Help! Need some friendly weight losers to buddy with

Not sure if I am posting in the right place or not. I am looking for some people who have a lot of weight to lose, don't have a lot of extra money for all the weight plans and premade meals, who are emotional eaters, and who want someone that can help encourage them while also being a help. Looking to also to get some good tasting yet healthy meals that are family friendly as well as budget friendly:) I was doing good for a few months then backed off and am now back up and at it. Our biggest failure is giving up, not in our little back slides. Come on!! WE CAN DO IT!!


  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    I would love to buddy up! I am an emotional eating mama also. I could really use some support too!
  • healthy6211
    healthy6211 Posts: 3 Member
    Could you use one more person to buddy up with? I have a lot of weight to lose and I also am an emotion as l eater.
  • adelebar
    adelebar Posts: 2 Member
    I'm an emotional eater too and have a lot of weight to lose. I have a real tough time keeping my motivation up.
  • Im in the same situation!! Im in!
  • I'm with all y'all too! Have a lot to lose, emotional eater, & also on a budget. Would love to buddy up!
  • sosoangel
    sosoangel Posts: 20 Member
    In the same boat. Feel free to add :)
  • beanerschnitzel
    beanerschnitzel Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in!I need people to help motivate me and hold me accountable. This sounds great!
  • Please add me as a fp buddy! I'm looking to give and get support :)
  • adotpw
    adotpw Posts: 6 Member
    This sounds like a group I need to be in. I loose 10 - 15 lbs. and then eat doughnuts and yeast rolls to celebrate. And, I exercise, feel better and then quit! Goodness I really need support!
  • lds818
    lds818 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm there! Add me in!
  • Hosigsn22
    Hosigsn22 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! Count me in
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    Sounds familiar ;)
  • adotpw
    adotpw Posts: 6 Member
    I'm -451 in my diary today and 0 exercise. WHAT! I'm setting goals for tomorrow; walk 2 miles and 1st day of the 30 day squat challenge.
    I'll refrain from 2 tbsp. of butter and eat smarter.
    How about you?
  • LML1971
    LML1971 Posts: 82 Member
    Count me is my first day on MFP...
  • I just started using this app a week ago, have 90 lbs to lose. Would love to be a part of this support group as well...
  • Salgado000
    Salgado000 Posts: 3 Member
    I want to join too. I started 2 weeks ago.
  • L8riser
    L8riser Posts: 20 Member
    Sounds all to familiar, as well. I started last year, basically on my own. I'm not one to ask for help, or admit that I need some words of encouragement now and again. I need a friend, or two. I could really use a buddy... Count me in. Add me as a friend
  • pamkoty
    pamkoty Posts: 1 Member
    All of you feel free to add me as well. I need to make this a lifestyle change for good.
  • Jennifero1974
    Jennifero1974 Posts: 9 Member
    I am also a emotional eater and a Mamma of 6.. Been working MFP this time for about 10 day now I think.. Last time was shortly after my baby was born.. I would love to encourage and help out and support.. :)
  • savvyfantastic
    savvyfantastic Posts: 112 Member
    I am not a mum but used to have emotional eating issues, and I just think a few of you may benefit from this article I read the other day.

    Relationship with food is so important - we are so lucky to have the food we do! Now my main emotional issue is that I am emotionally invested in my food... I don't have a boyfriend, I have cooking time, ha!