Family reactions

So in the past year 8 month or so I have lost over 14 poundsafter gaining it while living abroad. I am a UK 8 for probably the first time since puberty and am finally starting to like how I look again. However, whenever I go to my parents house (where my siblings still live) my Mam makes a comment along the lines of "you don't need to lose anymore weight". Now, I am not actively trying to lose more weight, I am looking to tone up esp my stomach area but I just don't know how beat to deal with the comments. I am by no means too thin and am still above my ideal weight but how do I say this to my mother who, I know, only means well.


  • lolly715
    lolly715 Posts: 106
    Just say "OK" and carry on anyway. I get the same from mine whenever I fit into my size 14 "skinny" jeans. Which is obviously not actually skinny, just smaller than she's used to seeing. As long as you're healthy, the only person you should listen to saying that is your doctor.
  • kelseymallen
    kelseymallen Posts: 85 Member
    Tell your family that you have adopted a healthier lifestyle that includes healthy food and exercise and that you would appreciate their support. Assure them that your current weight is a healthy one for your body type, that your are eating enough, and that their comments sometimes hurt your feelings.
  • Daisies86
    Daisies86 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks. I know she's just worried about me (she worries about EVERYTHING) and I don't want to new sharp with her as she would take it to heart and could get upset. I know I am healthy and I know I am eating enough, I just want to reassure her without upsetting her
  • FullofSuccess
    FullofSuccess Posts: 44 Member
    Family members are used to seeing you at one size. So, they think you've lost a lot of weight when really it isn't much. My mother in law did this to my husband and he currently weight 265 lbs at 5' 10. My advice is to keep at it. I have 55 to loose total, and I will hear the same thing from my family, because I have been there before. But whenever I meet someone new or ran into co worker their first response was you look did you do it. I just hope I can maintain it this time. Good luck
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    If we have family members who struggle with weight on their own it's difficult for them to see their sibling succeed. Just think they might feel lonely; they might try to sabotage your success, they won't have anyone to keep up the bad habits with. Like one of the others posters stated just say ok and move on... Keep in mine they dint do it to be mean...