Age 51 and 50lbs to get rid of.

Hi my name is Kim. I have just started Jenny Craig. I have a goal of loosing 50lbs. I had hip replacement surgery 3 weeks ago and I am doing great getting around with a cane but very limited on what I can do exercise wise. I did Jenny Craig 20 years ago and lost 40lbs and kept it off for 15 years. So the last few years running my own business then selling my business and now not working for a year. I also lost my mother 2 1/2 years ago and went thru a little depression. I know they are all excuses, but that's my story. Looking for motivation and support with people in the same boat.


  • Bookbuyer2015
    Bookbuyer2015 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'd be glad to friends add you for motivation and support. I'm 50 and working around some foot and knee issues, so I can relate. I admire you for losing that weight and keeping it off for 15 years. I've never been able to keep weight off for long. :smile: I'll send a friends request.
  • Thank you, I think it is easier and more fun to do this with someone.
  • Hi ladies! I am 56 and in the reserve's plus work a real job. Just returned from a deployment in Afghanistan. I was there for a year. I lost too much weight while I was gone but now that I have access to food and am not working 14 hour days I am gaining too much weight! I need to loose 30 pounds however, it appears that since I started this about three weeks ago I am gaining more weight... My weakness is sweet tea :) I would love to join your group if that is Ok? I have no will power so motivation would be appreciated. Also I think I can be motivational for others just not myself. Julie
  • vickymva
    vickymva Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I will be 47 this year and looking for committed friends with open Diaries (like myself) to support and help each other. I started last year and lost 45 lbs and went down 3 sizes but an illness from October to now had me totally inactive (some days could not even walk) so it has set me back. Now trying to get back on track although I can't do the exercises that I did before. But I have started slow and short walks a couple times a week and seeing a small difference so I trying to stay positive. So if you are serious and dedicated please add me. :-)