I have a secret: I stopped counting

I used to count every single calorie and log it religiously. Unfortunately for me that seemed to be very bad for my mental state of mind and counterproductive.
Because I was logging every single thing I ate, food was on my mind all the time. Even though I was aiming for a solid 1600 calories a day, thinking about calories and macros so much made me obsessive about food and resulted in binging almost daily. While logging I actually gained weight and I ended up feeling like a failure and feeling very down.

Now since the start of this year, I have been on my "self-designed diet". I keep it very simple with only two rules: I eat when I am hungry and it has to be mostly (90ish percent) food that comes from a field rather than a factory.
I have lost 5kg since the start of this year and I have never felt more calm and in a happy state of mind.
I haven't binged since dieting this way and I have learned to recognise when I am actually hungry instead of bored or stressed and to finish eating when satiated.

I even enjoy going out to dinner with friends now, because I am no longer worried about what it might do to my calorie count. I know my body will tell me when to stop eating and even if I do overeat a bit, I don't really mind because I know it won't matter in the long run.
At first it had a rule that on Mondays I could have a treat (because Mondays), but when going to the shop I found that I didn't even want or crave anything. I ended up leaving the shop without a treat and just had my lovely homemade healthy dinner. That has never happened to me before.

I have the greatest respect for people who have the discipline and strength to lose weight by counting calories and macros, but this is just to show it isn't for everybody.


  • Muffie22
    Muffie22 Posts: 77 Member
    it's great that you found a way that works for you! like you say mfp and calorie counting isn't for everyone and that's fine. For me I find I NEED to rely on the counting to lose/maintain weight. I have tried in the past to go off when I just feel full and it has never worked for me. Whenever I take a day of mfp now I find I just keep eating and eating because it's almost like I feel like it doesn't count because it isn't recorded anywhere and I find it hard to tell when I actually NEED rather than WANT more food. I think I probably a bit of an emotional eater... but for now, mfp helps me keep it under check. And that's just me, everyone's different :)
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    That's excellent finding a way that works to suit you. Sounds like a healthy natural change of lifestyle rather than a 'diet'. Good luck.