Possible PCOS; time for change

During my doctor appointment on Wednesday, in light of the symptoms I've been experiencing, the topic of PCOS came up. Even though I still have to be tested for it, I decided to modify my diet to be PCOS friendly.
In case you don't know what it is, PCOS is multiple cysts in the ovaries, that, although aren't harmful, cause a hormonal imbalance. Women will generally have few or no menstrual cycles. It can be very hard to maintain a healthy or steady weight, many experience depression and anxiety, and acne is also common. Headaches and migraines seem to be common as well, although any link between PCOS and headaches is not being explored. I have been dealing with all of this at once for a year. But, again, I haven't been diagnosed yet.

I'm only going on 21 years old and I'm 330lbs. It's not right, so I have decided to keep track of what I eat, and exercise more. If I manage to lose the weight, great, but my goal is just to be healthier.

I guess I'm looking for a couple buddies to keep me motivated. :) maybe someone with PCOS?


  • Buu_kz
    Buu_kz Posts: 89 Member
    Ive had it for years the only diet that ever works for me is high protein and low carb once you get your weight under control its much much easier to maintain
  • jgrubb2011
    jgrubb2011 Posts: 13 Member
    I've had it for years and nothing has seemed to work - I'm focusing this year to work on making smarter food choices and staying under my calorie limit to drop weight and hopefully it'll become easier to maintain. Feel free to add me and hopefully we can share success stories and what seems to work the best!
  • Buu_kz
    Buu_kz Posts: 89 Member
    Jgrubb you can do it I lost 200 pounds in about a year and some change Its all about diet cut out as much sugar especially quick burning carbs like breads and you will be able to lose weight much easier!
  • I'd love to hear both of your stories! Maybe give me an idea of what I might be in for lol
  • 200lbs in a year!? Holy :3
  • Buu_kz
    Buu_kz Posts: 89 Member
    Yeah it really fell off now that Im a bit older its a lot harder to lose but I havnt been a angel with my diet either.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have PCOS, but I didn't cut out anything. I still eat the same amount of carbs and sugar as I used to, just less of it. I've lost 45lbs since the end of June. It's really all about less calories in than calories out, though you should make sure to be tested for insulin resistance as this CAN make a difference to how your body processes carbs and sugar and some PCOS woman have insulin resistance. I have no idea if I do or not.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I have symptoms of PCOS but it hasn't been diagnosed, but I'd love to help ya keep motivated! Feel free to add me :)
  • mcrmaiden
    mcrmaiden Posts: 6 Member
    I have recently been through a bunch of labs, ultrasound, and endovaginal because my Doctor thinks I could have PCOS. I'm hoping I don't of course but... after reading up on it, I seem to have most of the symptoms and have for most of my life. So feel free to add me too! I haven't gotten my results yet, so I don't know for sure but... I want to start eating in a way that can combat PCOS just in case; plus just get more healthy over all. I've been doing the DASH diet but, it's not really a low-carb diet.
  • Today is my first day of eating better... There's chocolate on the cupboard and it's taunting me. Lol I'd normally have the whole thing.... D:
  • I'm gonna add you all :)
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I have PCOS only I had monster periods that never ended and of course my hormones are whacked out. My doctor finally told me I should get the weight off. Getting the weight off means getting rid of PCOS. I have other things as well but trust me being healthy helps a lot with PCOS! Best of luck!
  • cdrockylady
    cdrockylady Posts: 5 Member
    I had this too, after an 8 year stint on the depo provera birth control shot (progesterone). It really screwed up my hormones (plus poor diet). I got a lab test through my acupuncturist, and my hormones levels were conducive to PCOS. Losing weight relieves the symptoms. Definitely losing weight is a must to recover, though it is harder. Eat very clean, no extra hormone food GMO or artificial anything to screw with hormones any further. Eat organic, pure, simply, and it helps a lot. That's good advice for anyone really. Best of luck!
  • Thanks

  • meeghan515
    meeghan515 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I'm new to MFP and believe i have PCOS, although not sure about insulin resistant. Being tested but feel pretty positive that it's what I have. Scared and concerned and overwhelmed. When you all say "add me" is this a group or add as a contact/friend. I Could surely use some guidance and advice from those who have been there.
  • meeghan515 wrote: »
    Hi there, I'm new to MFP and believe i have PCOS, although not sure about insulin resistant. Being tested but feel pretty positive that it's what I have. Scared and concerned and overwhelmed. When you all say "add me" is this a group or add as a contact/friend. I Could surely use some guidance and advice from those who have been there.
    Add as a friend :)
  • mbibble
    mbibble Posts: 6 Member
    I'm pretty sure I have PCOS too - doctor wrote it on a piece of paper and pushed it at me sheepishly, then proceeded to prescribe birth control pills. Bye doctor!

    I don't have weight to lose, but I have plenty of acne, irregular cycles, sugar obsession (/undiagnosed insulin resistance), and ridiculous mood swings to get rid of. Low carb is the only thing that's worked for me.

    I'm PCOS research-obsessed and full of internet conclusions (kidding!) if anyone wants to add me. :) It's so great to find ppl with similar problems on here beyond just weight loss..
  • crystalmoore83
    crystalmoore83 Posts: 103 Member
    I was diagnosed with pcos a little over a year ago. feel free to add me
  • I have stage 4 Endometriosis. Before they removed my ovaries they were a hot mess. I had cysts for years. And once I got endo I got the dreaded chocolate cysts. Good luck taking the reins back on your health. That's what brought me here! ;)