Up here in the North of England :)

Procellifer Posts: 16
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there MFPers!

I'm not exactly new but what the heck, I haven't had one of these intro topics yet so I might as well. I'm a proud Scouser who isn't so much overweight as just incredibly unfit. I've got asthma and big boobs and these have served as excuses not to exercise throughout high school, college and university. But I've decided NO MORE EXCUSES!

With that in mind, I'd like to meet friends near to where I live. Not that I wouldn't love friends from the South, the US or anywhere else, but only people from the North can truly understand what it's like to make up your mind to run a mile and look outside to see a solid wall of rain, or to accidentally miss breakfast and have to walk past no fewer than 5 Greggs shops on the way to work (oh, Greggs sausage rolls, how I miss thee), or a myriad of other things that make this land unique.

So yeah, go ahead and add me. I dare you. :D


  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi there from Yorkshire!

    Greggs sausage rolls are to die for *mouth watering*. Why is the delish food always so bad for you? Bacon butties on fresh baked bread - with an egg on top. OMG I have been missing this now for 4 months. I dare not cheat, not even once, as i fear it would be the beginning of the end.

    Going to add you if that's OK, even if it's just to stop each other from indulging in these delicacies :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    I love greggs sausage rolls, does grilling the bacon make it any healthier? sainsbury's be good to yourself bacon medalions taste good a slight compromise maybe
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im not from Liverpool... Im from Southampton right at the bottom of England.
    But i do know whats its like to just see thick rain every single day -_-
    Pluss i grew up with Scousers so i have a half Scoucer half Southerner accent lol.

    And i know what you mean about making excuses.
    Id always looked in the mirror and wished the fat away..
    Just believeing that eventually it would dissapear..
    But when i turned 15 and my weight was getting out of control i was like crap..
    This wishing isn't helping i actually have to try and change my lifestyle..
    And im still making some very unhealthy food decisions.. And im not doing as much exercise as i would like..
    But i have changed alot weight wise!
    And now im working hard to improve myself even more!
  • Procellifer
    Procellifer Posts: 16
    Going to add you if that's OK, even if it's just to stop each other from indulging in these delicacies :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I seriously need someone to save me from myself, the b/f is a Greggs addict so he's more likely to push me in the opposite direction.
  • combovers
    combovers Posts: 3 Member
    Hi from Newcastle!,
    I know exactly what you mean about the Greggs, I'm more of a biscuit & cake addict & its so hard when there's one EVERYWHERE YOU GO.
    I've just joined up so hopefully I can resist too!
  • joanmyles
    joanmyles Posts: 14
    Hi From Northumberland.
    I know exactly what you mean about the weather and the big boobs. I have had big boobs all my adult life but am due to have this rectified later in the year.
    It poured with torrential rain between breif periods of sunshine yesterday, so that got in the way of any prolonged excercise.
    As for Greggs...............oh dear!!!
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi I'm from not so sunny Southport
    I'm new to this, been doing weight watchers without much success so hopefully the change will help to re-motivate me. I agree with you about the weather I've been trying to cycle to work for a week but keep getting rained off.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am in the South so nowhere near you, BUT, I do (or did) have asthma and big boobs, and I have finally stopped letting those things get in the way, and amazingly, both have almost gone!
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    Hi im in greater Manchester, feel free to add me if you would like some suppport, well done with your weight loss so far !!!

  • tinytotnot
    tinytotnot Posts: 67 Member
    Hi There

    I'm in Liverpool this weekend has been awful re the weather, where did all that rain come from??
  • Bavaria100
    Bavaria100 Posts: 42
    Hi, I am from Warrington and I know exactly what you mean by rain and running. I am not a long distance runner but I do like to go for a 20 min run around the houses a few times a week and running in "North-West" rain is no fun. Thankfully there is no Greggs on my route :-).

    Feel free to add me. The more the merrier. :flowerforyou:
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    Hiya,im from Newcastle and completely understand what your saying,its soooo hard. Good luck on your journey,feel free to add me xxx
  • Toni79927
    Toni79927 Posts: 29 Member
    St Helens, near liverpool here. I feel your pain! (accept about the sausage rolls, I dont like sauage rolls :()
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Hi there :) Living in Derbyshire now but spent my first 30 years in West Yorkshire. When I used to go for my runs where I lived I HAD to run through a town centre - every time I ran passed the kebab shop, fish and chip shop, greggs etc I wanted to stop and eat one yum yum, though it was more the smell that attracted me than the idea of actually eating the food, when I thought about the calories and fat and grease it made me proud to be running instead of eating it hehe
  • hayleyxxwxx
    hayleyxxwxx Posts: 67 Member
    Liverpool here. Just recently discovered Greggs bacon and cheese wraps...so addictive but far too many calories, gonna have to give them up.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Hi from North Yorkshire
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Hello from York :) congrats to everyone who seems to be doing great! If anyone needs any more support or motivation (yes, Im a self confessed gregsaholic too!) feel free to add me :smile:
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