Telling people about my lifestyle change or no?



  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    I agree with some other posters here - diet talk is boring! That's why I save it for MFP. I do talk about it sometimes with friends who have been here before, who have lost and kept it off, but not in a general social situation - and never on Facebook. If anyone notices my weight loss and asks for details I usually tell them I'm "counting calories" and leave it at that.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    And while social media is often all about narcissism, posts about weight loss (or efforts to lose weight) often seem especially self-centered.

    Yeah, good point. Most lifestyle/exercise-related postings on social media are self-serving "look at meeee" stuff.

    Very little of it merits a post, IMO... generally the stuff that's actionable for the reader, or in some way novel or interesting or funny.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Thank you everyone for responding! Looks like most of you agree that sharing just leads to people giving you unwanted tips, etc. I mostly asked because I have a friend who is loosing weight as well and posted about her weight loss and got so much lovely comments, I guess I just wanted the same too! but you're all right, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. If they notice i'll say but other than that I won't kiss and tell haha :)

    Sounds like a good plan and your statements are accurate (especially the unwanted advice). I have shared healthy recipes on FB, but I have never mentioned my weight / goals etc. I might update my FB photo when I reach goal in a month or so.

    Of course, at a certain point it was obvious I was doing "something" but still gave no specifics openly. If someone sent a private message, I might mention MFP and point them in a direction to information they can research and decide for themselves. I always indicate in those instances I am NOT on a diet and have changed my eating habits for good!

    Good luck!

  • jparedes09
    jparedes09 Posts: 2 Member
    I tell my coworkers because they see me eating healthy meals at lunch and they ask why. I also tell them that my goal is to lose weight because I feel like that will hold me accountable to actually following through with it. If I don't then I'm not a man of my word and everyone will know about it at work.
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    I don't advertise it. I have done so in the past but I would lose 9-10 pounds and then the weight would come back. So this time, I let my results do the talking. My DH, mom, and siblings know. My cubemates at work are only aware because of my Fitbit and the so far great results this time around.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I bore the crap out of people about my swimming. People assume my "healthy" food is my training diet if they notice at all.

    Which, I suppose, it totally is.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    I've told everybody around me that I've changed my approach to food and eating. I'm not on a diet. I've changed how I eat; how I approach food and exercise. If it's not a change, the odds that I will go back to unhealthy habits go up.