Do you ever get angry you have to count calories?



  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Yes. It's exasperating. But it works.
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    Yes, sometimes I get angry...But I have basically done this to myself from years and years of bad eating habits...When I was young, I could get away with it, but no more...My one word of advice for anyone who wants to lose weight is to lose it when you're young, because the older you get, the harder it gets to take it off...

    Naaer(aka Reaan)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited February 2015
    I DON'T deserve it and didn't do it to myself. I've never been a fast food or junk food eater. I've had a lifetime of pretty clean eating. I've never had a twinkie, a poptart or a hamburger--EVER. I managed to lose my first 55 pounds just by eating mindfully and adding exercise back into my life after a long illness.

    If I want to be thinner and healthier, though, tracking is just something I have to do. I've made peace with it.

    What does make me super angry is when strangers judge me by how I look and decide that I must be lazy and/or out of shape. I am in extremely good shape, eat great and exercise nearly every day--I still carry a bit of fat due to very serious health issues, but I can outdo just about anyone at just about anything except running--including people half my age and size. Woe to the next person at the gym who tries to show me how the weights work!
  • waituntil
    waituntil Posts: 42 Member
    I don't get angry... but i get annoyed with it. I feel like giving up many times. I love food and think of it all the time. Lol. But I am resisting.
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm mad about it, but I often think how nice it must be for people who just eat and don't have to log.
  • DeeTee68
    DeeTee68 Posts: 198 Member
    I love it, Coz my wife does it all for me bless her :)
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,574 Member
    aplcr0331 wrote: »
    I'm more mad at being fat.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited February 2015
    No. I am grateful for having almost free access to all the tasty and nutritious foods of the world. I am grateful that I can - being able, and allowed to - decide what I want to eat, and trust that the food I eat is not going to kill me. I accept that my appetite is healthy and purposeful, albeit redunduant in this land of plenty, and that I will have to restrain eating in some way or another, every day, for the rest of my life, unless I want to be fat again (and I don't want that).
  • jazzy550
    jazzy550 Posts: 264 Member
    What was the meal that you were making? Don't reinvent the wheel, before you make it look on the Internet to see if there is a similar or same recipe. Or just consume whole fruits, vegetables, lean meats and dairy that you know are easy to count. When a task becomes frustrating you're more likely to give it up, so make easy meals. Another issue I noticed for myself is when I make a dish that serves say... 7 servings and then I can only have half of one! I just don't go there; it's too tempting!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I count calories because it helps. I don't weigh my food because I haven't seen it help me. I don't get angry about it.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    I DON'T deserve it and didn't do it to myself. I've never been a fast food or junk food eater. I've had a lifetime of pretty clean eating. I've never had a twinkie, a poptart or a hamburger--EVER. I managed to lose my first 55 pounds just by eating mindfully and adding exercise back into my life after a long illness.

    If I want to be thinner and healthier, though, tracking is just something I have to do. I've made peace with it.

    What does make me super angry is when strangers judge me by how I look and decide that I must be lazy and/or out of shape. I am in extremely good shape, eat great and exercise nearly every day--I still carry a bit of fat due to very serious health issues, but I can outdo just about anyone at just about anything except running--including people half my age and size. Woe to the next person at the gym who tries to show me how the weights work!

    I apologize. It's people like me that give people like you a bad name. At my heaviest I'm pretty sure I boosted the stock of Five Guys, Dominoes, and Dr. Pepper while reducing the value of fitness industry stock!

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited February 2015
    ...and didn't do it to myself.

    Then who did?

  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Mostly I like it because it works and I can more easily eat lots of different types of food. But, it is a pain trying to calorie count when I eat at people's houses or at restaurants with no calorie information available.
  • Just115Pounds
    Just115Pounds Posts: 81 Member
    The thing I really hate about counting calories is when you logged your calories for the day and you hit it almost exactly and didn't go over.
    This makes me question the accuracy of my foods that I imputed and always makes me weary that I underestimated the calories on some foods or that a item is logged wrong and then it makes me feel terrible, as if I went over my calorie limit.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    The thing I really hate about counting calories is when you logged your calories for the day and you hit it almost exactly and didn't go over.
    This makes me question the accuracy of my foods that I imputed and always makes me weary that I underestimated the calories on some foods or that a item is logged wrong and then it makes me feel terrible, as if I went over my calorie limit.

    Just an idea, purposefully go over your calorie goal (even just by a few calories).
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    I like it. I've learned a lot about food by doing this. It's eye opening.

    Exactly my thoughts as to what my response was going to be. What I used to think of portion sizes were way off, some foods much less, others I could have more. It worked both ways.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    OP , kinda like fitness, when it becomes part of your lifestyle then you don't really think about it.
  • Bukeelaka
    No. You don't HAVE to count calories & log your food. It's a choice, you do it if you WANT to. I don't get angry about choosing to put in a little extra effort in exchange for big results.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    I call it my calorie budget. I have a certain number of calories to spend during the day, and just like with my money, I try to find the "best bang for my buck". The foods I was drawn to and ate the most of, pre-MFP, were "high cost" items. Now I look for the bargains...cauliflower and rutabaga mashed together "costs" a lot less than a potato. Chicken is "calorie budget" less than red meat, but sometimes red meat is worth the calories to me.

    It's not a punishment, not something you deserve as a consequence of earlier life choices. This is a gift you're giving yourself so that you can life the life you WANT to live instead of the life restricted by your body's ability to move freely. You'll be able to breathe easier. You'll move with grace and dignity and you will hold your head high with confidence. Do you do any of those things now? If not, weighing and measuring and logging your food is a way to start loving yourself. It's your gift to the present you, and the future you.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ...and didn't do it to myself.

    Then who did?

    I had a ruptured brain aneurysm, and then my pituitary failed. No pituitary=very little metabolic activity. I also have four other metabolic diseases.

    Not excuses--I've lost weight and kept it off anyhow--but it is a reality that means I have to be very strict, all of the time.