Any vegetarian or vegan folks here?

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
I have several food allergies and have been off and on trying to be vegetarian for the past year. We did it for 3 years when our kids were very young. Now we have an empty nest so we have time to explore. I do not want a debate. Just want to know if anyone else is eating mostly vegetarian and what your meal plan looks like. I feel so much better when I stick to it. Looking for vegetarian friends to exchange meal ideas with.


  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for thirteen years.
  • HannahVeggie
    Vegetarian/vegan... I sometimes have greek yogurt
  • bulma75
    bulma75 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes me ;)
  • _BellaLuna_
    _BellaLuna_ Posts: 8 Member
    Vegetarian with a very limited intake of eggs and dairy. :)
  • ladyvonna
    ladyvonna Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there
    for the past few years I was mostly vegetarian but in 2015 I decided to go completely vegetarian bordering on vegan - I do on occasion eat eggs and sometimes cheese. I have managed to cut out yogurt and milk. I would love to be in contact with vegetarians and/or vegans to discuss meals
    Please feel free to add me
  • Victoria0046
    Victoria0046 Posts: 41 Member
    Vegetarian - not vegan - for almost three years.
    Feel free to add me.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    I'm not vegetarian although I try not to eat meat too often. So a lot of what I eat comes under that. I suggest stir fry's with extra veggies/large veggies such as cauliflower and broccoli to replace meat. Tofu can also be added.
    Large veggies can practically be had by themselves and you can make breads or smoothies with leftover fruit/veg/nut. Non dairy/other animal milk for those who are full vegan or allergies of course.
    As I said not a vegetarian or vegan but I'll share my recipes/ideas that are within that if you want.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    Significant amount of food compliments meat but most does not need it.
  • Countrykindacrazy
    I am currently transitioning. Eating meat only once a week, mainly saving it for special occassions though. I am not sure if I will be able to go 100% vegetarian ever.
  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    Hi, I am a vegan (have been for about 6 months now)
    I tried going veggie many times in my adult life but always struggled and only lasted a few months at most so it is surprising how much easier I am finding it to be vegan.
    I don't think I could ever go back to eating dairy and eggs now because I used to feel so ill all the time
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    I am a vegetarian and have been for 15 years. Just to be clear I do not eat any animals including sealife. Feel free to add me as a friend; my diary is open so you can look at it for ideas. Obviously on my better days :-)
  • agentmelindamay
    agentmelindamay Posts: 207 Member
    I have been vegetarian all my life. Would be great to have some other veggie friends to steal meal ideas from so feel free to add me. My diary is open but I have to say I'm not the best cook so my meals are often very basic!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Vegan here. Over 2 years.
  • rocknrollfire
    rocknrollfire Posts: 30 Member
    i've been a vegetarian for 8 years, was vegan for 3 of those, and have a limited intake of dairy and eggs now. my diary isn't open, but my days tend to look something like this:

    breakfast: almost always big smoothie of some kind. by big i mean i fill a 1L mason jar - i don't usually get the chance to eat lunch until about 4 PM and this is the only way i can fill myself up enough to keep from snacking uncontrollably throughout my day. i make em with loads of frozen fruits, sometimes greens, sometimes protein powders, sometimes "superfoods" like hemp or chia seeds. i change it up a lot so i don't get bored.

    lunch: this is usually my biggest meal of the day. i work at a vegan restaurant so 5 days of the week i have something there. generally a sandwich with tempeh or tofu, and then a big kale salad. sometimes a bowl of chili or, if it's the weekend and we're serving brunch, a tofu scramble burrito bowl (which is just the vegan breakfast burrito without the 300 calorie tortilla it comes in).

    dinner: unless i'm going to the gym in the evening, my dinner is usually on the lighter side. roasted vegetables with almond rice, a bowl of soup, etc. i also often make meals in advance + freeze them for quick dinners - vegetable stews, casseroles, etc. that really helps me keep from getting expensive take-out that's often much richer than i can afford calorie wise!

    snacks: nuts, greek yogurt, i love the little pieces of cornbread we carry at work and i usually have one of those as a snack during my shift. hummus and veggie slices or healthy-ish crackers....healthy snacks are honestly the easiest part; most healthy snacks i bet you can think of are probably vegetarian or vegan already!
  • hotcoffee692
    hotcoffee692 Posts: 167 Member
    Come on over to the vegetarian/vegan board!
  • LaineyVAhimsa
    LaineyVAhimsa Posts: 28 Member
    I'm vegan! Been vegan for nearly 7 months now and I love it! Never going back, feel free to add, I would love more vegan/veggie friends on here ;)
  • capecodgirl1
    capecodgirl1 Posts: 24 Member
    I started Eat to Live by Robert Fuhrman on December 29th. Planned on just doing 6 week challenge but seriously thinking I might keep being Vegan. I have been paleo for a long time. Something about what he rights makes so much sense. Funny, when I read and decided to go paleo that made sense to me too. Taking it one day at a time but right now I feel best with the Eat to Live plan!
  • alonzo15
    alonzo15 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a vegetarian and I eat very little dairy.
    Breakfast: freshly made vegetable juice (kale spinach carrots ginger small green apple & lemon) or healthy cereal with 1/2 cup unsweatened almond milk
    Lunch: salad, hummus on pita OR black bean wrap. Small piece of fruit, quinoa & black bean tortilla chips (I "need" something crunchy in the afternoon :)
    Dinner: varies. Sometimes I'll slice and roast a whole head of cauliflower for dinner! Also I eat a lot of stuff from Trader Joe's. I know I need to get more protein in my diet.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Im a plain old vegetarian.
  • snowfairywinkle
    snowfairywinkle Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I was vegetarian for 23 years, I've been a vegan since last year, I'm still learning as I go along. Please add me if you'd like to :-)