What's your favorite 'biggest bang for your buck' food/snacks?



  • StephJC81
    StephJC81 Posts: 33 Member
    My favourite would be a quick shake: Unsweetened almond milk, ground flax, french vanilla whey protein and a couple of strawberries. Quick and delicious!
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    I honestly find a protein bar super filling. A couple hundred calories and it usually buys me a whole afternoon not thinking about food.
  • DAMelahn
    DAMelahn Posts: 2 Member
    My 100 calorie snacks?

    1 1/2 hard boiled eggs
    25 pistachios
    50 blueberries
    1/2 baked potato with spray butter/salt/pepper
    1 sweet potato with spray butter/salt/pepper
    1/2 cup blackberry swirl frozen yogurt
    14 almonds
    30 dark chocolate M&Ms
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Home-made hummus on finn crisps.
    Yogurt cup, any brand.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Hard boiled eggs
    greek yogurt with some slivered almonds
    piece of fruit and a cheese stick
    half a banana with peanut butter
    1/2 palm full of almonds or cashews
    dark chocolate covered almonds (Trader Joes)
    Avocado slices on half a multigrain english muffin

    Protein with good fat keeps me full much longer.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    If im really hungry but low on calories, I go for raw veggies (green beans, broccoli, carrots and cucumber mostly) dipped in stone ground dijon mustard.

    If im just looking for a snack, but not really hungry, I go for pistachios usually.
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    I eat avocados pretty regularly. They are rich and luxurious tasting, so they seem to provide some sense of feeling satisfied. Plus they have all the healthy fats that I actively work into my food intake.
  • ChillaDude
    Grapes. Red Seedless. I love them. 4 calories each
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Do you mean literally biggest bang for your buck, as in most nutrients per cost? If so, I'd go with dried beans.

    Or did you mean most filling for the calories? If so, I'd go with spaghetti squash.

    Wouldn't literally be the most explosion for your horse's rearward kick?
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Sorry, bored, acting the foo...

    Anyway, mine's cottage cheese!
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Biggest bang most definitely, my lunch:

    I sauté red onions, spinach, carrot matchsticks, celery, cilantro, and sometimes broccoli in olive oil. Then I add a rotisserie chicken breast and some hot sauce. Once all the flavors mingle, I pour it out in a bowl and put a packet of soy sauce on it. Yum, Yum! 400 calories or less, incredibly filling.


    Microwaved sweet potato and butter. So creamy, and the heat and texture can solve craving issues.

    Frozen box of chocolate truffles. When you are having those chocolate cravings, take out one and let it defrost. Then eat it slowly. It's much more satisfying than a candy bar.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    I don't have anything to add that hasn't been said, except peanut butter. An apple with a tablespoon or two lasts a long time. Otherwise, agree with almonds, sweet potato and greek yogurt.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Broccoli lol
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Go to snack foods include raw veggies with hummus; fiber one bars or atkins bars; fruit; etc.

    Go to meals include chicken and zucchini (grill both and a huge meal is about 250 calories); beef and broccoli (I use a touch of soy sauce - but stay clear of the calorie ridden sauces).

    Favorite protein drink - CLICK espresso protein in Mocha

    Good luck!

  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    spaghetti squash. very filling
  • heyhey2015
    heyhey2015 Posts: 26 Member
    Add another vote for spaghetti squash, avocados on sale, and protein shakes
  • BeckiSwim19
    BeckiSwim19 Posts: 22 Member
    Quinoa - use this in pasta bakes instead of the pasta. And tastes amazing too! Can use instead of rice also. Accompany with various lentils to add variety of colours and textures whilst maintaining healthy low calorie meals that sustain energy levels for prolonged periods of time
  • robbypink
    robbypink Posts: 42 Member
    one celery stalk about 7 to 8 inches long
    1.5 tablespoons peanut butter
    2 tablespoons raisins
    It is crunch sweet and satisfying!
    about 210 calories