weight watchers anyone?

makeachange22 Posts: 151
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
so i've been following a friends plan who did it a few years back, and it seems to be working so far. anyone else who's done it for a long time seeing any results or what's been happening ? any tips to make it work faster i dont use points i go by servings


  • drobb821
    drobb821 Posts: 9
    I haven't personally done Weight Watchers, but my mom has done it for a while. She does follow the points instead of the servings and she has had mixed results. When her life has been going well, she has been losing weight, but when she is having problems and is stressed out, she gains weight back because she avoids the points sometimes. I think that if you follow the program and are similar to her in some way, it will work for you. Like I said though, I haven't tried it, so I can't speak from personal experience.
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    If you follow it and eat healthy, you will lose weight and feel good. It doesn't really track all the nutrients the way MFP does though, so you're not necesarily eating well. I lost more with it when I zigzagged. I was alloted 35 points, some days I would eat 28, others 33, others 36. Same thing seems to work for calories in general. The meetings were always very motivating for me, if you're going to do it, go to the meetings!
  • msmokie
    msmokie Posts: 16
    I eat the Weight Watchers Smart Ones for lunch or dinner. I rarely eat 2 of them a day. It's usually ceral for breakfast or an egg w/
    1 toast, no butter. Lunch is usually WW & a salad & a vegetable on the side, this is my heartiest meal of the day. Dinner is salad & some veggies. I drink lots of water & have lost 21 lbs in less than a month. I joined on the last day of March. The last week of April was tough as I was in the hospital for a week. The food choices weren't that great. So I just chose the lesser of the two evils. Gave away my dessert, yes I was able to give up cheescake, chocolate cake, ice cream etc., but when it came to the lemon cake, it won me over. Still by making sensible choices, I managed not to gain & in fact, I lost a quarter of a pound! The WW desserts are awesome. They are about a 1/2 cup serving but they are very good. You just have to savor every little bite. I also have sugar free popsicles. Only 30 cals. for one. Try to watch you fat & sugar intake. I also gave up salt. They have some very good seasonings blends out there that are salt free. Try to drink your daily amount of water. I always put ice in mine, it gives me something to munch on. I feel that a loss of 20lbs. in less than a month is darn good. I just hope it keeps working out that way. I also try to get in some walking 3 times a week. I'm 62 with several health problems that keep me from being as active as I'd like. Maybe it will get better when I get some more weight off. Still have about 65 to go. Good luck to you.
  • MrsJazi
    MrsJazi Posts: 17
    I am on Weight Watchers. I love it. It's like anything else. You get out of it what you put into it. It's a lifestyle change that I am sticking too. I have lost 10 pounds and 2 dress sizes. And like someone said, when I lose weight, I feel good and everything else follows suit. But when I feel bad, I say "screw the plan" and I eat crazy, feel fat, and get depressed. But when I fall, I get back up and keep it moving. I love it though, And I'll recommend it to anyone.
  • carrie0429
    carrie0429 Posts: 1 Member
    Can you give some ideas on what you are eating on the Points Plus program? I started it yesterday and it is TOTALLY different than the other program. This program I know they are focusing on eating fruits and veggies, but I am so use to eating high protein stuff (and alot of produce) and it seems like EVERYTHING has such high point value, that i don't know what I need to be eating to break it up into 6 meals a day. I feel like I 2/3 of the way through my points by lunchtime, and I don't even over indulge in anything. I feel like I'm hunger...so i need to break through that! ANY IDEAS????
  • I was using weight watchers and lost 6kg (?13lbs) before Christmas BEFORE they changed to the pro points plan. After a break (visiting family in the uk) I restarted but had a lot of difficulty losing weight on the pro points plan. Since starting MFP in the last 2 weeks I can see that was down to a few things;

    1. fruits and vegetables are free which is great for encouraging you to eat them but even on their minimum recommended serves that potentially added up to a lot of calories that were untracked.

    2. I was alloted 31 points based on my height and weight and sedentary lifestyle plus the 49 weekly points (worth pointing out that the leader at my meetings encouraged us to eat all of our points daily and weekly) they say that 1 point is roughly equal to 40-50 calories, so that meant an allowance of somewhere between 1500-1900 calories per day (if you average out the 49 weekly points over 7 days) if you then add the calories for fruit and vegetable I could would be over or getting very near my maintenance calories (2,020) and would only have a small deficit. The only time I really lost any weight on pro points was if I didn't eat any of my 49 weekly points which makes sense now looking at the calories - but that flexibility is one of the points they use to sell the plan!!

    Don't get me wrong, weight watchers has worked really well for a lot of people, and going along to meetings to weigh in can be really good motivation. The new system just didn't work for me and looking at the math now I can see why. I have cancelled my membership and am now using mfp with good results so far and saving myself money too!
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    see , thats where i come in . i dont do points plus or points im doing it old school where you just count your servings because if im allowed that 2points cookie i will eat 4 , 2points cookies. so i count servings and it works wonders :D
  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
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