KFC zinger burger



  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Where does KFC sell them?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    OP, there ios nothing magic in a Zinger that will make you gain weight over anything else with that amount of calories.

    As for giving up and binging - if you were driving from LA to Vegas in a sweet, sweet Mustang and you got a flat tire, would you slash the other 3 tires and walk back to LA? Of course not. You'd put on the spare and keep driving. Why on earth would you undo all your work over a burger thats worth less than half your daily categories?
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    Don't feel bad about it, tomorrow's a new day!
  • sbahlezinwe67
    sbahlezinwe67 Posts: 84 Member
    Where does KFC sell them?

    KFC South Africa
  • sbahlezinwe67
    sbahlezinwe67 Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you guys thank you so much for the responses :) I'm leaning something new everyday in this app
  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    I have just eaten a KFC zinger burger and I feel terrible the guilt is dealing with my conscious, I feel like I have ruined my journey to weight loss and I'm in a verge of binging

    Please don't beat yourself up about one little misstep!. You are doing great and you even had calories allotted for it so just put it behind you and tomorrow is another day you start all over it's fine
  • nellysen
    nellysen Posts: 49 Member
    I had cravings for a Zinger over the weekend and I am not scared to go and get one. It is reasonably low calorie compared to some of the other fast food burgers available.

    Just make sure you have enough calories available and then there should be no problem with a burger every now and then.
  • SophNewts
    SophNewts Posts: 30 Member
    As long as you don't go over your calorie allowance for the day, its fine. We all need a treat now and again, cheat meals are much better than cheat days. Don't beat yourself up. Just as one healthy meal won't make you skinny, one bad meal won't make you fat. Keep going!
  • Hitesc
    Hitesc Posts: 86 Member
    LOLOL I would have demolished that burger lalala
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I eat KFC once a week, usually after a workout lol It's about healthy choices. KFCs website has nutritional information on it so if my day allows it I eat a burger and if not I eat a grilled chicken wrap.

  • mjcrothers
    mjcrothers Posts: 59 Member
    In Australia, too