lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
Hi there, I have been on a diet since Feb 2011 of an on BUT really have been trying my hardest with out failing since April 2011 Since I started in Feb 2011 I have lost a total of about 10 pounds all together but since I started MFP I have lost 5 lbs.
The funny things is I see myself in the mirrow and I still see myself very fat, some things fit looser now and I feel I can move more now. I haven't been doing much exercises lately b/c haven't been feeling so well and really can't do them any how.
But I have try to eat healthy and stay under my calories witch I have been doing good.
Yesturday (Mother's day) some family and friends came over for Mother's day that I haven't seen since Christmas and they all were bragging how good I look and that I should keep going and all. It felt really good that other people were seeing things that I don't see yet.
I took some pictures and compare them to older pic and I couldn't see the different. So I don't know if people are just saying b/c they know I am trying to loose weight and they want to make me feel better or if they really can't see a different by loosing only 10 pounds since they last saw me.
I couldn't post the pic b/c I am not home and also I thought why bother posting pic when I look the same.
well I guess all I am trying to say is.................
When did any of you who will reply to this post starting realizing you really have lost weight when looking in the mirrow? When did you started feeling proud of yourself and say WOW my hard working effort is really paying /showing off now?

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    take pictures it helps
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I'd lost nearly 70lbs since I started losing weight, and still didn't really *see* a difference in myself until I saw photos.
  • amycrims
    amycrims Posts: 94
    This is such a relative question. I haven't lost any weight in almost 2 months but I've been doing a lot of strength training and toning up. I have had more comments on how I've slimmed down in the past 2 months then during the time it took me to lose almost 20lbs.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    When my clothes fit better and I'm fitting into clothes from last summer. So now for me is when I feel thinner.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Well, for me I could tell a big difference after only 10lbs. It really depends on how much you have to lose and how tall you are. I'm only 4'11'' so at my height a loss or gain of 10lbs is usually pretty noticeable. How wonderful that your family is so supportive. I'm sure it's quite noticeable and you just have more trouble seeing it, because you see yourself every day. Keep going!!! You're doing great!
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    My Partner has started to get look thinner but, she has not lost enough according to her I notice it but she don't, so my point is maybe you have but can't see it as you are over critical of yourself
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    Well, for me I could tell a big difference after only 10lbs. It really depends on how much you have to lose and how tall you are. I'm only 4'11'' so at my height a loss or gain of 10lbs is usually pretty noticeable. How wonderful that your family is so supportive. I'm sure it's quite noticeable and you just have more trouble seeing it, because you see yourself every day. Keep going!!! You're doing great!

    Thankz ladies @ Bridgetc140 I am only 5'1 and I have about 65 lbs to go, I am currently 183.7 and when I started this diet I was about 193 So I hear what you are saying the problem is I don't see it yet!!!
  • Mel_Power
    Mel_Power Posts: 9
    I agree, take pictures I am sure they will help :) I wish i would have taken pictures when i started working out in March... I have lost 30lbs so far and somedays i still feel fat too :l But I prob. started to notice my weight loss when I lost around 15-20lbs :) Keep up the good work :D
  • hatchhome
    hatchhome Posts: 65
    For me I just feel better, not sure I look any different. Keep going. No matter what the scale says if you eat better and exercise when you can you will get the benefits. Pictures do help. Keep going, be strong
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I have lost 13 lbs with MFP since February, and 24 lbs overall since last fall, and I am just now starting to feel a big difference. Fitting into old, smaller clothes and feeling all my pants get looser is a great feeling! You will get there! Keep up the hard work.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    It depends on you and how you're weight is distributed. If you post the pics, I'm sure people would be glad to point out specific things that have changed.....If things are fitting better, than they probably look better and that could be the difference that people are seeing.

    It sounds like you're pretty down on yourself and your progress. What kind of expectations did you have for the first 10lbs? your first mini goal? Your final goal weight?

    People started commenting for me around 30lbs lost. Personally it took another 20lbs for me to start to see it. Even then, I didn't really see it was more specific things. Since around 50lbs lost, I keep noticing things more and more: I've lost my double chin (at all angles....LOL), my cheekbones are more prominent, my hips are more toned, I can see my wrist bone. Overall though, I don't really see a difference, but then my personal view of myself is quite different in the mirror than in photos. In photos, I see a huge difference. In the mirror, not so much.
  • scaatynj
    scaatynj Posts: 51 Member
    Having been on the weight merry-go-round for years, It's always been hard to see myself as *thinner* whenever I lose weight. Other folks don't notice until I go down at least 20 pounds. For me to feel thinner will be when clothes that I love that are sitting in the closet start to fit.

    I use the pounds lost as my motivation and try to stay focused on feeling healthier!
  • TVanD
    TVanD Posts: 9
    it takes a long time to "see "oneself as thinner or as a thin person. it helps to change your thought process - instead of saying to your self "look how fat i am" start changing those thoughts to " my clothes are fit better, i can do more, i have more energy" take the focus from your body image and focus on body awareness
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    If you know that you have lost some weight and you have been feeling more confident in yourself it could simply be the way that you are carrying yourself that is the difference you are noticing. You would be amazed by how much different you look to ppl when they are seeing you happy with yourself.. also it may be very subtle changes that when you see yourself everyday you dont see, but to ppl who havent seen you in months they are much more noticeable. try not to be so anxious to see the changes. Ive noticed that this is something that get me in trouble personally. If your doing the the things you know you should be doing then keep at it. Just sticking with it is an amazing accomplishment. Your doing great!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It can vary. Height is a big factor. On shorter people, a smaller amount of weight loss is likely more noticeable than on taller people. I'm 5'8" and really could tell a difference after about 20 lbs lost. Pictures do help b/c it's hard for us to see the loss in ourselves day to day. Other people will probably notice it better if they don't see you every day. Also, in addition to tracking weight loss on the scale, it's good to track your inches lost. And paying attention to how your clothes fit is another good thing.
  • lisastrom
    lisastrom Posts: 108 Member
    Personally, I didn't start really seeing any difference until I had lost at least 20 lbs.. My clothes were fitting better but didn't get really loose and I couldn't go down a size until after 20. People didn't start actually noticing and commenting until I had lost at least 25 lbs. (I have now lost 38 lbs. and the difference is quite profound).
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    I've lost 45 pounds and I still don't see a difference. I know I'm losing because I started wearing a 24W and today I'm wearing a 16W, but when I look in the mirror I still see the size 24 me!
  • Quaneshia1983
    Well I really didnt notice a differents until my work cloths were so bagging to the point . My manger came to me and said you need to get a new uniform. I mean I knew they were to big but you know how you don't want to change until you get to your goal that's how I felt. But I need my job so I did. I was wearing a men pants 42 and a women shirt 24. Now I'm in a mens pants 38 which is little to big and a woman shirts 20. So I still have 39pounds left to lose but I want to go pass that.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I started seeing a change in my boobs after about 10 lbs LOL but face and stomach at 20 of my body looks the same to me and measurements aren't changing much any place else either..
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Hi there, I have been on a diet since Feb 2011 of an on BUT really have been trying my hardest with out failing since April 2011 Since I started in Feb 2011 I have lost a total of about 10 pounds all together but since I started MFP I have lost 5 lbs.
    The funny things is I see myself in the mirrow and I still see myself very fat, some things fit looser now and I feel I can move more now. I haven't been doing much exercises lately b/c haven't been feeling so well and really can't do them any how.
    But I have try to eat healthy and stay under my calories witch I have been doing good.
    Yesturday (Mother's day) some family and friends came over for Mother's day that I haven't seen since Christmas and they all were bragging how good I look and that I should keep going and all. It felt really good that other people were seeing things that I don't see yet.
    I took some pictures and compare them to older pic and I couldn't see the different. So I don't know if people are just saying b/c they know I am trying to loose weight and they want to make me feel better or if they really can't see a different by loosing only 10 pounds since they last saw me.
    I couldn't post the pic b/c I am not home and also I thought why bother posting pic when I look the same.
    well I guess all I am trying to say is.................
    When did any of you who will reply to this post starting realizing you really have lost weight when looking in the mirrow? When did you started feeling proud of yourself and say WOW my hard working effort is really paying /showing off now?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    I didn't really see a difference until about 20 lbs. Then I really started to see it. Now that I only have about 20lbs left to go, I look in the mirror and still see a "fat" girl. I still don't like a lot of the pictures of myself and I still have a lot of moments of feeling fat. I guess it just takes time. The first time I knew that I was really losing weight was when my mother-in-law took me to get new jeans and handed me a size 14 and they actually fit me. I was so excited and felt like all my hard work was finally paying off. It just takes time, my friend. Do not give up and you will see results. Keep eating healthy and work out when you can. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, NOT a diet. Love you girl! :flowerforyou:
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