Not losing. Week1

I am not sure exactly what I am doing wrong. I am hesitant to make a more drastic calorie cut but I want to take the weight off. Recommendations?

I am guessing I need to increase my activity and decrease my calories. Any kind support and diary review would be helpful!


  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Patience. It's only been a week!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. My first two weeks of losing weight I gained two pounds. Keep at it for a couple more weeks and if you still aren't losing, reevaluate your logging.
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    Patience as the above ^^ poster suggested :) ......Its only been a week give it a few more and you should see some results.
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    Your diary looks fine. You are likely retaining some water due to starting a new routine. Give it some time. Some weeks you'll go down, others you may show a gain. Just remember than a 20oz bottle of water will weigh 1.3 pounds so it's easy to mask weight loss if you have more water in your system.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Weigh and measure all foods and be patient.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Did you get fat in a week? No? Then relax and lower your expectations.
  • jporter1183
    jporter1183 Posts: 43 Member
    I gained the first three weeks of starting my weight loss journey. Throughout the months I've had weeks where I have gained and weeks where I have lost. You cannot just focus on the scale, it will drive you crazy. Give it more time before you become concerned.
  • Thanks you guy! I will keep logging and try to be more patient!!