So exhausted but I need to exercise! :(

Hello =)
I've got a 4 month old little boy that keeps me up most of the night (just this night I only had 2 hours sleep) and I find myself exhausted during the day and pretty much just spending my free time napping so I can get through the night! I really need to exercise.. this mummy tummy is getting on my nerves :\ I've already reached me pre-pregnancy weight but still can't fit into most of my clothes! So.. tips? Maybe a routine that worked for you?
Thank you =)


  • zoe_mfp
    Do you drink coffee or tea? It might give you enough energy to exercise
  • doingthisfortheboys
    only the give yourself a break, you've got a baby routine :smile: it takes time and your body will keep changing for a while whilst it recovers from the pregnancy. By all means pop a few sit ups in throughout the day sit him on you whilst you do some crunches and play peekaboo at the same time. What you dont want to do is push yourself too hard as you only end up getting over tired and babies that dont sleep are even harder to deal with when your shattered ! You will have all the time in the world to exercise when you have a better sleeping routine established, it will happen just give it time !
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited January 2015
    Sleep when he sleeps. When he's awake, work in some stuff like sit ups and squats and lunges (you can do all these while holding him with the bonus of him adding weight) and yoga if you can. There are some mommy and me videos that you can look for that incorporate exercising with a baby. Do not push your body past exhaustion! He needs a rested mommy to look after him. When the weather warms, put him in a carrier or stroller and go for long walks.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Sleep when he sleeps. When he's awake, work in some stuff like sit ups and squats and lunges (you can do all these while holding him with the bonus of him adding weight) and yoga if you can. There are some mommy and me videos that you can look for that incorporate exercising with a baby. Do not push your body past exhaustion! He needs a rested mommy to look after him. When the weather warms, put him in a carrier or stroller and go for long walks.

    what she said! There are a lot of mommy/infant exercises you can do that serve as a workout for you, and playtime for baby! I'm certain if you look on youtube you can find some. try ... ' mommy baby work out' or mommy baby exercise' and see what comes up
  • bluemoonkina
    bluemoonkina Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Thank you so much for your answers! I never thought about that, going to check out some videos right now! I've been dancing with baby haha x
    Oh, coffee doesn't work any more! I'm in Zombie mode now, it's going to take a lot more than coffee to make me even slightly human again :P
  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    There is no point in exercising if you can't rest enough to recover properly. The best exercise routine for you is to sleep whenever you can.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Sleep when he sleeps

    When he's awake take him out for walks or baby groups

    and be kinder to yourself, this time goes so fast
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    i agree sleep when hes sleeping. i did that for my first but i now have 3 under 6 so it was harder. i used to go power walking with him in his buggy and it was really nice to get fresh air. and get as much rest as you can. i only felt like exercising once my youngest was a year old hes now 15 months, he had reflux so i never slept
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Pushing a stroller all over can give you amazing results. Find every excuse you can to get out and walk even if it's just a few minutes at a time. Also, make sure your posture is good. I swear that was the number 1 thing that got me back in shape after both of my kids.

    Don't stress yourself out over exercise if you are exhausted. I can tell you from experience that being really tired can cause you to make poor choices. I once took my daughter to bed with me around 4 am (don't even remember doing it and it was against my rules) and by 7 am i woke up to her crying because she fell off the bed and her arm was broken. I don't think i ever forgave myself for it. Not fun at all.

    Bad things can happen when you are tired and use poor judgement.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Take it easy. If you can find time for a nap, that helps.

    I just read some research that said people who drink a cup of coffee before a work out, not only burn more calories during it, but eat less the rest of the day.

    That's not to say to use coffee to ignore your fatigue, however.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Give yourself time. It took 9 months to get the skin to stretch, your hips to widen etc, it will take about the same time for things to go back to pre-pregnancy. And still, your body shape might never be the same, which is ok. With my last kid, at one year I was much thinner than ever before, and much thinner than was healthy (out of exhaustion, not a conscious effort) and still my belly definitely did not look as it did pre kids. I had great abs, no fat, but this extra skin, it takes time to shrink back. You have lost the weight already which is awesome, so do not be that hard on yourself. Give your body time. Focus on sleeping, it is more important than exercise right now. I have literally passed out from exhaustion with babies this young, do not try to be superwoman. Go for a walk with your baby if the whether allows it, you can get a power walk out of it, and the baby will probably love this as part of your daily routine.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Sleep when he sleeps. When he's awake, work in some stuff like sit ups and squats and lunges (you can do all these while holding him with the bonus of him adding weight) and yoga if you can. There are some mommy and me videos that you can look for that incorporate exercising with a baby. Do not push your body past exhaustion! He needs a rested mommy to look after him. When the weather warms, put him in a carrier or stroller and go for long walks.
    ^ +1
  • wesley58
    wesley58 Posts: 129 Member
    Eat less carbs, and a few more greens, that will help the fatigue, and if you like the coffee, try a tblespoon of butter, and teaspoon of coconut oil in a cup of coffee, and mix it in the blender. It may help with energy.
  • Dofflin
    Dofflin Posts: 127 Member
    The problem is sleep deprivation. The solution is sleep. Don't bother expecting fitness gains on 2hrs sleep a night. Good luck, you have the answer in you xo
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    Oh I've been living your life for the past seven years (I have four children that are seven and under), I don't even remember what sleeping more than three hours at a time feels like. What I can tell you is that while I live exhausted, since I started exercising daily I've actually felt better than I thought I could. It really renews me and makes me feel better mood-wise. Who would have thought that when you're absolutely exhausted, spending energy exercising would actually make you feel better?! When baby takes their first nap, try exercising, then when baby takes their second nap, have a nap with them. And yes, lots and lots of coffee (or three a day for me now as I'm logging calories). Walking with baby was a great suggestion! Do you have a wrap or baby carrier? Sometimes the motion of light exercise will lull baby to sleep.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    Some great suggestions here. While I am part of a happy childfree family I know about exhaustion. I've run myself to pure exhaustion trying to keep up with a very busy young business, working out, family stuff and just living life trying to be everything for everyone. Eventually I will get sick because my body simply has nothing left to fight off things going around or I just drop because I can't take another step. While still very busy I've tried to find a good balance between everything. I understand your need to get your body back in shape but if you try to do too much on too little sleep your body will stage a revolt :) And your baby needs you healthy and happy! The suggestion sleep when they sleep is great and very true! Do what you can when you can for right now and eventually you will get in to a new routine. You will get there, I promise :)
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Exercise is unnecessary.

    The Mommy Tummy can 100% disappear with diet alone.

    There are countless other health benefits and reasons to exercise, but if your goal is the belly and no time for exercise, it can still be done quite easily.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Sleep first.
    Don't go over your calorie limit.
    Don't worry about exercise for awhile or just do short 10-15 min workouts or walk with your baby.
    Your baby will not be like this forever.