The ultimate support group!



  • Looks like we all skipped out on the Sunday "check-in"
    How's everybody doing??
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Not bad. I did super good during my son's birthday weekend! Usually I say "It's a birthday and we're traveling!" But I kept to what I wanted. I even went for a run before his party :) I was pleasantly surprised with the photos of me that day too. Today however, I could have done better. I needed carbs for some reason :S So I ate 2 bowls of popcorn. (Oops) tomorrow will be better though. How are you?
  • So I have been watching calories and exercising for about four weeks now with now change in weight. I am really starting to get discouraged. I don't know what else to do. I am a nursing student and have to sit a lot for studying and class, but I am really trying to make major lifestyle changes and seeing no improvement has me wondering why I am even trying. help!!
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Have you been taking measurements?
  • I've been doing well for the most part. It's been 3 weeks and I've lost 6 pounds with just watching my portions and some light exercise. I've been trying to quit drinking soda though which has been a struggle. This week I want to "amp up" my exercise, maybe add in an extra day or work out a little bit more one day.
  • losefatjon
    losefatjon Posts: 2 Member
    I also would like to join in the challenge, I need all the help and support I can get. Oh sorry for being rude my name is Jonathan and my goal is to reach 230 lb. I was weighing in at 273lb and i reduces it to my current weight is 252lb still have some ways to go. :D

  • Raynamz27 wrote: »
    So I have been watching calories and exercising for about four weeks now with now change in weight. I am really starting to get discouraged. I don't know what else to do. I am a nursing student and have to sit a lot for studying and class, but I am really trying to make major lifestyle changes and seeing no improvement has me wondering why I am even trying. help!!

    My first thought would be muscle gain. You may be losing fat but gaining muscle if you're working out.
    Stress can make it harder to lose weight also. Keep eating clean and exercising and you're energy should start to improve. I'm not a professional- just speaking from experience!
  • Xpecta wrote: »
    Have you been taking measurements?

    I have not taken any measurements. But! I've had to buy new scrub tops because of the weightloss!!
  • Anyone interested in being an accountability partner? I lost 25 lb last yr and need some encouragement for the days you want to cheat. I am happy to encourage someone else too.
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    I have anew exciting update from me! Yesterday I officially hit 50 pounds down, and reached my goal of Pre Pregnancy weight! YAY!!
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    melnurse1 wrote: »
    Anyone interested in being an accountability partner? I lost 25 lb last yr and need some encouragement for the days you want to cheat. I am happy to encourage someone else too.

    How many days a week do you feel you want to cheat?
  • sosoangel
    sosoangel Posts: 20 Member
    Hi :) Wow you guys are great! Been doing MFP since mid November and down 20lbs. It's been really hard though. But I'm happy with any results I get. I hope I don't go too overboard on food cuz of the Super Bowl. Anyone have any healthy snack ideas? Do share.
  • So I feel like the last week I've kind of lost track of everything. I've exercised a little but not as much as I was and I havnt been keeping track of what I've been eating.

    I usually do my weigh in's on Saturday but am really nervous to jump on the scale tomorrow.
  • Keep going yall!!
    Summer is just around the corner. The satisfaction of reaching your goal is far more worth the sacrifices than the taste of that piece of chocolate!!
  • carriemad
    carriemad Posts: 4 Member
    hi everybody! this looks like my kind of group. i love the positive energy and look forward to hearing good tips. I am "re" starting today! this is my first time doing a community- do we just scroll each day and add thoughts?
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I am all in feel free to as add me also as a friend What day will the weekly weights in be
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    carriemad wrote: »
    hi everybody! this looks like my kind of group. i love the positive energy and look forward to hearing good tips. I am "re" starting today! this is my first time doing a community- do we just scroll each day and add thoughts?

    Whatever you feel like! Welcome to community weight loss. It will help. Sometimes you just need the support!
  • omelet2000
    omelet2000 Posts: 110 Member
    What a great group! I have lost 6 lbs in the last three weeks but already feel like I am about to plateau. Hope to find some inspiration and support here!
  • Happy hump day folks!
    I'm chowing down on a veggie salad from subway.
    Making good lunch choices pushes you to do better the rest of the day!
    Keep up the work! You all inspire me so much!!
  • I'm struggling with my half marathon training with this snow!
    I need some motivation!