All I Wanna Do Is Eat At NIGHT!!!!



  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Two things for me...#1, when I feel like I still need to eat after I just ate, I find something to do...clean my bathroom, put away laudry, take the dog for a walk...anything but sit in front of the tv really. Usually I forget all about that craving. If I don't, then I eat something...a cheese stick or whatever.

    #2, I also always try to save a good amount of calories for my late night snacking. All my daily snacks combine make up the most calories in my day by far. I mostly log all my meals in the morning and then I have a better idea how many calories I have left for snacking all day.

    If you can plan for it, it shouldn't need to derail you...just make it work in your day.
  • krissyrey
    krissyrey Posts: 67 Member
    Skip breakfast, eat more later.

    Is this really a good idea though? I heard breakfast is important for metabolism. And that it should be within the first hour of waking. Also, a high protein breakfast usually lasts me until lunch time before I am hungry again.

    I can't say for sure, but I think that's bunk. Or maybe just untrue for me. I'm up by 6:30 am and don't generally get hungry or eat until closer to 11 or 12. SOMEtimes as early as 10 depending on convenience and my schedule for the day. It actually makes me feel sick if I eat within the first few hours of waking up. When i log something in my diary as "breakfast" it would probably be more accurate to call it "lunch #1" lol. I do the bulk of my eating (probably around 65% - 70% of my calories) between 8 and 11 pm

  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    My nights are full of wanting to eat as well. Mostly CHEESE! I swear as soon as I lie in my bed at night my body/mind starts saying "Me want Cheeeeeeese" Ugh. It drives me insane. I did buy some babybel lights and some of the weight watchers smoked sting cheese. Only 50 calories.
  • krissyrey
    krissyrey Posts: 67 Member
    I use to be the exact same way until after I got married. I could not get nothing in my stomach until after 10 or 11 in the morning. And lunch around 3. Now since I work out every morning from after the wedding my body is calling for breakfast very early. If I am up at 6am, breakfast is at 6:15 and workout from about 6:45. I no longer feel upset when I eat early. Hope this helps.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Have you tried Quest bars? I have recently discovered that you can cut them into pieces and bake them. Low carb, high protein, high fiber COOKIES!!! Bake 3-4 min, then squish with a spatula or your fingers, bake another 3-4 min and cool.

    They are pretty freaking good in my opinion. My favorite flavors so far are cinnamon roll, chocolate chip cookie dough, cookies & cream, peanut butter supreme, peanut butter chocolate, and pbj.

    Most of the bars are between 150-200 calories.

    Also, go to bed early and keep busy with a hobby. Or just straight up try to resist and try to overcome the boredom and/or emotional eating habit.
  • maryjane28
    maryjane28 Posts: 25 Member
    baked quest bars are great, or stevia sweetened soda ! budget for a little dessert! its worth it!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    edited January 2015
    For those who snack late and crave sugar/carbs at night- how is your sleeping? Often our bodies want these foods because it's "easy" energy and you're really just tired. Also, snacking before bed is not good for your GI tract and sleep. Ever notice how if you eat then lay down, your stomach makes a lot of noise? It's also more likely to cramp, wake you up at night, and impair sleeping.
    Try adjusting sleep patterns and seeing if that helps.
    I have this problem and found going to bed earlier has been a life (and calorie) saver. If I can't get to bed early, a cup of tea with a small amount of honey both hits the craving and warms me, thus readying me for bed.

    I'm glad that works for you, but I already go to bed at about 9 every night...sometimes earlier. Lol. If I went to bed sooner it would be like "Hi honey, how was your day at work? Oh look at the time, we'd better hit the hay. Maybe we'll have time for dinner tomorrow". ;) I guess that would save calories though.
  • TiffanyJole
    TiffanyJole Posts: 52 Member
    I know that you said that your not hungry, just snacking, but I read on a MFP blog, that sometimes we confuse being thirsty for being hungry. Maybe you can try drinking more water when you feel the snacking coming on. Also, try keeping only healthy snacks in the house, that way, if you do snack, you don't blow it too badly! :smile:
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Drink a glass of water, unsweetened tea or chew some gum. Wait an hour to see if the feeling passes.
    Plan your day so you can have a small snack in the evening.
    Meditate or exercise a bit in the evening. Change your evening routine.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    krissyrey wrote: »
    I use to be the exact same way until after I got married. I could not get nothing in my stomach until after 10 or 11 in the morning. And lunch around 3. Now since I work out every morning from after the wedding my body is calling for breakfast very early. If I am up at 6am, breakfast is at 6:15 and workout from about 6:45. I no longer feel upset when I eat early. Hope this helps.

    oh it's ok. the schedule doesn't bother me any. It works for me since I tend to get home late and don't even get a chance to make dinner until later in the evening so shifting the whole eating thing later (thus avoiding huge gaps of time without eating) works out pretty well for me. I actually run to work (around 8k) in the mornings so I don't think there's much more I can do to change my morning schedule anyway. oh well. the only time it sucks is Christmas morning when the bacon is all gone by the time I want any. lol

  • lreaven
    lreaven Posts: 17 Member
    I am the same way! For a while I would only track my day time food because I would eat so much junk at night. The past few days I have been determined to track everything and that helps me to stay motivated. I have a friend who just makes it a policy not to eat within two hours of bedtime but I find that hard sometimes. Tonight, I let myself eat a TON of blueberries and blackberries, thinking I would probably go over my calorie goal (butI was craving something sweet). Turned out to be less than 200 calories. I am going to try to keep Berries around all the time because they really fill you up and help with sweets cravings.
  • aviatorrie1
    aviatorrie1 Posts: 12 Member
    Try Mega T Green Tea and Hoodia supplements at Walmart $4.94 for a 30 day supply. I take one in the am and have to remind myself to eat. Great appetite suppressant.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Try Mega T Green Tea and Hoodia supplements at Walmart $4.94 for a 30 day supply. I take one in the am and have to remind myself to eat. Great appetite suppressant.

    OP, don't bother wasting your money. You got tons of great advice before this.