Intermittent fasting

chumbeb Posts: 30 Member
edited February 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I have been doing intermittent fasting and have had great results over the last few years. Has anyone else tried or using it now?


  • beatnikragamuffin
    beatnikragamuffin Posts: 19 Member
    I started it around five weeks ago, I was around 10% BF when I started, I wanted to get my abs to be more defined and it's going well. I'm following the leangains plan. At first I got really hungry at breakfast time but that's subsided now, The only downsides for me are rest days, I get so hungry! And when I have to work out at night that can be a bit of an issue. What plan do you follow? And do you ever have treat days?
  • chumbeb
    chumbeb Posts: 30 Member
    I start my day with a workout at 6am and first meal at 11:00am. Small meal or snack around 3pm and dinner at 5:30pm. I follow that schedule everyday but Sundays. I have breakfast on Sundays. It's has been working great, I cut 15lbs last year and planning on cutting around 10 this year. It works great for me but I know it's not for everyone
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    I <3 IF - I've tried all forms and like to use a combo :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    chumbeb wrote: »
    I start my day with a workout at 6am and first meal at 11:00am. Small meal or snack around 3pm and dinner at 5:30pm. I follow that schedule everyday but Sundays. I have breakfast on Sundays. It's has been working great, I cut 15lbs last year and planning on cutting around 10 this year. It works great for me but I know it's not for everyone

    Just to be clear for those who may not know/realize...

    It's not IF that is giving you results, it's the calorie deficit. IF is simply helping you maintain that deficit.
  • chumbeb
    chumbeb Posts: 30 Member
    Jacksonpt, you have a point. I tend to track my calories better when I'm using IF. It's the mindset that helps.
    But, I maintain 3000 cal diet.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Agreed! So much more fun to not have breakfast but then get to eat normal for your second and third meals and still have a deficittttttttttt :D
  • chumbeb
    chumbeb Posts: 30 Member
    Agreed! So much more fun to not have breakfast but then get to eat normal for your second and third meals and still have a deficittttttttttt :smile:

    I'm with you on this one
  • beatnikragamuffin
    beatnikragamuffin Posts: 19 Member
    How many cals do you guys have on rest days?
  • chumbeb
    chumbeb Posts: 30 Member
    How many cals do you guys have on rest days?

    The only day I don't follow IF is on Sundays. But I still stop eating around 6pm
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    How many cals do you guys have on rest days?

    That's not the point of IF... don't confuse things.
  • chumbeb
    chumbeb Posts: 30 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    How many cals do you guys have on rest days?

    That's not the point of IF... don't confuse things.

    At the end of the day it's about being in a deficit.
  • kbeard26
    kbeard26 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been using IF for 2 years. I love it. I've did all types of intermittent fasting windows. 16 hr, 20hr, 23hr(which i use daily now) 36hour and even a water fasting for up to 10 days. I really like fasting now. It helped with weight loss in a huge way for me. Keeps me from snacking all day long. Now I only have a 1 hr feeding window a day. No snack time for me. No choice but to be in calorie deficit lol.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I do alternate day fasting coupled with 16:8. Been doing it for nearly 4mths and have lost 24lbs.
    Up days I aim for 1600 calories. 8 more lbs to go till goal
  • teebone21
    teebone21 Posts: 4 Member
    chumbeb wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    How many cals do you guys have on rest days?

    That's not the point of IF... don't confuse things.

    At the end of the day it's about being in a deficit.

    Not for everyone . I can eat 2500 calories spread over the day and not lose with but eating it all in 4 hours leads to fat loss on if. Calorie in vs calories out doesn't work for everyone it seems