Elliptical vs Treadmill

hi there I have been using my elliptical since Oct. It has helped me lose 20 pounds but lately I am not real motivated to use it. I have an older treadmill i my basement I was thinking about digging out. Which will give me the most bang for my exercise time? Thanks


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    The one that you enjoy more
  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    I lift for one hour and then I get on the elliptical for 20 mins. I agree with the poster above "the one you enjoy more". Ultimately maybe you should switch it up, try and see.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Agree, you just need to enjoy it. I don't like treadmills but I don't mind attempting to run outdoors. I like the elliptical, but I think I prefer the bike and rower (probably because I can sit lol).
  • BaranVonCoop
    BaranVonCoop Posts: 34 Member
    I agree that it is a personal preference. If you've strictly been doing the elliptical, it might just be that you need to shake up the workout for a bit, and then you may find yourself wanting to go back to it.

    Worst comes to worst, if you dig that treadmill out, at least you have options with respect to your workouts. :)