Why am I not losing weight like i think i should?



  • Are you sure that you are eating enough? Just from what you stated was a typical day that seems like a pretty small amount of calories for the amount that you must be burning doing 105 minutes of cardio. I understand your frustration. Besides taking a look at your macros....the main thing is DO NOT GIVE UP! When you stay consistent no matter what the scale says and you do keep at it, the weight has no choice but to come off. I'm just over 4 years in and 173 lb down so I know of what I speak. You might google hydration calculator and answer several of the little quizzes to get an average of how much water you need to be drinking...possibly double what you're drinking now..

    Oh, i'm not giving up. :smile:
  • PattiWalling
    PattiWalling Posts: 25 Member
    Looked at your diary...YOU NEED TO EAT MORE
  • What would you suggest I add to my diet?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Hello, fellow Virginian!

    Open up your food diary, it will help us to advise you. But you're not eating enough, by what you just listed, which makes no sense. So you need a battle plan.

    Step 1: Buy a food scale.
    Step 2: Weigh everything you eat and enter it in your food log.
    Step 3: Keep your log numbers in the green as much as possible.
    Step 4: Success!

    Well for weight loss only the calorie limit needs to be a green as much as possible.

    True. Although sodium helps, if you're wondering about water retention, of course.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Is that legitimately what you're eating? As a male, you should be hitting MINIMUM 1500, if not your goal.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    swolfe01 wrote: »
    What would you suggest I add to my diet?

    Thanks for opening up your diary, man!

    So, you really ate 3 grams of cinnamon toast crunch? A serving is a lot more than that. This is why weighing food is so important- if you know the exact amount you're intaking, it takes all the guesswork out of it. :)
  • malibu927 wrote: »
    Is that legitimately what you're eating? As a male, you should be hitting MINIMUM 1500, if not your goal.
    Yes, I track everything that I'm consuming. I'm very serious about losing weight
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    OP you are skipping meals like dinner. You never eat above 1000 calories, but you also do not weigh your foods so who knows what you exact calorie count is.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Far too low of a goal for any male ... generic entries making it impossible to determine how much you're actually consuming ... calorie burns from walking that look greatly overestimated unless your "uphill" is 15% or more ...
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    swolfe01 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Is that legitimately what you're eating? As a male, you should be hitting MINIMUM 1500, if not your goal.
    Yes, I track everything that I'm consuming. I'm very serious about losing weight

    You're also starving your body of nutrients that can lead to major problems down the road. Increase your intake, buy a food scale to see how much you're eating, and hit your calorie goal.
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    edited January 2015
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Nutn899 wrote: »
    I would take measurements. Muscle weighs more than fat. From your earlier post, it sounds like you are hardly eating anything at all. If that's the case, your body goes into "starvation" mode and holds on to all the weight it can. Try to eat more fruit and veggies too.

    At that amount that he's eating, it's impossible to gain muscle. Also, starvation mode is a myth.

    LOL what she said. What I have learnt around here and other articles its a myth. If that were the case ppl who are actually starving due to their poverty circumstances would not get thin at all.
  • swolfe01 wrote: »
    What would you suggest I add to my diet?

    Thanks for opening up your diary, man!

    So, you really ate 3 grams of cinnamon toast crunch? A serving is a lot more than that. This is why weighing food is so important- if you know the exact amount you're intaking, it takes all the guesswork out of it. :)

    I took like 5pieces as a "snack". You're right though, I need to get a scale today to be more precise.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    you are totally not eating enough - you seriously need to be eating AT LEAST 1200 calories a day - im going to assume you used to eat alot more than this before you decided to start on your weight loss journey - so you went from eating too much to starving yourself. This is completely non sustainable and you will, at some point, binge because you will be craving.
    - At the amount of calories you are eating just now, there is no way you are getting enough nutrients or vitamins to keep you healthy and lets face it, you lose weight to be healthy, no?
    - Please eat more. instead of egg whites, eat the whole egg - there is nothing wrong with the yolk and its the best bit! instead of 3 grams of cereal, eat the recommended 30g or whatever it is. Have some carbs with your dinner. Just start thinking
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Wow...this is the saddest food diary I have ever seen! And you are a male??!

    I am a female, eating 2000 calories a DAY - and losing weight at a consistent rate. Why would you be afraid of carbs?! Carbs are delicious, fuel you to function normally, and they are delicious.
  • Far too low of a goal for any male ... generic entries making it impossible to determine how much you're actually consuming ... calorie burns from walking that look greatly overestimated unless your "uphill" is 15% or more ...

    I'm not estimating here. I'm putting in exactly what is displayed on my treadmill. All of my walking is done uphill.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    swolfe01 wrote: »
    Far too low of a goal for any male ... generic entries making it impossible to determine how much you're actually consuming ... calorie burns from walking that look greatly overestimated unless your "uphill" is 15% or more ...

    I'm not estimating here. I'm putting in exactly what is displayed on my treadmill. All of my walking is done uphill.

    Machine calories burns are inaccurate.
  • PattiWalling
    PattiWalling Posts: 25 Member
    First off a food scale is a must. Mine is with me everywhere I go...cause you never know when you might need it! I noticed you are eating a little cabbage...that's great...eat a lot of it! Eat more broccoli....Truth is you can have so much more of many of the things you are already eating. Remember the "cleaner" you eat the more of it that you get. For me personally I had to decide what was more important to me...a little taste of something sugary and sweet or a big taste of other cleaner foods. Those cleaner foods are what my body needs to give me FUEL for all the weight training and cardio that I do daily. Please, I'm not saying you are eating sugary sweet things, I didn't look that far into your diary, I'm just saying you can be eating a WHOLE LOT MORE than you are and YOU NEED TO EAT MORE. If you like spaghetti then buy a spaghetti squash and halve it, remove the seeds and cook either in the oven or microwave. Use a fork to scrape it and like magic it comes out just like spaghetti. At Walmart there is a marinara sauce by Wild Oats Marketplace that has 1.5 grams fat and about 6-7 carbs....it is the lowest that I have found and it tastes good. I usually have 186 grams of spaghetti squash, 113 grams, or one serving of the marinara and about 4.5 ounces of chicken. that is just one delicious meal that typical in my diet.
  • dakotababy wrote: »
    Wow...this is the saddest food diary I have ever seen! And you are a male??!

    I am a female, eating 2000 calories a DAY - and losing weight at a consistent rate. Why would you be afraid of carbs?! Carbs are delicious, fuel you to function normally, and they are delicious.

    I completely agree that they are "delicious".
  • Rikki007s
    Rikki007s Posts: 102 Member
    Based on your diary entries, you are on the road to a very unsustainable diet. It's possible to eat under 1000 calories a day for a little while, but at some point you are going to break and it's gonna cost you a lot of what you have lost. If this doesn't happen and you somehow stick with it something even worse will happen: permanent serious damage to your body.

    I changed the way I eat when someone bought me the SuperFoods RX book. That book won't necessarily work for you, but you should find something that can guide you into a sustainable healthy diet. I hope you can find your way on this.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    You need to eat more, calculate your TDEE and deduct 10%-15% to get your weight loss calories.
    Remember that weight loss is not linear, I ate the same things every day in the same order for 4 weeks, weight loss was different every week!
    You mention adding in exercise but not upping your calories, think of your body as an engine, would you expect your car to go further/faster on less fuel, or would you put more fuel in?
    Check the nutritional value of what you are inputting, 30 calories for apple pie (an apple without the pastry or sauce is 70cals), are your 2slices of turkey really only 2oz? Egg white's, have you checked the calories in them or just taken it from MFP?