


  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    I would just tell them I have a terminal illness that has caused me to lose weight, but not to worry it will be over soon. Then let them sit and think about if for the remainder of the day!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    ROFL Shadowloss I was just going to say to respond with something similar...just to see how awkward it makes them feel. This of course depends on your relationship with the person.
    That's the snarky me. The diplomatic me would probably say something like "What on earth would make you think that's an appropriate question to ask someone? Seriously?"

    I am so sick of rude people, and this is the height of rudeness - unless the person is totally ignorant or naive.
  • booboo8213
    booboo8213 Posts: 15 Member
    Co workers r just going to be rude ....mine think I am losing to much weight too and they keep trying to shove junk down my throat...I think people are just starting to get jealous because your doing so well and they thought you were going to fail but u proved them wrong so don't give up n keep doing what you are doing and just ignore those people
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    Sometimes I think these things depend on the mood you're in when the person makes the comments. I'm not sure how the comments were delivered, but I think I'd revel in it... I'm all "fuh yeah I've lost weight!!"
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    shadowloss wrote: »
    I would just tell them I have a terminal illness that has caused me to lose weight, but not to worry it will be over soon. Then let them sit and think about if for the remainder of the day!

    LOL I actually did something like that once. Someone made a stupid comment about losing weight too fast or something and asked what I was doing. I just said, "Well, I havent been feeling well these past few months, and am working with my doctor to figure it out". They felt SO bad and never said anything again (it was a random coworker i dont really talk to ever) :) I wouldnt necessariy ever do that again, and not sure why I did, but it was kind of funny to turn things around a bit.

  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    Sometimes people just don't understand weight loss.
    I have a male, naturally very slim co-worker who (even though is a friend and not disrespectful) struggles to understand why I eat the way I do (salad for lunch versus his two cheese and ham croissants and cookies).
    I also have friends who are overweight who seem to think I've magiced the weight off, because weight loss seems impossible to them (yoyo dieters).

    The important thing to remember when you're getting annoyed is that, their attitude/ignorance does not affect you and your journey.

    Finally, you can't catch an eating disorder from being thin just like you can't catch depression from watching sad movies...
  • pjs2780
    pjs2780 Posts: 41 Member
    thanks everyone for the support (and laughs -- definitely keeping the illness reason in my back pocket). after stewing for a few hours, i realize that i was so upset because
    1) this is HOW I LOOK. the heavy and unhealthy me of the past 5-ish years is not what i think of when i think of myself. this is (almost) the weight that i have been for the majority of my adult life. i am feeling awesome about myself and all of a sudden i hear "what you're doing to make yourself feel good is sick/bad/weird." i know it's not. my doctor agrees that it's not. but it threw me. it made me wonder if i should be ashamed. which makes no sense because
    2) i never once, over the past 3 years when my weight gain was most pronounced, heard "are you okay?" or "is something going on that's causing you to eat a 1500 calorie lunch everyday?" or "you haven't talked about the gym in a while and i know that's something you usually enjoy." that's when i needed someone to be concerned! that's when i needed someone to point out that i actually WAS unhealthy. not now. because i'm not. and
    3) why would someone try to make me feel bad about myself just to make themselves feel better?
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    pjs2780 wrote: »
    why would someone try to make me feel bad about myself just to make themselves feel better?

    I think you answered your own question, there. :/
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Here's a good one. My sister, who makes Christmas cookies every year, told me she wasn't sending us any because I can't eat them anymore. What? First of all, I make and give out Christmas cookies myself every year.................have since I was 20. Second, she has no clue what I do and don't eat. Of course, she's never been on a diet in her life so there's that to contend with. She lives in another state so we don't spend much time together but's aggravating when people assume they know what you can and can't eat.

    Between that and the "weight lifting will make you bulky" comments................... :\
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    pjs2780 wrote: »
    thanks everyone for the support (and laughs -- definitely keeping the illness reason in my back pocket). after stewing for a few hours, i realize that i was so upset because
    1) this is HOW I LOOK. the heavy and unhealthy me of the past 5-ish years is not what i think of when i think of myself. this is (almost) the weight that i have been for the majority of my adult life. i am feeling awesome about myself and all of a sudden i hear "what you're doing to make yourself feel good is sick/bad/weird." i know it's not. my doctor agrees that it's not. but it threw me. it made me wonder if i should be ashamed. which makes no sense because
    2) i never once, over the past 3 years when my weight gain was most pronounced, heard "are you okay?" or "is something going on that's causing you to eat a 1500 calorie lunch everyday?" or "you haven't talked about the gym in a while and i know that's something you usually enjoy." that's when i needed someone to be concerned! that's when i needed someone to point out that i actually WAS unhealthy. not now. because i'm not. and
    3) why would someone try to make me feel bad about myself just to make themselves feel better?

    There was a woman in my office who lost a bunch of weight (80lbs maybe) and I remember worrying about her health. I think it was because I hadn't seen the slow transition. I LIKED her. In my case it was legitimate concern, no ill will intended. It was a long time ago so I can't recall whether I expressed my concern. Not impossible that I made the same kind of gaffe. It didn't take long till I got used to the new slim version and I stopped worrying.

    I lost 40 lbs at one point and had a coworker come to me and say that my face was prettier before I lost weight. Bugged me. But I know this person cared about me, she was just a little lacking in the social graces department.
  • SarahKhristan
    SarahKhristan Posts: 134 Member
    I actually had a co-irker compliment my weight loss. She asked what I was doing and I replied diet and exercise. What was her response? "That doesn't work." :\
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited January 2015
    I love how some people always immediately jump to, "they're just jealous/envious/insecure." If you seriously jump straight to "jealous" and "sabotage" at any possible perceived slight, that says way more about you than it does about the person you're commenting about. Seriously, talk about projecting onto other people...