Best Strength Training Twice a Week

About Me:

-I'm 6ft
-Weight 210lbs
-21%body fat
-23 years old

-workout routine-

Sat- 30min brisk walk treadmill (7:30am) + cardio insanity class(6pm)

Sun- 30min brisk walk treadmill (7:30am) +
Strength Training(pm)

Mon- 30min brisk walk treadmill (7:30am) + yoga class(5:30pm)

Tues- 30min brisk walk treadmill (7:30am) + cardio insanity class(6pm)

Wed- 30min brisk walk treadmill (7:30am) + yoga class(5:30pm)

Thur- 30min brisk walk treadmill (7:30am) + strength training(pm)

I've lost 50 pounds in 5 months and now I'm trying to tone up and lose body fat while building muscle. I only have Sundays and Thursdays to add strength training. Is it a good idea and what are the best Strength Lifting workouts to lift twice a week?



  • faisal_khalaf7
    faisal_khalaf7 Posts: 6 Member
    Preferably sets and reps also
  • faisal_khalaf7
    faisal_khalaf7 Posts: 6 Member
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength are easy beginner programs to adapt to a two day a week schedule as they have and A and B workout.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength are easy beginner programs to adapt to a two day a week schedule as they have and A and B workout.

    This, you want a good full body workout.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    youll have to do full body weights if you can only do weights twice a week.
  • Pickles175
    Pickles175 Posts: 211 Member
    Kettlebell workout might be a good idea.
  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    Check this out, 2 day per week full body workout......
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    stephxo1 wrote: »
    Check this out, 2 day per week full body workout......

    I would substitute the seated behind the neck bb press with a standing overhead press, forget about close grip bench press and just use standard bench press for both days, as a beginner you will work you triceps plenty with overhead press and standard bench press, and I would squat both days and work calves and abs both days. Other than that, it is a pretty good 2 day routine.
  • faisal_khalaf7
    faisal_khalaf7 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks to all really some good advice. I will take that in consideration.
  • crestwoodmike
    crestwoodmike Posts: 3 Member
    1. be careful about choosing a gym that is a social club. Get in, get busy, get out. too much time between sets greatly reduces effectiveness.
    2. Do complete body work outs since you only have 2 days/week.
    3. I generally start with abs to help get my heart rate up and hopefully reduce risk of injury.
    4. Choose exercises that benefit the most muscles, that mimic daily life demands and do those first (after warm ups)
    5. Sample exercises - dead lifts, squats, bench press, overhead press, chin-ups, bent over rowing, front and lateral raises, curls (start with DB), abs.
    6. If you have time, add some you just enjoy doing;
    7. Use good form, if you have to jerk and cheat, you don't get the full benefit of the movement and increase risk of injury. Go down in weight until you can do it right and increase as your strength improves.
    8. If you are not sure of your ability, get a spotter or reduce weight.
    9. This isn't supposed to hurt, if it does, something is wrong; stop, figure it out then proceed.
    10. When you get sore, don't push that muscle group in next workout if still sore. use a complimentary exercise, or reduce wt and go up in reps.
    11. since you only have 2x wk, each workout is impt. go to the gym even if tired, just cut back a little and form the habit.
    12. Good Luck!
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Go with full body if you can only do twice a week.
  • bdgillam
    bdgillam Posts: 2 Member
    Check out Gertlouw.Com. He has excellent tips for beginners and provides full body workout exercises.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You would need to do a full body program like starting strength or strong's not ideal for optimizing strength gains, but you can adapt this programs to twice per week which is the bare minimum really for preservation of muscle mass...with that and the yoga you should be good, but don't expect any great leaps or much linear progression in strength...your gains will come much slower.
  • faisal_khalaf7
    faisal_khalaf7 Posts: 6 Member
    Crestwoodmike WOW! I appreciate that advice.
  • faisal_khalaf7
    faisal_khalaf7 Posts: 6 Member
    Would taking one of the brisk walking days and switching it to a lifting day be better? maybe on one of the yoga days.. that way I can have 3 lifting days, 2 yoga days, and 2 full body High intensity training days?
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    I agree with everyone recommending full body if you can only lift twice a week.
    Would taking one of the brisk walking days and switching it to a lifting day be better? maybe on one of the yoga days.. that way I can have 3 lifting days, 2 yoga days, and 2 full body High intensity training days?

    Depends on if you're recovering well enough. Honestly you just have to feel it out for yourself and see what you can handle.

    If you aren't recovering enough then you'll need to eat more (which you may be reluctant to do), or you might need to drop off one of the high intensity days instead. But hell you might be able to adapt just fine and handle everything.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I'm in a similar boat, I was thinking about adding Stronglifts 2 days a week. I currently do:

    Mon: Step and strength (50% step aerobics, 40% high rep lifting or body weight exercise, 10% stretching)
    Tues: Rest (could lift here)
    Wed: Step and strength
    Thurs: Step and strength
    Fri: Rest (could lift here)
    Sat: Pure step
    Sun: Rest (could lift here)
    Fitbit reads 10,000-13,000 steps per day, but I'm a student so am relatively sedentary most of the time.

    Although there are 3 days I could lift, I'm nervous about not having a rest day. I was thinking about taking Tuesdays as my rest since I have step and strength wed and thurs. I've already noticed some muscle definition and strength gains from my class, but want to accelerate them. I love my class, it's often the best part of my day (sad, I know), so I don't want to drop it.

    Currently eating 1700-1750 calories/day, losing about .5 lbs/week, which is what I was aiming for. 110 g protein/day. If I add stronglifts, should I increase carbs and calories on lifting days?