Your hardest habit to stop?



  • Juvenica
    Juvenica Posts: 460 Member
    yeah, I'll have to go with night time snacking , especially with sweets
  • kbare85
    kbare85 Posts: 38 Member
    LizN63 wrote: »
    Eating slightly over my calories, then eating loads because by then I've blown it anyway so it doesn't matter. And not logging it.

    Always thinking tomorrow will be better.

    YES. THIS.

    Also, pizza. I could have pizza every night. I never get tired of it. Now I'm learning to have only 2 pieces instead of 4, and to make sure I've budgeted my calories for the day.

  • DaFibble
    DaFibble Posts: 152 Member
    I feel I drink too much. About half a bottle of wine to a whole one every other day. It undermines my productivity, mood and willpower. Its not much of a hit to be honest but I'm so busy that I notice it and that's enough to become annoyed by it. One difficulty is that people around me drink a lot, especially my wife. I love having a bottle of wine or two with her then dancing & chatting until bed. Before I met her I would only drink about once a fortnight and then it was social drinking.
  • Going back for seconds and snacking before bed.,. I was borderline binge eating most days.
  • rtrels
    rtrels Posts: 13
    Nighttime snacking, major struggles-ville. And wine. Damn you wine. Damn you to hell.
  • Hvmattoon
    Hvmattoon Posts: 2 Member
    I've gotta stop drinking beer... Way too many unnecessary calories.
  • chocolatekiss5757
    chocolatekiss5757 Posts: 19 Member
    eating while watching tv. those calories must certainly add up fast.
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Eating salty snacks all the time! I'm addicted to tortilla chips.
  • ashadowreflected
    ashadowreflected Posts: 20 Member
    Eating like crap on the weekends. I food prep for Mon-Fri and that's good. But when it comes to weekends, I really have to work to force myself to make clean food. The hubby isn't helping when all he wants to do is go out to eat or have a big breakfast with full on eggs, bacon, sausages, etc. I have to use a lot of willpower to stick to turkey bacon and egg whites!

    ^^ This! Every word of it. ^^
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Drinking my calories. I've never been a big eater - I've always drank over half my intake a day (gross, right?). I'd have OJ, 6 Dr. Peppers, and about 6 cups of coffee a day (over 1600 calories a day, roughly).

    It's been easy to stop everything but the coffee. Especially on cold days.

    Yep, I am in your camp.

    I love to drink my calories. Since it is winter I might have 3 coffees in a day which are 85 cals right there times 3, a whole MEAL! I have cut back the caffeine free coke to none, 1, or 2 a day. Rest is water or tea no sugar.

    I do log them, including the half/half and sugar.

  • Not drinking enough water on the weekends...eating, eating, and eating more on the weekends...but please don't take away my weekends!
  • bettieb1988
    bettieb1988 Posts: 122 Member
    Definitely fast food!
  • Doing nothing at night, drinking water at home, portion sizes, donuts, fried food etc etc... results come eventually, right?
  • nissanmama
    nissanmama Posts: 26 Member
    Afternoon snacking is difficult. I want a sugar boost to get me through the energy lulls. Caffeine gives me a headache so I've started having a piece of fruit in the afternoons. A little sweet, a little fiber and then some gum while I prep dinner.
  • tebasile27
    tebasile27 Posts: 11 Member
    Having something sweet after dinner. Unfortunately it turns into more calories than my actual dinner. :/
  • GTRguy
    GTRguy Posts: 45 Member
    Stopping by the McD drive through on the way to work for my morning coffee and 2 sausage mc muffins was my morning ritual for the past 15 yrs. I started working out at a gym 10 yrs ago and though I got fitter my weight never left me. Of course I was in denial and thought the 70% diet 30% exercise rule was BS.

    I haven't been to McDs in weeks since I started here on MFP with my linked Fitbit, and I brew a coffee to go with my Tassimo now before heading off to work now. So far so good.

    Love this quote: you cant beat a poor diet with exercise :)

    Cheers all, and add me as a friend!
  • lgmorgansb
    lgmorgansb Posts: 27 Member
    Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night (like tonight) hungry. I hate the thought of eating something at 1:30 in the morning but if I must it's a homemade granola bar (or two) lol
  • AngelZealot
    AngelZealot Posts: 49 Member
    Mine is definitely my coffee with creamer... flavored creamer and whipped cream on top! I love a super sweet cup of coffee. It's like a dessert for me. And on the weekends I tend to go off course with eating fast food of some sort.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    Unfortunately, smoking. :unamused:
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Eating just because food tastes good and it's there. Far and away… this is my "food issue." I'm not an emotional eater or a binger. But if there is food that I like … I will eat it. Being hungry has never had anything to do with it. Noticed it especially on my birthday when we went out to dinner. I was full. But there was still food on my plate and I kept eating just because it tasted good. I was miserable afterward (physically). I really have to watch my portions and only serve myself the appropriate amount.