Need friends!!



  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    Helloooooooo beautiful! You can add me if you like :D
  • Feel free to add me! :)
  • sch1994
    sch1994 Posts: 57 Member
    You can add me, I am on here everyday! Its always good to have motivating friends :smile:
  • pyrzanowska_p
    pyrzanowska_p Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm new here, I'd like to find someone here to motivate me, can I join in? :)
  • Feel free to add me anyone
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Anyone can add me ...I would love to support/encourage anyone on this journey ...wishing everyone much success :)
  • I'm new as well and need motivation and support. Please feel free to add me!!
  • I'm new here and I need all the help I can get. You can add me as a friend if u like.
  • useitnow
    useitnow Posts: 3 Member
    Add me!! I need help too!
  • Caper85
    Caper85 Posts: 30 Member
    You can add me too & that goes for anyone else. I could really use the people's support & of course I would reciprocate in kind. Thanks TM
  • I would love for you to add me. I keep losing motivation and I need someone to help keep me on track! It would be awesome if we could help each other. =D
  • jessonsangels
    jessonsangels Posts: 11 Member
    I am new and very determined to succeed. I am willing to support and motivate lets nail it !!!
  • vickicravener
    vickicravener Posts: 76 Member
    Add me
  • micafortner3
    micafortner3 Posts: 14 Member
    I have no friends, new to this...add me!!
  • I have never gotten very serious about weight loss, because it hasn't been much of a problem (even though I was always aware that I could stand to "lose a few.") Well, now that few has become more like 40 and seems impossible. When I use a food diary, I consistently go way over my calories for the day, even when I think I'm doing great. I could use some support. Please add me to any kind of accountability group you have assembled.
  • emartins1975
    emartins1975 Posts: 45 Member
    I love your energy! Add me and let's motivate one another!
  • Add me.. Restarting