Back onboard with a plan.

Well after a hiatus of a couple years dealing with life and health issues, I'm back. I was happy to read that from my original entry 2 yrs ago, I'm down 9 lbs. How did that happen??!! lol

I won't say that I will "try my best," as the word "try" can set me up to fail. Now my mantra is I "will do" my best. Been back at it since Jan 1st and am down 6 lbs. by adding exercise and watching my food intake and choices. I'm not disappointed as that's 2 lbs. a week. I purchased Fitbit and just learned that it will sync with MFP. Woohoo as I believe, in tandem, they will keep me on track, helping me log my food, activity and steps and be accountable. I've been down this road more times than I can count and that won't discourage me. I feel more committed and, as many others, have a closet that I would love to shop in, as I refuse to buy any clothing until it's at least size down. This time my method will be slightly different. I'm setting goals for myself 10 lbs. at a time as opposed to a larger number that works with my head too much. Tomorrow I'm incorporating the Shred diet for a definitive food plan that, after reading the book and researching, seems doable for me. That will coincide with a set exercise plan at 4 times a week. My husband and I have a cruise planned for our 36th wedding anniversary in July and my goal is to look and feel better, be more energized and get my sexy back.

Took my weight today, took measurements, got my meal plan set for the coming week and, with all of that, I'm ready.


  • empreston
    Good luck. I bought a jawbone up, hoping that will help me as well. Feel free to add me.
  • turtle0022
    turtle0022 Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you! :)
  • Kendall2006
    Kendall2006 Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome to MFP. WE are all here to reach our dreams. You can do that too! You already made that step.. Congrats