Why do I only get replies from fat/ugly girls on dating sites?

hi, my name is missy i'm new here in MFP and i want to show you what made me start a weigh-loss journey, i'm on revenge mode on. on late october was reading things around and that came up, that was 40 lbs ago but yeah my eyes got watery at the time.

answer by man:

1- Brah those fat/ ugly Bishes are so horny you dont have to start a relationship with them just go on a few dates and they will give it up and then you leave and move onto the next one until you do find something you like.

2-Because a dating site via email is the only way a fat/unattractive woman has the balls to "talk" to the guys she is really interested in. I mean if they don't email you back.. nothing lost... nothing gained.. but in person should she conjure up the cojones to come say Hi she risks getting humiliated and that would even further damage her overweight, fragile, non existent ego.

3-Why are you even messaging fat girls to begin with?

4-The answer to your question is that most women on dating websites are fat. Attractive women don't really use dating websites unless they're 30+.

5-You are a good looking dude. No homo.

6-Its just called plenty of whales for a reason.

7-The odds of meeting a decent looking girl are low, and a decent looking mentally stable girl with no kids, zero.

8-Go out man, you are young tall and in shape. You should be able to pull anywhere.

9-I'm so sick of fat girls messaging me on dating sites.

10-Don't they know nobody wants them? I sure as hell ain't gonna accept their lifestyle.

Some fat girls if they lost weight can look really good. Maybe you could try that.

11-*kitten* women. Always trying to rape us.

12-Im telling you, not only stay away from those fatties. stay away from all of those women on dating sites. they ain't safe.....

13-Turn the lights out

14-No *kitten*. Like i put my preferences that I want a slender or fit girl. Not a "few extra pounds" *kitten*. *kitten* YOU WHALE

15-This. Hot chicks have no trouble finding guys in real life. What the *kitten* did you expect, OP? Lingerie models, 10/10

16-Only phat/ugly bisches exist on those sites.

17-I just signed up for OkCupid, all the girls on that site are hideous, ugly and fat. They look like a cross between Whoopi Goldberg and Roseanne, and Ricki Lake. What the hell, I'm a busy man these days and its hard to meet women, and the first dating site I sign up to, click after click, summary after summary, just ugly, vile hags who I'd never have sex with even if humanity depended on it for continuance of the human race. Hot girls, yall need to sign up on OkCupid so I can message you.


  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I think the thing you need to ask yourself is why you want the approval of these hateful people.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    It's called Karma
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The what now?!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Did I just stumble into the misc
  • keri1292
    keri1292 Posts: 4 Member
    Meh. I can fix fat. They can't fix stupid. O.o
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    Even skinny girls get ignorant hateful messages on dating sites. I have a friend who could easily make it modeling and she has to slog through *kitten* like this. They have whole lists on Buzzfeed etc. making fun of this. Ignore them. Seriously. Don't feed the hateful trolls.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Men can be shallow but so can women. I didn't think that was true until I was helping a girlfriend look through profiles. There were these nice guys who were active dads with stable jobs and she rejected them without a second thought because they weren't cute enough. I feel bad for everyone who allows themselves to fall into the trap of searching for love in a pretty face. Physical appearance is just one category and it should be the smallest. If you like someone for who they are they will be attractive to you and likewise if you hate someone's personality they will no longer be attractive no matter how symmetrical their features are.
  • Erin_to_You
    Erin_to_You Posts: 12
    edited February 2015
    Those kind of people will be nasty no matter how you look. Seriously, there are plenty of overweight women and men around with supportive, loving partners. It is good that you want to lose weight for health reasons, but don't do it for revenge. The guy who wrote that is a small & nasty person who only feels empowered by stealing power from others. Who cares what people like that think. <3
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Why do you care what random strangers online write? Btw, women do the same thing. Many women won't date overweight men. Or short me. Or bald men. Or skinny men. Or men that aren't wealthy. You get the point.

    There are a lot of shallow people. And everybody, shallow or not, is attracted to certain things and not attracted to others. Are the people you quoted rude and obnoxious? Yes!!! But who cares? Would you really want to date somebody like that anyway? I certainly wouldn't.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Oh my goodness!! I would not even care to seek the approval of fools like that. Looks do have a part in what people find attractive... but if that is the only thing they are concerned about my bringing to the table then I'm definitely not interested, pre or post transformation.

    Don't let these fools get to you.