Need fitness pals to get 100lbs off!!

Started back in October and I was doing really well, though I then went on holiday and then Christmas. I have tried to get back on track but I am finding it really hard... Managed to stay within the cals I'm allowed yesterday and today so far but feel I would do much better if I could buddy up with people. :\


  • JenLyn376
    JenLyn376 Posts: 25 Member
    You can add me.... i want to also lose 100#
  • cynshine21
    cynshine21 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't worry, no journey is perfect. When these bad parts happen, it is so you can learn from them :smile: Don't give up !
  • lanzi82
    lanzi82 Posts: 21 Member
    I know and thanks for your fast replies, only problem is I don't know how I add you? I've only just realised how to find your replies... Had the app on and off for years but only used the diary part before.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Friends are definitely a must! Feel free to add me as a friend. You can do this!
  • bobseviltwin
    bobseviltwin Posts: 4 Member
    I'll add you. I could use some motivation myself
  • We could all use some extra support and motivation! Feel free to add me :)
  • ralfielfragoza
    ralfielfragoza Posts: 7 Member
    Add me to Im trying to lose 100 as well
  • smslogan317
    smslogan317 Posts: 39 Member
    Please add me also, I started a year ago, with a goal of 112lbs, 50 down, but plateaus, plateaus, plateaus. I have been stuck at my current weight since the holidays. You/we can do it.
  • peakfitness79
    peakfitness79 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me too. We can encourage each other! I have a lot of weight to lose as well!
  • sassycassy631
    sassycassy631 Posts: 21 Member
    100 is my goal! Holidays are over and you've got this!! Just take it one day at a time :)
  • You can add me if you like, I am new on here and I am a great Motivator!! I may not have as much weight to lose, but I support you in your efforts! :) Its a marathon not a sprint and you can do it!!!
  • Amanda118118
    Amanda118118 Posts: 17 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! New to this and absolutely desperate to recieve and give inspiration, motivation and support.
    Ive no idea how to 'add buddys' but Please add me.
  • lanzi82
    lanzi82 Posts: 21 Member
    Oh you are all so right and together will all crack our goals, I'm sure of it now i have seen the fast responses.
    Could somebody explain to me how I add friends on iOS app? I'm really struggling...
  • DorothySutphen
    DorothySutphen Posts: 2 Member
    I had lost 20 pounds about a year and a half ago but have gained it all back. I have about 100 pounds to lose. I was doing weight watchers but got tired of spending the money when I wasn't following the plan! Today is day 1 of getting healthier, losing weight, getting fit! Let's do it!
  • 100 is my goal as well. Currently 285lbs at 6'1
  • lanzi82
    lanzi82 Posts: 21 Member
    I know where your coming from there, every time I lose so much and start feeling good about myself I end up slipping off track (love to eat out, which doesn't help)... This time I'm finding it hard getting on track so I'm really glad of all the support. You will have to add me mind as I don't seem to be able to do it.
  • lanzi82
    lanzi82 Posts: 21 Member
    We can motivate each other then... What are people having for dinner this eve? Can you tell I'm hungry already!
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me as well...have 140+ to lose :\
  • I will try to add you if I can figure out how as well. I need a buddy or two. I am aiming to lose 100 pounds as well. Started back in August and it was going good at first. I really didn't lose a lot of weight but seemed to have lost inches. I went from a 24 to a 20 in pants size. Then I down fell and stopped exercising and watching the calories. Back at it again. My hubby is also trying to do better and seems to be okay with eating healthier at our dinner meals but still snacks on the "bad stuff" so any extra motivation and encouragement would help on my end. We only fail if we give up so don't let little slide backs upset you to the point of giving in! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • MrsD15
    MrsD15 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't have 100 to lose about 70 but I'm very motivated right now and loving it. I'll add you