emotions/comfort eating tips

EmJaiiOh Posts: 1
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm new here and also new to the world of calorie counting and watching what you eat. I need to lose a fair amount of weight which I'm embarrassed about. I have slight motivation with the fact I somehow lost 6 pounds without much conscious though! My problem is I'm an emotional eater. if I'm stressed happy sad angry I usually end up eating any tips on how to deal with this??


  • cs2ymc
    cs2ymc Posts: 9
    edited February 2015
    I've used PSTEC with a lot of success in many areas. I know they have a program specifically for emotional eating. The main page is pstec dot org for the free download. It's wickedly phenominal... I'm mentioning this because it's the most fantastic thing I've ever used successfully to reduce/eliminate emotions, so it's not an affiliate link or anything like that... :smile: