Do you ever get angry you have to count calories?



  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    Adding a new recipe is time consuming, I feel your pain. I hate when I'm so engrossed with weighing & food gets cold :(
  • Sadie2233
    Sadie2233 Posts: 2 Member
    NEVER! I absolutely love counting my calories. When it comes to that, I am basically a control freak. I get to control and see what I'm putting into my body! I love it. :)
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    Seeing it as some kind of punishment definitely wouldn't make me want to do it either, so I don't blame you for feeling how you do. That being said, I don't see it as a punishment. As someone at my weight I've let binge eating really hold me back and get out of control to the point that my health is very much at risk. I was letting my old habits control me. Calorie counting is really quite freeing for me because it's a way that helps me feel like I'm in control of my own actions again, and not in some kind of mindless, helpless way anymore. Plus a scale makes it loads easier.
  • Buu_kz
    Buu_kz Posts: 89 Member
    Im over it Ive had to do it for so long its like a part of my arm lol I think I might know the calorie value for almost any food out there I have a calorie counting book in my brain.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    aplcr0331 wrote: »
    I'm more mad at being fat.

    Oh this, a hundred times.

    But I get having different emotions as you change your life, the way you've always done things. I think of it as a sort of settling in process. I bet soon you'll feel gratitude that you are strong enough to be honest about your intake, without letting it rule your life.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    No because eating more than you burn has consequences. How can you get angry you have been such a dope and for x period have eaten more than your body needs? Self indulgent pity. Its a bit tedious sometimes, but the faster you get on with it then the faster you will lose the weight, if thats what you want.

    I do think it was nice to eat loads of that food in large amounts and I enjoyed it, bit nows the time to just get on with things as Id rather be healthy. If I want more food I wil go and exercise for it.

    Not all of us are on this site because we spent years abusing our bodies with overindulgence. Some of us are just trying to maintain our weight and keep a healthy lifestyle. I'm an older person and was never seriously overweight or obese (except for one spell when I gained 20 lbs. after a broken foot 5 years ago). But I'm aware that at my height and age, I need to stay in control because that 5 lbs. after a holiday easily can become 10 or more. To look at tracking as a punishment for a lifetime of sins is a very negative attitude.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    edited February 2015
    I wouldn't say that I'm angry that I have to count calories; however, it can be a bit tedious weighing out my food on the scale. Without this site & my food scale though I wouldn't have lost around 100 more pounds.

    Think about the good that will come about from taking the time to figure out the calories in a recipe, trying to stay within your calories, figuring out how to balance out your macros, etc. Think about how much time we waste doing nothing that taking a few minutes or an hour won't amount to much in the long run.

    Weighing my food has become such a habit that a few weeks ago I weighed out both of my young nieces ice cream bowls accidentally haha.

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    No. I'm too busy being angry that I never got to take up a family business or be given lots of money or marry a rich guy or win the lottery.
  • billyfleet1988
    Only when it comes to peanut butter! :smile:
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    In the same way I get angry I have to do laundry, and work a job, and mow the lawn, and file the taxes, and stand in line at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license ... yeah.

    It's just another of life's everyday, boring, menial task time-eaters that must be done to avoid even worse negative consequences.

    Laundry and dishes make me all twitchy and stabby, especially when no one in the house is willing to help me out. :grumble:

    Weighing my food? Eh, not so much. It doesn't benefit just me as I will portion out for my husband too. And knowing what a real portion is means my kids also don't get to go totally crazy with things like crackers and cheese anymore (sorry kids, I'm not sorry).
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I understand angry/irritated/bored. Keep an eye on that because people undertaking a habit change who get bored are getting close to quitting.

    I was angry for the first six months of this undertaking, anticipating that I would be treated as an imbecile because of my size. I was angry that others seemed to eat what they liked and a lot more than I did, and did not gain weight. Fear was probably an undertone, worrying that this would not work. It changed around after I experienced my first big evidence of success.

    I get alert when I start getting bored and I change up what I am doing. I treat the measuring and tracking as a long-term experiment and that makes it easier.

    I don't think it's a great idea to treat the dieting/measuring as a punishment for past failings. Who wants to be punished day after day for eating?
  • leyla87
    leyla87 Posts: 18 Member
    I enjoy it, maybe I'm sad but I like seeing my macros and nutrition data.
  • nicole7743
    nicole7743 Posts: 6 Member
    YES!! I wish I could just eat what I want when I want. Losing weight is hard and inconvenient work :'(

  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    Honestly I'm sick of it, sometimes I just want that bit of chocolate but I can't because I've eaten my magical number of calories for the day. It's very tedious at this point, but I still have around 30lbs to go so I can't start messing around now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I always viewed my diary and calorie counting as basically a training was like training wheels on a bike. I learned a lot during the process...I learned a lot about nutrition and how to eat a more balanced diet...I learned how to eat in quantities appropriate to my goals...I learned what to eat in order to optimize performance...I learned a ton.

    I never went into this with the notion that I would be doing this forever, and I don't log anymore...but it was a great training tool and it never made me angry at all.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited February 2015
    i take shortcuts to make it less annoying. i only buy food for myself, so i don't need to weigh portion sizes or whatever. i just make sure it adds up to the entire volume of the container / recipe when i'm done eating all of it. i might be a little off on my day-to-day numbers this way, but week by week it adds up accurately.

    EDIT: also when i am craving a treat and i really don't want to not have it because of numbers, i'll just stay below my maintenance for that day instead of my deficit goal. fk the police.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    Not all of us are on this site because we spent years abusing our bodies with overindulgence. Some of us are just trying to maintain our weight and keep a healthy lifestyle. I'm an older person and was never seriously overweight or obese (except for one spell when I gained 20 lbs. after a broken foot 5 years ago). But I'm aware that at my height and age, I need to stay in control because that 5 lbs. after a holiday easily can become 10 or more. To look at tracking as a punishment for a lifetime of sins is a very negative attitude.

    I hadnt realised my response was meant to apply to everyone it was in response to the OP. Your the one who invented the phrase punsishment for a lifetime, well done on making it up. Enjoy your own negativity.

    If you are overweight then calorie counting is a highly valuable tool in ensuring an accurate deficit. It takes some effort, which some people find more of a chore than others.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Embrace the suck.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    Not angry, but I do find it tedious sometimes.