
Okay, so I know saturated fats and trans fats are "bad fats" and mono and poly unsaturated are "good." Should I cut out saturated and trans fats completely from my diet and replace them with mono and polyunsaturated? Or just lower them? I need help with my calculations. I'm 128 lbs, 5' 2'' and I consume 1,200 calories a day. I exercise 3 days a week (45 mins of cardio and then additional lifting.) And should I increase my protein and lower my carb. intake since i'm lifting? My main goal is to try and get to 120, lose body fat and increase muscle. (I'm aware muscle weighs more than fat.) Another thing is that I'm a peanut butter addict and it has saturated fat. Any help is appreciated!!

Basically I'm trying to refresh or restart my diet. I started my weight loss journey at 194 lbs. And ever since I got down to 130 it seems much more difficult to lose weight. I always hit plateaus before but never for this long. I tried lowering my calorie intake to 700-900 and I realized that the only thing that did was drain my energy and I was constantly hungry. Nothing is working!!


  • mfoster2202
    mfoster2202 Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2015
    Oh lawd honey, don't hurt yourself by starving yourself of the nutrients you need. I'm not a personal trainer but try exercising 4 times a week.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    As you get closer to goal weight, you have less fat to lose and it becomes a slower process to lose weight. At this point, you should probably have your goal set at about half a pound per week ... a 250 calorie per day deficit ... and be patient.

    Accurate logging is more crucial at this point as well since there is less room for error.
  • Thank you both! :)
  • nwdpll
    nwdpll Posts: 5
    You also should fluctuate your calorie intake each day because your body will tell your brain to go on starvation mode and then the weight will be harder to loose. So sometimes do 900 and at least once a week do 1300 to 1400. Good luck.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    nwdpll wrote: »
    You also should fluctuate your calorie intake each day because your body will tell your brain to go on starvation mode and then the weight will be harder to loose. So sometimes do 900 and at least once a week do 1300 to 1400. Good luck.

    Where are you coming up with that concept of "starvation mode"? It isn't from science.