The ultimate support group!



  • Anyone and everyone is welcome!
    I'm so excited to watch everybody's progress!
    Today I start my half marathon training. It'll take a few days for me to figure out foods that work because I am going to have to eat way more than I'm use to just to make it through the workouts.
    Any tips??
  • I started using MFP last week and greatly stayed under my calories. I worked out m-w-f-s burning between 500-800 calories each trip possibly more. I have till this point lost 60 and put 6 on during the holidays and being sick. I feel as if either my scale isn't accurate or I'm putting on a bunch of muscle. Clothes are still growing. I feel like I am at a complete stand still and still have roughly like 150 at least or more I would like to lose. I don't like feeling discouraged and I feel like I shouldn't have a plateau yet. I am currently doing another 24 day advocare challenge in hopes of kick starting my metabolism again. Any advice or support is greatly appreciated.

    On a side note if you haven't downloaded fitradio please do. It is an amazing app for upbeat songs to keep you at your peak burning potential.
  • I like the idea of weekly weigh ins!
  • cusick55
    cusick55 Posts: 5 Member
    Breakfast for me is usually either a green smoothie, steel cut oatmeal, or Kashi cereal. All three are very filling and keep me going until lunch!
  • akdiva38
    akdiva38 Posts: 7 Member
    I'd love to join too! I've been struggling with yo-yo dieting my whole life. Emotional eating is my downfall.
  • I would like to join. :-). I am in the same boat - using the half marathon to motivate me. Mine is at the end of April In some hilly terrain. At first I ate more as my body was gearing up for those runs but now I am eating more protein to sustain me. I only have gotten to an eight mile run, but I have come a long way. I could not run a mile eight months ago. Are you following a training regime to prep yourself? My friend who does full marathons asked me if I was but I am not. Good luck!
  • dlois
    dlois Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in :p
  • I'm in for the challenge of the week. 1.5 pounds by Sunday. Any takers
  • NDanforth
    NDanforth Posts: 14
    edited January 2015
    I just started using MFP almost about 2 weeks ago and have lost 3.4 pounds so far! I weigh myself once a week and have also decided to start taking down measurements. Just going by weight alone can be somewhat deceiving when tracking your progress i think.
  • frankmbr
    frankmbr Posts: 4 Member
    I used MFP beginning January 2014 and stayed on the site for 5 months, and went from 265 lbs to 225lbs. Then I went off until January 2015 and gained 24 lbs. I have now gone from 249 lbs to 239 lbs in 2 weeks. The site works very well, and any support is always appreciated. I am a male and 70 years old. Goal is 190 Lbs.
  • Doricep wrote: »
    I would like to join. :-). I am in the same boat - using the half marathon to motivate me. Mine is at the end of April In some hilly terrain. At first I ate more as my body was gearing up for those runs but now I am eating more protein to sustain me. I only have gotten to an eight mile run, but I have come a long way. I could not run a mile eight months ago. Are you following a training regime to prep yourself? My friend who does full marathons asked me if I was but I am not. Good luck!

    I have a printout that my aunt sent me. It's nothing extreme. I need to research diets because Spark from Advocare isn't sustaining my energy through the whole workout!
  • NDanforth wrote: »
    I just started using MFP almost about 2 weeks ago and have lost 3.4 pounds so far! I weigh myself once a week and have also decided to start taking down measurements. Just going by weight alone can be somewhat deceiving when tracking your progress i think.

    I agree! Especially if you start packing on muscle the scale can go up and so can the discouragement!!
  • frankmbr wrote: »
    I used MFP beginning January 2014 and stayed on the site for 5 months, and went from 265 lbs to 225lbs. Then I went off until January 2015 and gained 24 lbs. I have now gone from 249 lbs to 239 lbs in 2 weeks. The site works very well, and any support is always appreciated. I am a male and 70 years old. Goal is 190 Lbs.

    Welcome! I check this group daily and am no expert my any means but encouragement goes a long way!
  • I'm in for the challenge of the week. 1.5 pounds by Sunday. Any takers
    That's a great idea!
  • akdiva38 wrote: »
    I'd love to join too! I've been struggling with yo-yo dieting my whole life. Emotional eating is my downfall.

    Emotional eating is definitely my downfall also! That's when I usually try and do some kind of exercise. It's definitely mind over matter... Or stomach! We can do this!!!
  • Hello folks! It's the top of the morning for me! Today is strength training for me in the gym. You guys are keeping me going! I love it!
    I want to challenege you all and have each of you post your most recent progress. Whether that's inches lost, or a few extra reps, or a faster mile time, or even a consistent diet! I want to read it!
    Let's all buckle down this week and bring it to the table on Sunday!
    I can't wait to see your progress! Such motivation!
  • NDanforth
    NDanforth Posts: 14
    edited January 2015
    I'm planning on trying to do an extra cardio workout today! I'm starting out slow with exercise, doing it Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I did my workout yesterday and feel really good today so I may try to get an extra one in today if my little one lets me
  • I'm struggling today! I want cake, and chocolate, and more cake, and cheesecake, and chocolate!!! Any fighting sugar cravings tips?!
  • cusick55
    cusick55 Posts: 5 Member
    A good sugary snack substitute is a banana dipped in a little hot chocolate powder. It's sweet and you get that chocolatey taste too!
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Oh boy. That sounds tough! Did you manage to get through the day alright? What about getting some Special K treats? They're low in cals and fat but nice and sweet for those days where you just need it.