Good workouts for beginners?

I did one of Jillian Michaels tapes this morning. I couldnt get through the whole thing, I have to work up to it. But if you could list some other workouts I'd appreciate it.

Also why every time I workout, all I want to do is eat? Just curious.


  • ritaglithro
    ritaglithro Posts: 3 Member

    I just stared Charlotte Crosbys 3 minute belly blitz... So far so good and the reviews are amazing! The other is Kayla itsines BBG -amazing reviews but I found that very challenging especially if you have children and it's not a dvd. I find that I am really hungry after I workout too but sometimes I mistaken that for thirst.. make sure you drink plenty of water after.. and have a protein shake after if you are really hungry.. Good luck!!
  • ZaraxXx88
    ZaraxXx88 Posts: 918 Member
    I do the 10min workouts from fitness blender. Slowly start up then build up your time. It definitely works before you know it you'll be doing 30mins workout without looking as if your dying! (That was me in the beginning!
  • theworldofjel13
    Thank you ladies. I will definitely try that. Oh yes I have been drinking my water all day, I think some of my "hunger" is do to boredom.