxx