Middle-aged and Miserable Former Athlete

*waves* I'm 48 and have crossed into the "over 200" zone. I never thought I would live here. I'm in my own way and I've run out of clothes that fit. I'm definitely an emotional eater and for the last two years, my life has been a mess. (Husband lost a job, our house hasn't sold so we have two mortgages, my mother diagnosed with breast cancer, and I'm not quite an empty nester with one child left at home. I'm worried about the other two "adults", who are in transition, all the time. We've just moved to a snowy, rural area for a new job and I'm feeling very isolated.) Until two years ago, I could work off the calories. I'm 5'6" and a lifetime athlete. I'm a Level 3 Certified Indoor Cycling instructor and despite my resume, no one will hire me as I don't fit the image gyms are trying to project. I have to get my poop in a group here and I can't do it alone. Since I'm not finding the support I need in my community, hopefully I can find it here. I need to stop stuffing my face, swallow my pride and be a member of a gym rather than an instructor, and lose 75 pounds. Any takers?


  • AnitaCRice
    AnitaCRice Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome! I'm trying to lose the "baby weight" I gained while pregnant with my son, who is now 2 1/2 years old! I do fairly well with working out (currently completing the Focus T25 program), but my eating is out of control. I love sweets, and I have no portion control with them. I need to get myself motivated enough to eat well. Best of luck to us both. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • dme100
    dme100 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'm currently doing the lifestyle change such as going to the gym regularly, eating healthy and have stopped drinking alcohol (for now). Im willing for us to help out each other on MFP. I have lost 3 stone in 5 months. I'm happy for you both to add me as friend if it would help?
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    You will smash it and, get there. There are loads of poeple on here who will help and motivate you, all you have to do is ask and you will get all the help you need.
  • nordicskater
    nordicskater Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there,
    I'm a new mother and athlete as well. I have definitely not given up on competing again, though at a more geriatric pace. I'm in my late 30s, job hunting, we are in a very stressful financial state, sharing one vehicle and I have a new baby yet I'm trying to lose the last 5 and then 10 more plus get in decent shape again by spring. Oh yeah, I live in the cold, grey tundra of MN (and I'm an emotional eater as well) so it doesn't help things. I'd love to help motivate or commiserate if you like. Its no wonder you are frustrated,,, that's a lot! Friend me if u like.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    Heh, I'm a teacher, too, and I know what it's like to be in a situation where you know a whole bunch but have to cede the role to someone else. :p My mother (MY MOTHER) calls it wearing my Know-It-All pants.

    I've realized that a big part of why I teach (besides that I in fact enjoy being recognized as a know-it-all) is that it's a safe way for me to make emotional connections. You've probably tried this, but maybe testing out the different nearby gyms (it sounds like there are multiple?) for a couple months each to see if you can at least make "gym friends" with a couple regulars, over time, would give you some non-instructor grounding.

    You could also see if your LBS organizes group spin/trainer sessions or even monthly coffee/target practice (you know you live in the REAL America when...) meet-ups, if you're planning to get involved in group riding when the weather turns.
  • diegops1
    diegops1 Posts: 154 Member
    I was an active outdoor athlete for many years. I took a desk job 10 years ago and that was sort of ok, but 8 years ago my wife started working in Iraq, now Afghanistan, and I gained 2.5 lbs per month for a year and then another 10 a little more slowly. Last year my kids house burned down and my daughter-in-law developed cancer. The insurance rebuilt the house, but escaping a house fire and 9 months in a series of rentals did not do much for the grandkids psyches. My daughter-in-law's surgery went well and we are starting to get the grandkids back on track. My wife's job will end some time this year (a lot of uncertainty as to when) and so will 70% of our income. She is looking for a job closer to home. Dubai and Europe are closer and not in a war zone, but still not driving distance from western Colorado. I get the depression element.

    OTOH, my wife and I find checking in with MFP to be a big help with our weight. The grandkids are starting to blossom with music, sports, decent grades again and I can actually have reasonably intelligent conversations about current events with the 11 year old. And every morning I drive to work with a panoramic view of the gorgeous sky and canyons of western Colorado.