curvy lass looking for friends

mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm Heather
30, mum of one, in the last year of my degree. Loosing the baby weight plus some. I'm doing alright, 2st down but there's a long way to go. Weight has plateaued for a few weeks & only just starting to shift again.
I've always had huge boobs & a butt, but had a good waist. & that seems to have vanished.
If anyone is in the same big boned boat & would like some motivation add me. I've lots of photos of clothes that keep me going. Would be up for fashion motivation pic exchange if that's a good motivater for others.


  • lee658
    lee658 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Heather,

    I'm a new-bee as well. 8 days in and 4 lbs down. I'm trying not to focus on the number daily as much has responsible eating and daily exercise. I'm in an office environment and stationary most of the day. I've lead an active life playing sports competitively until a knee injury (2nd one) slowed me down 5 yrs ago. Kids family and work took priority, no regrets there but I'm trying to make this work so I'll be a better healthier person for a longer life. 47 yr male 204 target 190 and beyond:-). Good luck with your journey. Happy to be a friend if you wan to share motivation back n forth. Feb 1st, get it done! :-)
  • BeauShiraz
    BeauShiraz Posts: 7 Member
    Added you. Need to loose the baby weight and then some too
  • mummyappleseed
    mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Lee, Hi Beau. good luck to both of you.x I've tried loosing weight while working at a call centre, it was very hard.
    Especially with the temptation of snacking & other people offering foods.
    Beau I've found protein shakes & oat so simple porridge helpful.
    I love cereal but I just can't eat a bowl because i get interrupted. But can make porridge while sterilising bottles.
    Same for cooking, found cous cous & tuna the quickest to make. It's hard not being able to put our needs first & being tiered but we can do it xxx
  • micafortner3
    micafortner3 Posts: 14 Member
    Add me I need friends!! Mother of 3...19,16 and 2 year old. I've always been "plus size" but ready to get some of this 'plus' off! I've been on this healthy trail for about 2 months...down 22 lbs and counting!!! I love mfp! It's helping me a great deal. I also have lots of pics of my journey.
  • lee658
    lee658 Posts: 74 Member
    wow good for you micafortner3 ! I do a shake during week day mornings as well. Important to have something in your tummy in the am and small healthy snacks throughout the day to keep your metabolism working and not storing fat. BeauShiraz, your here and that's very positive in losing baby weight.

    I'd be happy to be added as a friend to help positively motivate and share in reaching our goals.
  • mummyappleseed
    mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
    Hi mica x 22lbs is brilliant. Mfp has been really helpful I'm also using Pacer it counts your steps & links to mfp & it's free.
  • Hiii.... i have my mummy tummy to shift and then some!!!
  • mummyappleseed
    mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
    Have friended you for support in shifting. nice avatar x
  • hbskid3
    hbskid3 Posts: 1 Member
    I started on the first of january and my last weigh in was 25 lbs down. My last weigh in I lost 5.6 lbs that's the biggest loss so far in 3 days. I think cause I have cut the carbs down to nothing or very little. Lots of vegtables and no more than 6oz potions of meat at a meal... This month should be interesting.

  • mummyappleseed
    mummyappleseed Posts: 42 Member
    You'll probably plateaux for a little while but stick with it & the numbers will come off. Well done on your loss.