February 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!!! And welcome to all posters. Wow, we've got a great group!!!

    Well done to the Americans in this thread for surviving Super Bowl Sunday!!! Whether you managed to stay under your cal goal (Wowzers!!!) or not, you've got another 6 days until weigh in so you can bring it back!!!

    Anyone who prefers different weigh-in days, feel free to change. This is your own personal challenge so things like weigh in days, goals, cal counts, etc are your call. We are just here to motivate & support each other.

    If you want a bit of help finding this thread each week then click on the star above the page numbers (it'll turn yellow) and then it will be in your bookmark section (go to the star in that row of symbols near the bell, etc).

    Have a fab day!!!
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    Name: Maria
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'4"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 181.5
    Goal weight (1st March): 175

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 181.5
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    i've set a bit of a small goal for myself. I started on night shifts 3 weeks ago (and work 2 jobs) and going to the gym just doesn't work in my life at this point. Today i'm starting a 15 minute yoga routine when i get home in the morning, and i'm just going to try to focus on eating well. glad to be a part of this!
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    Name: Fran
    Age: 57
    Height: 5'8"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 258
    Goal weight (1st March): 250

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 258
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
  • adz682
    adz682 Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2015
    Name: Adam
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'10"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 243.8lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): less than 243.8lbs :smile: but hopefully around 236

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 243.8lbs
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week: Only my second week back after a failed attempt a couple of years ago. This time though I am motivated to succeed to change my life for the better and for my family also. This challenge will help me with my journey to get to where I want to be so i am in.
  • Hi everyone!

    Some of us did a January challenge and it seems to have really helped a lot of people so I thought I'd start a February challenge. It doesn't matter if you didn't do January - everyone is welcome!!!

    So, I'll basically copy the layout from January. If you want to join, just copy this and update every week. Here goes:

    Start weight (1st Feb):
    Goal weight (1st March):

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:

    I hope people join in!!!

  • danieladineva
    danieladineva Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Daniela
    Age: 37
    Height: 160cm
    Start weight (1st Feb): 83.8kg
    Goal weight (1st March):81.8kg

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:83.8
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: I don't know, my scales were dodgy, just bought New ones
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week: It all goes so well during the day, I walk and I cycle and I'm basically outside a lot, eat healthy when I'm hungry and don't over eat. But as soon as my three year old son is in bed I start eating!! I'm so hungry then, as if I've been starving for months! Still I haven't gain any weight since I started logging, but have hardly lost any either.
  • decy63
    decy63 Posts: 175 Member
    Name: Dean
    Age: 52
    Height: 5'11"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 220.6
    Goal weight (1st March): 212

    Weigh ins:

    30th Jan:
    1st Feb:220.6
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm in - really need the motivation to be consistent. I keep losing and then sliding back again.

    Name: Zeva
    Age: 34
    Height: 1.62 m (5'3")
    Start weight (1st Feb): 71 kg (156.5 lbs)
    Goal weight (1st March): 69 kg (152.1 lbs)

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 71 kg (156.5 lbs)
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
  • Hello! I'd like to take part too. I do t25 from home. I let myself slip a bit so want to lose 1 stone to get back to myself.

    Name : Rhu
    Age : 38
    Height : 5'6"
    Current : 148lbs
    Goal : 138lbs

    1 Feb : 148lbs
    8 Feb:
    15 Feb:
    22 Feb

    Looking forward to being accountable :wink:
  • NuCaz
    NuCaz Posts: 13 Member
    Count me on please. I did a Jan challenge and lost 14lbs. I've weighed since then and seem to be up 2 but put it down to hormonal fluctuations as my diet has been pretty ok on average. So, I'll make my start weight for Feb my last formal weigh-in in Jan. Will aim at slow and steady loss.. target 6lbs for Feb.

    Name: Car
    Age: 39
    Height: 5' 6")
    Start weight (1st Feb): 184lbs
    Goal weight (1st March): 178lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 184lbs
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:

  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Hi Everyone! Welcome to the challenge. We are on p10 - yay!!!
  • Name: shea
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'4
    Start weight (1st Feb): 139
    Goal weight (1st March): 130

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 139
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week: -3
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
    To overcome all of the extra calories I had on Super Bowl Sunday! I've also committed to meeting two friends out on separate days for dinner and a hockey game. So trying to stay committed while out to eat.
  • Name: Megan
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'6
    Start weight (2nd Feb): 170.9
    Goal weight (1st March): 165.0

    Weigh ins:

    2nd Feb: 170.9
    9th Feb:
    16th Feb:
    23rd Feb:
    1st March:
  • momof2boyz832
    momof2boyz832 Posts: 682 Member
    Start weight (1st Feb):191.8
    Goal weight (1st March):185

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:191.8
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:

  • I'll have a go at this.
    Name: Juli
    Age: 49
    Height: 5' 2"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 175
    Goal weight (1st March): 170

    Weigh ins:

    2nd Feb: 175
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
  • Tiogaplanet
    Tiogaplanet Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    Name: Sam
    Start weight (1st Feb):194.4
    Goal weight (1st March):185

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:194.4
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:

    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
    The Super Bowl.
  • bsaeagle84
    bsaeagle84 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm in....

    Name: Gary
    Age: 48
    Height: 5' 9"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 201
    Goal weight (1st March): 191

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb: 201
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
  • jeo33
    jeo33 Posts: 13 Member
    Me too!! I need all the accountability I can muster!! 72 lbs to go...

    Name: Jan
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'7"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 241.5
    Goal weight (1st March): 232

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:241.5
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:
  • jminitiki
    jminitiki Posts: 2 Member
    Name: J
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'3"
    Start weight (1st Feb):185
    Goal weight (1st March):175

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:185
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week:
  • Name: Alaina
    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 6"
    Start weight (1st Feb): 229.2
    Goal weight (1st March): 219.2lbs

    Weigh ins:

    1st Feb:
    8th Feb:
    15th Feb:
    22nd Feb:
    1st March:

    Weight loss/gain this week:
    Weight loss/gain so far this month:

    Struggles/successes this week: