Who else is starting fresh today?



  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Haven't really fallen off but I've been at my parents hous celebrating birthdays & mother's day! Lots of eating out & junk food! Trying to resist it all today!

    You can do it! Lots of water today to flush out all the crap that's in junk food LOL. Think of how happy your body will be with fresh fruits and veggies, lots of nutrients and vitamins :)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Me too. According to my scale, I am 9.8 pounds heavier than I was last Wednesday morning. WTF.. So back on this thing, I need to eat healthy.

    It's probably a lot of water weight. When we eat bad food (junk food, processed food, restaurant food) our bodies tend to hold onto a lot of water since those foods are high in sodium. Drink a lot of water today--- A LOT! I try to drink 4 liters to stay hydrated. Weigh yourself again on Wednesday and I bet you will see a big difference :)
  • jpooley1988
    jpooley1988 Posts: 119 Member
    I fell off the wagon on my first weekend by drinking far to much wine and then compensating the hangover with junk foods!

    But I don't see the point in stopping drinking while Im dieting as when I achieve my goal I will start drinking again and pile it all back on.
    Maybe Ill just cut down next weekend!! :)

    I still managed to be under yesterday as I swam 90- lengths of the pool last night which is a mile and a half so, Im a little happy about that.

    Just need to stay away from the sugar and fast food with the hangovers!
  • I ate out almost every night last week...count me in!! I want to get these few pounds off before next month and I am DETERMINED to do it!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Not starting fresh as such but I am not quite finished my first week of "serious" dieting and using MFP religiously.

    My weigh in is tomorrow- hoping to have lost 1lb (please!)

    I had a fairly good week last week- had the odd glass of beer but I counted them into my allowance.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I am right there with you. I feel like I haven't been doing my best with this since Easter. Last night I went completely off the deep end I had a couple (yes a couple!) bottles of wine and I made a chocolate cluster peanut butter cake for mothers day. Lets say its very bad on calories and I had 3 slices! No wonder the scale hasn't moved! So today I am starting fresh and am going to be 100% commited to this and to get back on track until I am able to hit my goal.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I screwed up bad this weekend. In being in this journey over 2 years, I've never binged as much as I did this past weekend. It was rough. I have 20 more pounds to go, and I think this past weekend showed me that I need to get back on track 110% and stay focused. I'm never going to get anywhere eating everything that's in front of my face. Thats how I got to be 284 lbs and miserable.

    I'm strong and we've got this.
  • monky13grl
    monky13grl Posts: 55 Member
    ME!!! I hit the motherload of cheating (fiance's birthday, camping, mother's day). I ate everything. I woke up this morning and started fresh. No worries... one weekend won't kill ya- as long as one weekend isn't every weekend. :)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I screwed up bad this weekend. In being in this journey over 2 years, I've never binged as much as I did this past weekend. It was rough. I have 20 more pounds to go, and I think this past weekend showed me that I need to get back on track 110% and stay focused. I'm never going to get anywhere eating everything that's in front of my face. Thats how I got to be 284 lbs and miserable.

    I'm strong and we've got this.

    You've done ***amazing*** in the past 2 years! Congratulations on your sucess, you're in the home stretch now!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I am right there with you. I feel like I haven't been doing my best with this since Easter. Last night I went completely off the deep end I had a couple (yes a couple!) bottles of wine and I made a chocolate cluster peanut butter cake for mothers day. Lets say its very bad on calories and I had 3 slices! No wonder the scale hasn't moved! So today I am starting fresh and am going to be 100% commited to this and to get back on track until I am able to hit my goal.

    You can do it!
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I ate out almost every night last week...count me in!! I want to get these few pounds off before next month and I am DETERMINED to do it!

    You can do it! It's all willpower and good planning :)
  • mcondry80
    mcondry80 Posts: 3
    I AM! LOL! 3 girls from Church started this 2 mnths ago and all 3 have dropped 28lbs or more and did nothing but this. So what do I have to lose but lbs!! Here goes nothing.
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    im right there with you! i had a gain this week and i didnt like it at all!!! im so ashamed!
  • mcondry80
    mcondry80 Posts: 3
    You can do it girl. As long as you really want it. What I learned is dont deprive yourself to the point where you go overboard. If you want a candy bar eat a snacksize instead of a whole bar. If your not trying to get drunk sparkling peach juice or others taste just as good. And chew chew chew. 3 bites of that cake would have done the job instead of a whole piece. Good luck. Now I need to practice what I just said. LOL! Happy Monday!!
  • BeanieB21
    BeanieB21 Posts: 31
    i am!! well starting all over again :P

    im starving right now, only 3 more hours till dinner, hope i dont cave in and buy chocolate :P
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Grrrr!:angry: I hate it that I do this almost every weekend... I try to eat good but some how my routine always gets messed up and with Mother's Day this weekend, I gave my self a small break. I weigh-in on Tuesdays and by the Monday before I'm always mad at myself for not behaving over the weekend. Grrrrr! Back on board this morning. Hopefully it won't effect my weigh-in tomorrow. :ohwell:
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I am. I can't tell you the number of times I've "started over", but somehow I feel almost calm about it today. My "life's routine" was interrupted several weeks ago and the "focused eating" and daily exercise went out the window!

    Today, I'm focused, I'm determined, I'M BACK!

    Jillian, here I come, will be starting the 30 Day Shred TODAY! (again!)


  • xkarlax
    xkarlax Posts: 36 Member
    i ate sooooo much last week! so me to.. got myself to the gym this morning for spinning class so feel much better! good luck to everyone ;)
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I start fresh EVERY day. It's the only way to make this work.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    i am!! well starting all over again :P

    im starving right now, only 3 more hours till dinner, hope i dont cave in and buy chocolate :P

    I have one word when it comes to chocolate
    MODERATION! I eat chocolate every day, I will never give it up, but I only eat two little squares of dark chocolate. SOmetimes in the middle of the day, I want some, then I think to myself, "well, you can only have two squares, do you want them now or do you want to save them for later?" I alwasy save them for later to enjoy after dinner.

    Good luck!
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