New to this

Hi. New to this , wanting to loose 2 stone for the summer so thought I'd try this recomended by my best mate. Come and say hi I'm not shy ;) x


  • daflaminga
    I'm new to this as well. Tried it a long time ago but never stuck with it. I just downloaded the app today bc I'm on a serious mission. Enough is enough! I can't do it on my own, so let's be there for one another! I'm Valerie btw. :)
  • kellycartlidge76
    kellycartlidge76 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Lou
  • louiserollinson323
    Hello Kel. Together we can do this bestie
  • Hello, welcome! I am also new. Good luck with your goals :)
  • daflaminga
    I'm new to this as well. Tried it a long time ago but never stuck with it. I just downloaded the app today bc I'm on a serious mission. Enough is enough! I can't do it on my own, so let's be there for one another! I'm Valerie btw. :)
  • daflaminga
    I think I posted twice? Sorry...still getting the hang of this!
  • chubbybunny2384
    Hello everyone! I'm starting my overdue weightloss journey, my husband is working overseas right now and I want to meet him at the airport in a healthy, smaller happier body! Have 4 months to loose 40lbs. Using my fitness pal for accountability and Instagram my username is chubbybunny2384 so please add me if you'd like to join in with me. Anyone have any groups they suggest to join?
  • chubbybunny2384
    Also dumb question...but how do I join a group or request people to be my friend ?
  • jacquifhill
    jacquifhill Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. New to this , wanting to loose 2 stone for the summer so thought I'd try this recomended by my best mate. Come and say hi I'm not shy ;) x

    Hello I'm new to this too haven't quite worked out how to work it out yet lol
  • jacquifhill
    jacquifhill Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm starting my overdue weightloss journey, my husband is working overseas right now and I want to meet him at the airport in a healthy, smaller happier body! Have 4 months to loose 40lbs. Using my fitness pal for accountability and Instagram my username is chubbybunny2384 so please add me if you'd like to join in with me. Anyone have any groups they suggest to join?

    Hello good luck I'm still working my way around this app had the app a few years back and deleted it along with all my good intentions but thought I'd resurrect it again and see how it goes.