How many of you are into Incline cardio

Was just wondering how many of you are into this type of cardio ? I feel like I've found my perfect workout for my body and my results have just been outstanding. In about 8 weeks I've gone from a UK size 18 to a UK size 14 and dropped 4 inches off my hips and 3 off my waist . You probably might know this but will explain my workout . I tried jogging but was crippled by shin splints and then had to miss workouts trying to recover anyway

The inches will melt away in no time at all. It's hard work but so much easier on the joints and for those who cannot take the impact of running. it can be done at slower speeds from 2.5mph -4.2mph . Faster doesn't always mean better. I do a 60 minute workout at 3.8/4 mph varied between 13.5 and a 15 % incline and then I cooldown then I do 25 minutes at 2.5 mph on a 15% in line which is slow and like a top up fat burner. I've lost 4 inches off my hips in 8 weeks and I feel amazing . This totally works and increases overall fitness and endurance.
TIP - never ever hold on to the rails or lean back. If you feel you have to then reduce the speed and incline slighly to a level you feel more balanced and steady. I do this every other day so 4 times a week and on gym days I eat about 1800 cals and on none gym days I eat around 1300 cals.
My start weight when I joined the gym at the start of November was 183lbs and my current weight is 162.
It's by no means an easy workout and I had to build up my fitness level but I no longer look to burn calories, I look to burn fat and so far this really works !!


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Cardio is great for health and heart, but overall it's still going to come down to CICO. Whatever approach one takes will be what is of preference to them. Some can run, some cannot. Some will attest that the elliptical does it for them, some the stepmill and some with spinning.
    Physical activity still burns calories though. The real truth is that the highest amount of fat burned for energy is when you are at rest. Fat supplies 100% of the energy at rest/sleep.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Interesting to see that you can do it despite suffering shin splints. I've had shin splints and they're not pleasant. Unfortunately, you can't play tennis on a slope. :smiley:
  • Emmaloubalajake
    Emmaloubalajake Posts: 39 Member
    I think I found it really hard the other times I tried exercise. I usually ended up gaining weight and then giving up but I think I've finally found a system that works for me and I actually enjoy doing.
    I hoped there would be other incline enthusiasts :D
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I think I found it really hard the other times I tried exercise. I usually ended up gaining weight and then giving up but I think I've finally found a system that works for me and I actually enjoy doing.
    I hoped there would be other incline enthusiasts :D
    No doubt it's tough work, especially if you're not holding onto rails. What's important is that you've found an exercise program that you're enjoying to do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Emmaloubalajake
    Emmaloubalajake Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 2015
    Interesting to see that you can do it despite suffering shin splints. I've had shin splints and they're not pleasant. Unfortunately, you can't play tennis on a slope. :smiley:

    Waking slow uphill and no pain at all in my shins. Used to suffer in zumba too when there were routines with lots of jumping
  • pkluis
    pkluis Posts: 5 Member
    I cannot jump without injury so I do body weight training with low impact cardio
  • pkluis
    pkluis Posts: 5 Member
    During PT I was required to walk backwards on an incline of 7-9 at 1.5 mph for 15 min every other day and it did wonders for my lower body strength. Great for the buns too but you have to hold on for safety.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Yes! I am into inclined walking for cardio exercise. I've lost 75 lbs mostly just from creating a calorie deficit through walking on the treadmill. I also can't handle jogging on the treadmill just yet, so this is a great way to burn calories. I first started walking at about 1.7 mph at 15% incline months ago when I was 300 lbs. Now, I walk at 2.0 mph at 15% incline, or 3.0 mph at 10% incline. I've tried doing 2.5 mph at 15% but I find it hard to breathe.

    My new workout has been walking 5 miles at 3.0 mph with 10% incline. It's tough, but I feel really good after doing it. I also feel stronger from inclined walking. Jogging [at 2%- 5% incline] never made doing high knees and jumping jacks easier.

    I also make sure to not even touch the hand rails.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have advocated incline walking for many people be clients. It's a great low-impact way to increase exercise intensity. Level walking, even at brisk speeds, is not that intense and many people can outgrow it as their fitness levels increase.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am loving inclined walking! I cannot run. I guess all those years of hauling around an additional 100lbs of me wrecked my knees. I can walk fast though and I can even walk uphill fast. I cannot increase my walking pace without busting into a jog but I can always increase the incline.
  • natasa612
    natasa612 Posts: 6 Member
    That's so great to hear, I go on the elliptical 40 minutes a day on highest incline and high resistance. My starting weight is the same as yours. I hope to get similar results. Congratulations keep up the great work :)
  • SchweddyGirl
    SchweddyGirl Posts: 244 Member
    I only use the incline on the treadmill if I am doing hill work for running. But if I am cross training I always do some shifting resistance/incline workout that I find online because I hate being stuck at one setting for an entire workout.
  • FedGirlUSA
    FedGirlUSA Posts: 18 Member
    I have a good friend who got in excellent shape incline walking. She walked at 10 or 11% incline. She looks amazing. I wanna lose about 40 lbs, and have considering joining Planet Fitness.
  • Emmaloubalajake
    Emmaloubalajake Posts: 39 Member
    So great to hear that you all love it. I couldn't believe the results myself but everyone is commenting on how my shape has drastically changed . Varying the incline durning the workout is also a great way of making your body work harder too (similar to HIIT but lower impact) obviously my fitness levels were poor at first so kept the inclines low at first (between 2% and 5%) but gradually can take it up to 15% for a few mins then back to 13% etc. lowering and upping the incline at set intervals are a great way of recovering and then getting another burn but I think also this is said to be a great form of cardio for lifters and weight trainers who find jogging/running a strain.

    I can't run and I can't jog but still getting all the benefits of a maximum cardio session with zero compromise. I really think this is a clever way to train and everyone can find that zone where they see the results. As long as you eat well because this is a workout that demands fuel. 1 hour and I burn around 600 cals so eat well . I think this workout is a total body fat blast
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I just switched over to incline walking a week ago. Running had been my main cardio for a year but I was getting bored of it to the point of just not doing cardio at all. I work a very sedentary job and need exercise cardio or else I'm kind of a slug. After googling a bit, I found this article and since I like written plans I'm just following it.
  • meyerssheila
    meyerssheila Posts: 9 Member
    I absolutely love incline exercising! I have been a runner for most of my life but it is very hard on my knees now. I have taken up Spin and incline walks as the replacement then run once a week (intervals for better results). Here is my favorite incline workout so far 7a8ekqpqvbvn.jpg
    Keep up the good work.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The concept is simple: increasing the grade significantly increased workload intensity. The net aerobic intensity for walking 3 mph is 2.3 METs. Walking 3 mph at a 10% incline adds another 4.1 METs for a total of 6.4 METs. To achieve a training effect during aerobic exercise, one must work at a minimum of 50-60% of Max. Also, working harder increases calorie burn.

    When people start a program and improve their fitness level, they often get to a point where level walking is no longer a sufficient training stimulus. At that point many people start running. However for those who can't or don't want to run, incline walking is a great alternative.
  • Emmaloubalajake
    Emmaloubalajake Posts: 39 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I just switched over to incline walking a week ago. Running had been my main cardio for a year but I was getting bored of it to the point of just not doing cardio at all. I work a very sedentary job and need exercise cardio or else I'm kind of a slug. After googling a bit, I found this article and since I like written plans I'm just following it.

    I read that article a few weeks ago after googling incline cardio and the benefits. It really enforced my view that it's a killer burn for fat and increases overall fitness and endurance
  • Robbnva
    Robbnva Posts: 590 Member
    When I walk on the treadmill I've kicked up the incline, its a really great burner. But I haven't gotten that high yet, 6 to 8% for me. Calves feel the burn, that's for sure
  • Emmaloubalajake
    Emmaloubalajake Posts: 39 Member
    Robbnva wrote: »
    When I walk on the treadmill I've kicked up the incline, its a really great burner. But I haven't gotten that high yet, 6 to 8% for me. Calves feel the burn, that's for sure

    Yeah if it gets too much I bring it down abit then crank it back up