I'm new to this and need encouragement to keep going.

It's been 8 years and I have not noticed anything different other than the dreaded weight gain. As soon it hits 1 pm I feel as if was 1am. Drinking coffee doesn't help any more, not even the super green supplements, and forget about energy drinks; those are just nasty!

The difference between yesterday and today is that today I feel like it really does matter. I'm ready to make a difference in my life but I know that I need help too. Any suggestions?


  • looavul
    looavul Posts: 4 Member
    You Rock! Many people quit when the going gets tough. I love cliches. But it is so true!
    You could just give up, sit on the couch with a bunch of chips and dips. Hey that sounds like me and the rest of USA on Sunday!
    Ok puns intended. However I get you. I don't want to get up and go. The chips and couch sounds easy.
    And i am a bit scared because I don't feel well. Arthritis slowed me down. I sat down and gained 50. I'm 5 ft tall and 5 ft wide, Ms Wide by Side.
    And now some skinny o is telling me to eat 1200 calories per day. I might just have to roast her. Nah she's too boney.
    I get to chose. I've been looking at my food choices; compared to the abundance God provides. Why am I settling fo sugar salt and grease? (Cuz it taste good & is easy. ) But there are other tasty things out there!
    Life is short. Dont settle for bad food. Eat, Enjoy. LOVE myself. And get my big belly a moving and a jiggling!
    Get your blood sugar checked. And just maybe you are not eating enough during the day of the right foods. I swear sometimes my sugar bottoms out before I know I am hungry. If i get cranky dizzy or mean, feed me!
  • looavul
    looavul Posts: 4 Member
    Or tired.
  • beachbum4044
    beachbum4044 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello! What changes have you made? How are you doing on your food choices? How much movement do you have in a day? I sent you a friend request as well. Let us know what you need and where you are looking to start.....the biggest question is do you each breakfast?
  • Yes I received your friend request. Not active at all, in fact I work long hours and sit all day. By the time I'm done working I'm tired of being tired. I also feel that the lack of energy has piled up so much it's become a habit, and I'm freaking tired of it!
    I do breakfast, yogurt and fruit
    Or eggs and sourdough
    Cereal. Never nothing fancy just something fast and easy.
  • Hey! You can make a difference! I'm just starting myself! ❤️ talk to me whenever! I just started and my motivation can extend to your hands!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Here for you! Eat healthy, work out hard... there'll be mistakes along the way but just pick back up and keep going. :) I use a lot of coffee and supplements too. I work the regular job and then moonlight.... a girl gets tired lol!
  • DidiParkes
    DidiParkes Posts: 5 Member
    Been there
  • Looavul, hahaha! You're funny! You get me though. You totally get me. I don't want to skinny shame because I plan to be there soon. My husband notices I don't eat as often as I should so that's why I feel all sick and stuff. Lately, feeling dizzy which I never felt before.

    Good news though, today I got off my butt and started working standing up, every now and then squatting. I figured I should ask for a stand up desk. Looking forward to a good workout.

    And you're absolutely right, life's too short to not eat good food. If I can spend over hundreds of dollars for purses and shoes, why not eat healthier food. I've been for 1 year now eating organic everything and divorced fried food.
  • Thanks ladies, I need support like crazy because at home we are two heavy and hit too handle! Lol. We are both done with looking the way we do. We want to live large but not look large! Ugh!

    What keeps ya'll going?

  • Thanks you're a Doll!
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Here for you! Eat healthy, work out hard... there'll be mistakes along the way but just pick back up and keep going. :) I use a lot of coffee and supplements too. I work the regular job and then moonlight.... a girl gets tired lol!

  • Hey! You can make a difference! I'm just starting myself! ❤️ talk to me whenever! I just started and my motivation can extend to your hands!

    Thank you that's very kind of you, I will be reaching out soon :)
  • hey guys, hello to u all. It has been a week and I m still continuing and going strong. So just be in touch with each other, keep on adding your bits and rainbow is not far away